Morrowind Mod:Tamriel Rebuilt/Sea of Ghosts

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Sea of Ghosts Weather Table
Clear 0% Thunder 15%
Cloudy 10% Foggy 35%
Ash 0% Blight 0%
Overcast 10% Rain 30%
Snow 0% Blizzard 0%
The Sea of Ghosts (note that the islands in it are part of different regions)

The Sea of Ghosts is the name for the waters to the north and northeast of Tamriel. The Sea of Ghosts is part of the Padomaic Ocean; it meets the Abecean Sea off the coast of northwestern High Rock, and the Inner Sea along the shores of northern Morrowind. Some exploration of the sea has yet to be completed, and icebergs are a common sight in its cold, misty waters. The island of Solstheim is located in the Sea of Ghosts, and the island's Harstrad, Iggnir and Isild rivers flow into it. The Nedic people sailed from the northern continent Atmora to Tamriel across this sea.


A list of places found in the Sea of Ghosts, on the continental part of Morrowind.

Cities and Settlements

Since this region only consists of a big sea, there are no settlements located within it.




Related Quests

A list of quests that are related to the Sea of Ghosts, on the continental part of Morrowind.

Faction Quests

Miscellaneous Quests


Name Gender Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Bedaves Indaram {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] 31,16)
Sink-the-Ship {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] (22,23) Already dead
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