Morrowind Mod:ToggleModes
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< Alphabetical Functions / Categorical Functions(Redirecionado de Morrowind Mod:TCL)
ToggleAI (TAI) | ToggleBorders (TB) | ToggleCollision (TCL) | ToggleCollisionBoxes (TCB) |
ToggleCollisionGrid (TCG) | ToggleCombatStats (TCS) | ToggleDebugText (TDT) | ToggleDialogueStats (TDS) |
ToggleFogOfWar (TFOW) | ToggleFullHelp (TFH) | ToggleGodMode (TGM) | ToggleGrid (TG) |
ToggleKillStats (TKS) | ToggleLights (TL) | ToggleLoadFade (TLF) | ToggleMagicStats (TMS) |
ToggleMenus (TM) | TogglePathGrid (TPG) | ToggleScriptOutput (TSO) | ToggleScripts |
ToggleSky (TS) | ToggleStats (TST) | ToggleTextureString (TTS) | ToggleVanityMode (TVM) |
ToggleWater (TWA) | ToggleWireFrame (TWF) | ToggleWorld (TW) |
ToggleAI (TAI) ToggleBorders (TB) ToggleCollision (TCL) ToggleCollisionBoxes (TCB) ToggleCollisionGrid (TCG) ToggleCombatStats (TCS) ToggleDebugText (TDT) ToggleDialogueStats (TDS) ToggleFogOfWar (TFOW) ToggleFullHelp (TFH) ToggleGodMode (TGM) ToggleGrid (TG) ToggleKillStats (TKS) ToggleLights (TL) ToggleLoadFade (TLF) ToggleMagicStats (TMS) ToggleMenus (TM) TogglePathGrid (TPG) ToggleScriptOutput (TSO) ToggleScripts ToggleSky (TS) ToggleStats (TST) ToggleTextureString (TTS) ToggleVanityMode (TVM) ToggleWater (TWA) ToggleWireFrame (TWF) ToggleWorld (TW) Type: Console Example: Scripts:
These console commands enable/disable various modes or statistics within the game (use once to enable and again to disable). Their descriptions are as follows:
- ToggleAI - Toggle the NPC/creature AI?
- ToggleBorders' - Toggles the display of exterior cell borders.
- ToggleCollision - Toggle all collsion. When off, the player and all NPC/creatures can walk through anything.
- ToggleCollisionBoxes - Toggle display of collision boxes?
- ToggleCollisionGrid - Toggle display of collision grid?
- ToggleCombatStats - Turn combat stats on/off? Stats are displayed in the console window.
- ToggleDebugText - Toggles the display of debug statistic in the main display.
- ToggleDialogueStats - Turn dialogue stats on/off?
- ToggleFogOfWar - Toggles the display of unexplored areas of the map. When off the unexplored areas are black. When on the unexplored areas are displayed normally.
- ToggleFullHelp - Displays the ownership and script of objects and NPCs you look at.
- ToggleGodMode - Toggles invulnerability mode for the player. When on the player cannot be hurt, lose magicka, or lose fatigue. The player can still take damage from scripted effects, and from effects such as Sun Damage. Enchanted weapons also never lose their charge and weapons with zero charge (such as Clutterbane), will function as if they had a charge.
- ToggleGrid - Unknown
- ToggleKillStats - Turn kill stats on/off. Kill stats are shown in the console.
- ToggleLights - Toggle display of lights.
- ToggleLoadFade - Toggles the use of a fade in/out when loading a new cell.
- ToggleMagicStats - Turn magic stats on/off. Toggling this off will prevent the player from creating any potions.
- ToggleMenus - By menus, the command means your HUD (display of compass, current weapon, spell, etc.). Toggling this off is good for taking screen shots without the clutter.
- TogglePathGrid - Toggles display of the AI path grid.
- ToggleScriptOutput - Unknown
- ToggleScripts - Toggles use of scripts or not.
- ToggleSky - Turns the sky on/off.
- ToggleStats - Turns all the various statistics on or off.
- ToggleTextureString - Unknown (display texture filenames of objects?)
- ToggleVanityMode - View 1st or 3rd person display?
- ToggleWater - Turns the display of water on/off.
- ToggleWireFrame - Turns the wire frame mode on/off.
- ToggleWorld - Toggles display of the gameworld, if off only NPCs and sky is visible.