Oblivion Mod:Programmers

A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995
Outdated Tech: This list of programmers/projects is from the early months of Oblivion analysis and toolmaking and is now out of date. For current tools see the main Modding page.

While TESCS for Oblivion CS4 is quite powerful, there are a number of times when it's desirable to go outside CS4's limitations and deal more directly with the data files that Oblivion depends on. This page is focused on information and programs related to this effort. While regular users may find this page interesting for following WIPs and locating tools, the page is primarily geared to support the programmers working on the issues.


Topic Experts Info/See Also Tools
BSA File Format
List, unpack and pack BSA archives.
  • GhostWheel
  • Rick
  • Timeslip
  • Vasiliy
  • BSA Unpacker
  • Updated TES4BSA
  • BSA Commander
Hack into the engine to extend scripting, etc.
  • Rick
  • ianpatt
  • Oblivion Script Extender(OBSE)
Esp/Esm Conversion
Convert from esp to esm and vice versa.
  • AME
  • ScripterRon
  • Wrye
  • Tes4 Plugin Utility
  • Wrye Bash
Face Transplanation
Replace the PC's face.
  • Wrye
  • Rick
  • ResetGun
  • Wrye Bash (0.06 or higher)
  • Oblivion Face Exchange Lite
What they are, how they effect modding and how to deal with them.
  • Wrye
Mod File Format
Structure of esm/esp files.
  • GhostWheel
  • Dave Humphrey
  • Wrye
Nothing yet.
Mod Integration
Making separate mods to work together.
  • Wrye
Mod Merging
Merge several mods together.
  • Henry Morgan
  • ScripterRon
  • Wrye
  • Tes4 Plugin Utility
Mod Translation
Translate a mod into a different language.
  • Sir Dragon
Nothing yet.
  • TES4 Mod Translator
Object Merging
Merge changes to same object from different mods.
Nothing yet. Nothing yet.
Save Game Updater
Adjust for merged mods, etc.
  • Rick
  • Wrye
Nothing yet.
Save File Format
Structure of save files.
  • Rick
  • ResetGun
  • Wrye
  • Save File API and Viewer
  • 010 Editor Templates/Scripts
Total Conversions
Building a completely new game using the Oblivion engine.
  • Erstam
  • Sinister Shadows
Unleveling NPCs
Unlevel NPCs in save games, so that releveling mods can affect them.
  • Wrye Bash (0.16 or higher)
Technical wishlist for Bethesda Softworks developers.


Programmer Current Projects Past Projects
AME-Oxinetex Home (German)
Mod Merger [WIP] Discuss
  • Physically merges records, which isn't sufficient for true mod merging.
Oblivion File Changer Download
  • Command line interface. Hard to use.
  • Command line esp/esm converter.
GhostWheel Home
  • Platform: None
TES4BSA Download
  • Command line only.
  • Lists, unpacks Oblivion BSA archives.
Mod File Format Download
BSAPackUtility [Morrowind]
  • Lists, packs, unpacks Morrowind BSA archives.
TES Plugin Tool
  • Clean, merge dialogs, merge objects,
Hayden, Farren
Enchanted Editor [Morrowind]
  • Mid-low level editor for Morrowind mod and save files.
Humphrey, Dave Uesp
Mod File Format
UESP Owner/Sysop Talk
  • Alternate editor
TES4 Code Library
  • Low level C++ code for handling Oblivion files
UESP Creator/Author
Morrowind File Format
Kyorisu Home
Save Management
Morgan, Henry
Mod Merger [WIP] Discuss
  • Platform: .NET
Oblivion Face Exchange Lite
Save File Format UESP
Save File API and Viewer [WIP]
  • Collection of classes with source code
  • Interactive save file viewer (you may export data to file)
  • Save record format is not yet fully decoded
Save File Format UESP
BSA File Format UESP
Updated TES4BSA Download Discuss
  • Updated version of ghostwheel's TES4BSA.
  • Command line only.
  • Lists, unpacks Oblivion BSA archives.
  • Contact: Elder Scrolls Forum
  • Platform: Java
Tes4 Plugin Utility Discuss
  • Mod merging. Merges master lists for mods, and adjusts formids and editorids.
  • Esp/esm conversion.
Timeslip Home
  • Platform: .Net
Oblivion Mod Manager Download Discuss
TESsnip Discuss
  • Crashes trying to load some complex plugins
BSA unpacker Discuss
Plugin conflict detector
  • Only scans for duplicate EDID's. No other conflicts are detected.
Exe optimizer
Morrowind Graphics Extender (MGE)
Visiliy Home
BSA Commander Download

Wrye Home
  • Contact: Elder Scrolls Forums
  • Platform: Python
Wrye Bash Download Discuss
  • Oblivion File and save game management.
  • Esp/esm conversion.
Analysis Read
  • Papers on FormIds, Mod Merging, etc.
UESP Sysop Talk
Wrye Mash [Morrowind]
  • Mod and save game management.
  • Doubing prevention/repair.
  • General mod and save file manipulation.