Oblivion Mod:ObEdit/Features

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Current Features

The following lists the current features found in ObEdit.


  • Automatic backup of files when saving (can be disabled). Backup location, maximum number, and maximum size can be customized.
  • Undo most actions when editing records (add, delete, edit).
  • Find text or binary data, case sensitive or insensitive. More exhaustive search than the CS.
  • Batch edit multiple records with common fields.
  • Open and edit multiple plugins at once.

User Interface

  • More consistent and organized user interface.
  • Record counts shown in record tree.
  • Record list shows active and deleted records in different colors.
  • Custom dialog to make selection of scripts/enchantments/etc... for records easier.
  • Record list shows almost all fields for a record.
  • Record tree can be customized to show different grouping of records. Default group categories are improved.
  • Update a record being edited without closing its dialog (Apply).
  • Drag-and-drop operations are supported in more locations, including:
  • Script, Enchantment, Ingredient, Sound and other similar controls on edit dialogs.
  • To and from leveled list items, creatures, and spells (drag between leveled lists to copy).
  • To and from containers (drag between containers to copy items).
  • To and from effect records: Spells, Enchantments, Ingredients, Sigil Stones, and Potions (drag effects to copy).

Help System

  • Tooltips for most controls (can be disabled).
  • Press F1 to jump to the appropriate help page on the UESP or CS wiki (selected in options).


  • Import/export most records from/to CSV (Comma Seperated Value) files.
  • Most records fields supported.
  • Escapes/unescapes special characters (carriage returns, tabs, commas, etc...) to allow extended fields to be exported/imported.
  • Existing records are automatically updated/overwritten when importing.
  • Formids automatically assigned to new imported records.


  • Improved performance at the cost of requiring more memory (loading Oblivion.esm takes +800 MB).
  • Oblivion.esm is only ever loaded once. This allows multiple plugins to be loaded at once and decreases loading time of subsequent loads.

Desired Features

The following lists wanted or possible features for ObEdit. Note that a feature listed here may not necessarily ever be implemented.


  • A working and customizable autosave.
  • Improved validation of plugin data and resource files.
  • Reload recent files (MRU).
  • Automatically select required master files when loading a plugin.
  • Copy/cut/paste records.

User Interface

  • Preview item window.
  • A little search in the "item list" so you can find items faster.
  • Tooltips for every interface component.
  • Resizeable windows and windows that remember their last settings.
  • Customize order and display of columns in the record list.

Resource Editor

  • View all Oblivion resources files (models, textures, sounds, etc...), both as contained in BSA files and in individual files.
  • Extract resources from BSA files as needed.
  • Use external applications to easily edit resources.
  • Create/update BSA files.
  • Preview resources.


  • Script compiler that catches many more errors and warnings.
  • Syntax highlighting editor with undo. Colors and formats can be customized.
  • Compiler can be customized to recognize alternate script languages.
  • Support for any custom script extensions, like OBSE.
  • Auto-indentation, auto-completion.

Render View

Note that a cell view is lower on the list of possible features due to the difficulty of implementing it.

  • Multiple views.
  • A better way to manuever.
  • Select a texture from the window.
  • Nudge items for fine tuning position and rotation.


  • Optionally defer loading of some rarely used data until required.
  • Disk caching of rarely used data.


  • Warn users about some possible issues or common problems.
  • Improved help system of some form. Link interface/controls to one or more CS Wiki articles.