Oblivion Mod:ObEdit/Roadmap

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This page discusses, very generally, the roadmap of future ObEdit releases and their possible features.

Initial Release - v0.1

Mainly a release to get basic some testing and feedback from. Will contain a basic, but incomplete, feature set. Hopefully enough bugs will be found and fixed and enough feedback will be generated to help drive the direction of the editor in future releases.

  • Allow editing of some records.
  • Loading of plugins with multiple masters.
  • Basic undo system.
  • Basic CSV import/export of records.
  • Simple version of the resource viewer (only allows viewing of resources).
  • No editing of extended records like dialogues or cells.
  • No cell view or preview windows.
  • No script compiler (can edit scripts though).
  • Basic options supported.
  • Basic help system via the web (either the UESP or CS wikis).


The next release will be based on the success, or failure, of v0.1.

  • Addition of most, if not all, record types.
  • Include editing of extended record types such as dialogues and cells.
  • Script and book editors include syntax highlighting.
  • No script compiler still (depends on progress and time).
  • No cell view or preview windows.
  • Resource viewer is extended to allow creation/extraction of resources and other features.
  • Copy/cut/paste records.
  • Wiki help contents expanded.
  • Find references.
  • Automatic update of record dependencies when deleting a record.
  • Script import/export.
  • Addition of ObRandItem?


  • Script compiler


  • Preview window of models


  • Simple cell view


  • Main release after sufficient testing?