Skyrim Mod:Mod File Format/PHZD

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PHZD records contain the data for placed hazards, that is they take a Hazard record and put it in the world. These are only found as subrecords in Cells.

Record header flags:

0x400 -
0x800 - Initially Disabled
0x10000 - Is Full LOD
0x10000000 - Reflected By Auto Water
0x20000000 - Don't Havok Settle
0x40000000 - not Respawns
C SubRecord Name Type/Size Info
- VMAD scripting VMAD scripting info
+ NAME base hazard formid HAZD
- XIS2 not found in .esms, zero length, present if "Ignored By Sandbox" is checked
- XSCL scale float presumably the scale of the base model
- XESP enable parent struct 8-byte struct
formid REFR usually to a STAT
uint32 -flags
0x01 = Set Enable State Opposite Parent
0x02 = Pop In
+ DATA coords struct 24-byte struct
float x
float y
float z
float rx
float ry
float rz
* XLRL location formid found in Cutting Room Floor