Skyrim Mod:Mod File Format/DUAL

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DUAL records are used for dual cast art.

These records might not actually be used, only 2 records - doomSerpentDualCastData and FrostStormDualCastData. But they are referenced by 1 and 11 MGEF records respectively.

C SubRecord Name Type/Size Info
+ EDID editorId zstring Editor id
+ OBND object bounds OBND Object Bounds
+ DATA unknown struct 24-byte struct
formID Projectile (PROJ)
formID Explosion (EXPL)
formID Effect Shader (EFSH)
formID Hit Effect Art (ARTO)
formID Impact Data Set (IPDS)
uint32 scale inheritance flags
0x01 - hit effect art inherits scale
0x02 - projectile inherits scale
0x04 - explosion inherits scale