Oblivion Mod:Mod File Format/CELL

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A CELL record defines a cell. Interior cells are defined in the CELL group while exterior cells are defined in the WRLD group. The CELL record is followed by a group containing the references for the cell.

Persistent references are defined in the 'persistent children' subgroup while temporary references are defined in the 'temporary children' subgroup. Visible when distant references are defined in the 'visible distant' subgroup.

For an exterior cell, the persistent references are defined in a dummy cell in the worldspace group. The visible when distant and temporary references are then defined within exterior block/subblock groups. The 'visible distant' subgroup must occur before the 'temporary children' subgroup for a cell, otherwise the distant objects will not be rendered by the game engine.

For an interior cell, the persistent and temporary references are defined in interior block/subblock groups. The 'persistent children' subgroup must occur before the 'temporary children' subgroup.

The block and subblock groups for an interior cell are determined by the last two decimal digits of the lower 3 bytes of the cell form ID (the modindex is not included in the calculation). For example, for form ID 0x000CF2=3314, the block is 4 and the subblock is 1.

The block and subblock groups for an exterior cell are determined by the X-Y coordinates of the cell. Each block contains 16 subblocks (4x4) and each subblock contains 64 cells (8x8). So each block contains 1024 cells (32x32).

Subrecord Type Info
EDID zstring Cell editor ID
FULL zstring Cell name
DATA ubyte[1] Flags
0x01 = Can't travel from here
0x02 = Has water
0x08 = Force hide land (exterior cell), Oblivion interior (interior cell)
0x20 = Public place
0x40 = Hand changed
0x80 = Behave like exterior
XCLL struct Lighting (only used for interior cells)
XCMT ubyte[1] Music type if not default type
0x01 = Public
0x02 = Dungeon
XOWN formid Owner (NPC or Faction)
XGLB formid Global variable (if owner is NPC)
XRNK long Faction rank (if owner is faction)
XCCM formid Climate (if interior cell behaves like exterior cell)
XCWT formid Water
XCLW float Water height (if not 0.00)
XCLR formid[*] Regions containing the cell
XCLC long[2] (X, Y) grid (only used for exterior cells)