Daggerfall:Mysticism Spells

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Spell Range Magnitude Chance of success (%) Duration (in-game minutes) Spell Effect(s)
Banish Daedra + On Touch - 10 + 5/per level - Dispel Daedra
Far Silence * Target at Range - 35 + 2/per level 1 + 1/per level Silence
Fenrik's Door Jam Caster only - 6 + 1/per 10 levels 1 + 1/per 25 levels Lock
Holy Touch + On Touch - 10 + 2/per level - Dispel Undead
Holy Word + Area around Caster - 10 + 2/per level - Dispel Undead
Null Magicka On Touch - 10 + 2/per level - Dispel Magic
Open Caster only - 20 + 2/per level 1 + 1/per level Open
Recall Caster only - - - Teleport
(first cast sets anchor at caster's current position, second cast teleports caster back to anchor)
Silence * On Touch - 35 + 2/per level 1 + 1/per level Silence
Soul Trap On Touch - 10 + 5/per level 10 + 2/per level Soul Trap
(needs empty Soul Gem, or target won't die until spell expires)
Spell Reflection Caster only - 10 + 5/per level 1 + 1/per level Spell Reflection
Tongues Caster only - 20 + 2/per level 1 + 1/per level Increases the chances that a monster with language will not attack
Wizard Lock Caster only - 20 + 4/per level 1 + 1/per level Lock
Wizard Rend On Touch (1-14) + 1/per level 10 + 5/per level (for Paralyze) 1 + 1/per level Damage to Spell Points and Paralyze


* Silence will not work on Spiders or Scorpions.
+ If spell is successful, the enemy will vanish without leaving a corpse behind. When these spells are used against a quest target, they will result in a quest breaking situation, see here for further information.