Morrowind Mod:Tamriel Rebuilt/Agurz gra-Murzum

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Agurz gra-Murzum (TR_m1_Q_Orc_1)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt, Map 1
Location Molagreahd Region, (15,19)
Race Orc Gender Female
Level 28 Class Champion
Other Information
Health 229 Magicka 124
Agurz gra-Murzum

Agurz gra-Murzum is the commander of the Marrowmoth Legion Camp, which is located on a cape far northwest of Firewatch. She is a formidable fighter and prefers to use the vicious axe Last Rites, along with legion's officer's armor. She used to be a member of the Imperial Legion, but she became tired of all the corruption and decided to make her own fighting force. Soon her friends joined her and they became the Marrowmoth Legion. Their goal still is to serve the imperial law, but by deserting from the legion they became outlaws themselves.

When a group of raiders is active on the roads around Firewatch, it is easy to accuse the Marrowmoth Legion of being the raiders. This is unwise, however, because they have nothing to do with the raiders and they are very tough fighters. However, if you stay friendly to them, Agurz and her comrades will even help you to defeat the real raiders.

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