Daggerfall:The Relic

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Retrieve a sacred relic guarded by a lich.
Location(s): Any Questgiver of your Temple
Reward: A magical item
Reputation Gain: see Reputation Gain/Loss
ID: c0b10y15
Required Reputation: 10 reputation or more
Difficulty: Hard
Bring the relic back

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to a questgiver of your Temple.
  2. Head to the dungeon the questgiver points you to.
  3. Find the relic and retrieve it, optionally destroy the lich also.
  4. Bring the relic back to the questgiver.
  5. Collect your reward..
  6. Be sure to follow the time limit.

Detailed Walkthrough

Quest Offer


(Brother/Sister), (Temple) needs you for a dangerous mission to retrieve one of the lost (relic) of (Temple's deity). You will have to defy the power of (lich's name), its creator who then betrayed the temple and sank into evil. He is now a lich, and still guards the (relic) Are you willing?

Quest Acceptance

Questgiver goes on:

I admire your courage, but tremble to think of the danger you are about to face. (lich's name) guards his (relic) of (Temple's deity) in (dungeon). Remember, there is no need to slay the lich, just retrieve the (relic) and return it to (Temple) here. If we have no word from you in (time limit) days, we will chant the Song of the Departed for you. (Temple's deity)'s blessings upon you, (player's name).

Quest Decline

Questgiver answers:

I understand. A lich is a fearsome opponent for one of your youth and inexperience. Perhaps as you mature you will take up this again. (Temple's deity) go with you.

Quest Object

Head to dungeon you were told and find the relic within. The lich will be just next to it and it is perhaps easier to take care of him first, than trying to snatch the relic away, especially if it is in a small room. Upon hitting the lich after you picked up the relic he hisses in fury:

You dogs of (Temple) will never have my (relic)! I made it and I will keep it. Nothing will stop me, not even the grave.

Once he is disposed, pick up the relic and you will get a notification. Bring it back to the questgiver to collect your reward.

Quest End

When you hand the relic over, the questgiver says:

Praise to great (Temple's deity)! I had not allowed myself to hope that you would actually succeed. (Temple's deity)'s favor will surely shine upon you for this deed. As a small token of the Temple's gratitude, please accept this enchanted (item).

If you also destroyed the lich:

What? You not only retrieved the sacred (relic), but also killed the evil (lich's name)? You are truly one of (Temple's deity)'s favored ones. You will surely rise far in our order.

Reputation Gain/Loss

A successfully completed quest results in a reputation gain according to the table below.

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Deity of the Temple +5
Temple and its associated factions +2

A failed quest results in a reputation loss according to the table below.

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Deity of the Temple -2
Temple and its associated factions -1

Additional Rreputation

In case you also destroyed the lich, you will gain additional reputation as shown below:

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Deity of the Temple +7
Temple and its associated factions +3


  • Random dungeon monsters
  • One Lich near the religious item
