Daggerfall:Trouble with Orcs

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Kill the leader of a local orc gang.
Location(s): Any questgiver of a knight order
Reward: None
Reputation Gain: see Reputation Gain/Loss
ID: b0c00y10
Required Reputation: Not in order
Difficulty: Hard
Take care of the orc leader.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to a questgiver of a knight order.
  2. Head to the dungeon the questgiver points you to.
  3. Find and kill the orc sergeant.
  4. Report back to the questgiver.
  5. Be sure to follow the time limit.

Detailed Walkthrough

Quest Offer

Talk to a questgiver of a knight order that you don't belong to, and he will say:

I am (questgiver's name). You are not a member of this knightly order. We are not sure if you can be trusted yet. If you were to slay the leader of the bandit band of orcs troubling our area, it might change our minds. Do you have the stomach for such work?

Quest Acceptance

Questgiver goes on:

Kill as many orcs as you can, but be sure to kill their leader, (orc leader's name). The foul band is hiding up in (dungeon). If you're not back in (time limit) days, I will know you are the coward everyone says you are.

Quest Decline

Questgiver answers:

Why am I not surprised? Come back when you are ready to earn our respect.

Quest Object

This is a standard dungeon crawl. Head to the dungeon the questgiver points you to and find the orc leader within. The leader will be an orc sergeant, distinguishable from other orcs by his horned helmet without a plume. When the correct orc is slain, you will receive a message saying:

(orc leader's name) is dead. Without a leader, these orcs will never be more than a nuisance.

Quest End

Return to the questgiver, who will say:

Hmmm. Maybe we should consider you for membership. Not a bad job at all, (player's name).

Reputation Gain/Loss

A successfully completed quest results in a reputation gain according to the table below.

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Generic Knightly Order +10
Questers +5
Smiths +2
Healers +2
Seneschal +2
City-State where the order is located +4
Nobility of the city-state where the order is located +2
People of the city-state where the order is located +4
Knight Order and all other factions of the city-state +2

A failed quest will result in a reputation loss as seen in the table below.

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Generic Knightly Order -4
Questers -2
Smiths -1
Healers -1
Seneschal -1


  • Random dungeon monsters
  • Quest target: One orc sergeant
