Morrowind:Elith-Pal Mine

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< Places: Mines(Redirecionado de Morrowind:Alanil Llaram)
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Elith-Pal Mine
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Miners, Imperial Guards, Rats
Console Location Code(s)
Elith-Pal Mine
Ashlands, [7,10]
Elith-Pal Mine

Elith-Pal Mine is an ebony mine just to the west of the Zainab Ashlander camp.

The mine is run mostly by Imperials, with Dunmer crew and a Bosmer supervisor whose main duty is to provide a reliable supply of flin to keep morale high among the workers.

Stealing the raw ebony here might be tempting, but be wary of the guards.

Related Quests

Fighters Guild

  • Flin for Elith-Pal: Deliver a load of flin to the Elith-Pal Mine at the base of the Red Mountain.


Name Gender Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight
Alanil Llaram {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]]
Astien Masoriane {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]]
Dangor Male&M Bosmer Archer 17 139 106 90 30
Fothas Thirandus {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]]
Lleras Andalen {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]]
Nalmen Athren {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]]
  • 3 Imperial Guards


Map of Elith-Pal Mine