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This is my Oblivion review! I just thought I'd give my two cents on what I think about this game...


Oblivion gameplay is very varied, and there is lots you can do. Following the Main Quest without doing other quests can be tricky, since every third person wants to give you one. The Guilds are fun, but it's a bit strange you can be the head of the Dark Brotherhood, the Mages Guild and the Fighters Guild. Obviously it's possible, but seems unlikely. The controls and mechanics are nicely explained in the tutorial, which in itself is pretty cool. The only thing about the tutorial that sucks is paying millions for Patrick Stewart to voice 5 minutes of speech, and have all the other NPCs' voices mundane and boring.
Most of the way things are done are neat, such as the lockpicking game (which becomes redundant after Nocturnal's quest) and feeding as a vampire. Some things, such as reverse pickpocketing are really unrealistic, but certainly useful!


The story is well thought-out, although the whole 'yeah hi i'm the emperor now go save the world' isn't that original.
The whole Mythic Dawn thing is really cool, since they think when they die they'll go to Mankar Camaron's Paradise and be all happy and crap, but they actually hate it. And if Mehrunes Dagon did take over the world, I doubt that he'd really care about the Mythic Dawn, he'd probably just kill them. Yet they believe it all regardless.


Combat in Oblivion is alright. Swinging your axe/sword continuously or constantly shooting arrows gets kinda repetitive, and while the Magic system is cool, the whole hotkey business can be slightly confusing to new players, and for PC maybe a WoW-style hotbar would have been good, but the minimalistic HUD is good because it doesn't interfere.
Stealth-players are the most fun to me, since you can be right behind a Necromancer and they won't even realize, and it only takes one hit. They definetly make combat easier.
As previously mentioned, some of the combat animations (both 1st person and 3rd) get boring very quickly, and while there are power attacks, everything is pretty much the same.

Graphics & Soundtrack

Oblivion has a really nice soundtrack, from quiet ambient music in the background, to loud, battle-style music. Trust me, when you have just started playing and you hear the 'enemy nearby' music, it's the scariest thing in the game (LOL).
The graphics are also cool, but the lack of variety in NPCs faces and in enemies, as well as the odd 'blotchiness' effect on NPC faces is a bit of a let-down, but it's better than Morrowind, and some of the scenery is quite stunning.


  • Public transport (pretty much everyone who played Morrowind agrees)
  • More realist scenarios
    • Pickpocketing a sleeping noble and then yielding. Why do they just stare at you, and not call the flipping guards?!
    • Destructible environments! And developed personalities, so if you burn down someone's house they'll hate you and be afraid of fire..
  • Clutter needs to have at least some value, and some functionality.
  • Where the hell does everyone s**t?!
    • And cook, for that matter... There are no kitchens, everyone eats raw food... Ew.
  • Just more Roleplaying stuff... This is a 'Roleplaying' Game after all.
  • More easter eggs! Bethesda's easter eggs are hilarous! Keep them coming!
  • More drops. Apparently the animals of Cyrodiil are made entirely of fur, and Goblin armour is an illusion.
  • More enemies. And fill up some of the empty places in the wilderness.
    • More 'real-life' creatures.
  • More everyday people in towns and camps, etc.
    • Children!!!
    • More travellers on the roads, some of them might sell stuff, or have a horse (and/or cart), you could be a highwayman and rob them!

Well, there is more, but this is the stuff I want most.

Final Word

Some parts of Oblivion have been a bit of a let-down, such as the lack of variety in pretty much everything except the scenery and quests. While their houses aren't quite as bad as Pokemon (You know, we sleep on the table, and a bookshelf is more important to me than a kitchen!), but the lack of toilets is... disturbing. I love realism in games, but games should still be able to be a place you can escape to without the burdens of personal hygiene. Roleplaying is my favourite thing about Oblivion, and it's a really good game for Roleplaying, but it needs a little more tweaking.
Overall Score- 9/10