Daggerfall:Old Unofficial FAQ/Screen Shots and Previews

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This is the Screen Shots and Previews section of the Unofficial FAQ, version 0.992. The text version of the FAQ was released on 24 August 1996, but the web version was last updated on 13 November 2006. Links are provided to the listed files whenever possible; if no link is provided, then the original file is no longer available. A more current listing of Daggerfall files is provided at Files.

This is an archive of a historical document and should not be edited other than formatting, links, or minor typos.

All sizes are for the unzipped file. The following list only details those files that are available from a large number of sites listed under Daggerfall Information Sources.

Autodesk Animations

There are several Autodesk animations (flics) of some of Daggerfall's monsters.

  1. GARGOYLE.FLC - (52 KB)
  2. RAT.FLC - (35 KB)
  3. SPIDER.FLC - (48 KB)
  4. DAGANI.ZIP - (78 KB) Zip of the above files.
  5. DEATHANI.FLC - (3086KB)
  6. LYSAWAKE.ZIP - (3538KB) Contains LYSAWAKE.FLC - (6300KB)
  7. INTRBOOK.FLC - (5800KB)

Box Cover Artwork

Bethesda has released the image which will be on the box when Daggerfall is released. The box cover images comes in several formats.

  1. dagboxc.gif (256 color 550x757 194KB) this is what is going to be on the front of the box.
  2. dagboxc.tif (true color 625x860 1.6MB

Daggerfall Midis

Bethesda has also released small samples of the music to be found in Daggerfall. These are general MIDI files and should be played with a sound card capable of wavetable synthesis.

  1. dag_l.mid - (10KB) A MIDI sequence that brings to mind a wild ride through the woods
  2. dag_2.mid - (16KB) A MIDI sequence that brings to mind a fast paced chase
  3. dag_3.mid - (10KB) A stately MIDI sequence that seems to tell the epic story of Daggerfall
  4. dag_4.mid - (5KB) A cautious MIDI sequence, perhaps of a thief creeping by
  5. dag_5.mid - (9KB) An eerie MIDI tune reminiscent of a ghostly midnight encounter
  6. dag_6.mid - (7KB) An adventurous MIDI appropriate for a sea voyage
  7. DF_MID.ZIP - (17KB) this zipped file contains the above 6 files listed above.
  8. DF_MID_3.ZIP - (15kb) Contains MIDI files 7, 8, and 9.
  9. DF_MID_4.ZIP - (16kb) This most recent file contains MIDIs 10, 11, and 12.

Daggerfall Screen Shots

ARMY: Army of Daggerfall at the Battle of Cryngaine Field
CAMARON: King Camaron of Sentinel
BOW: a notched arrow
CASTLD: Approaching a castle
CHARS: assorted NPCS
Ficheiro:DF-SS-Faces 00.gif
FACES_00: Female NPC faces
Ficheiro:DF-SS-Faces 1.gif
FACES_1: Notable NPCs
Ficheiro:DF-SS-Faces 2.gif
FACES_2: Notable NPCs
GROUP: A collection of monsters
LYCANTH: Lycanthrope stat sheet
LYTOMB: Hall filled with statues
NEWMON: A collection of monsters
ROYALC: A royal court
SEACAVE1: Beneath the waves
Ficheiro:DF-SS-Tam map.gif
TAM_MAP: Map of Tamriel

As the final release date for Daggerfall draws nearer, Bethesda claims it will be releasing new straight-from-the-game screenshots almost every week. The various zipped files available are listed at the end of the below list. Due to disk-quota constraints on this account, only selected screenshots are available to download (the most recent in zip-form as well as others I feel are worthy to behold).

There are quite a few Daggerfall screen shots available presently, listed below in alphabetical order (images are 320x200 unless noted).

  1. 2MOONS.GIF (5KB)
  2. ARMY.GIF (640x400 149KB) and
  3. CAMERON.GIF (640x400 121KB) are both shots from the opening animation we showed at CES: the former is of the army of Daggerfall meeting the army of Sentinel at the Battle of Cryngaine Field,and the latter is of Cameron, the late king of Sentinel, preparing for battle at his castle in Hammerfell.
  4. ATTACK.GIF (27KB)
  5. AZURA.GIF (37KB) NEW!
  6. BACKUP.GIF (39KB) You back away from the hallway to your left. The stairway to safety lies to the right.
  7. BATTLE1.GIF (38KB) Under the attack of a Lich near the Pit of Jagadha.
  8. BATTLE2.GIF (38KB) A better, if unappreciated view of the approaching Fireball.
  9. BATTLE3.GIF (41KB) A Shield Spell for defense.
  10. BATTLE4.GIF (38KB) A Fireball Spell for offense.
  11. BATTLE5.GIF (39KB) The Fireball Spell makes contact.
  12. BATTLE6.GIF (35KB) One last look at the standing Lich.
  13. BATTLE7.GIF (35KB) The remains of the Lich.
  15. BOW.GIF (41KB) A view of a notched arrow.
  16. BRIDGE.GIF (29KB) A LICH approaches you from across a bridge in the Pit of Jagadha.
  17. BSMITH.GIF (29KB)
  18. CASTLD.GIF (22KB) You approach a castle by horse at sunset.
  19. CASTLE.GIF (31KB)
  20. CHARFEM.GIF (29KB) and
  21. CHARMALE.GIF (29KB) are character sheets of a male and a female character respectively. These images are old and outdated.
  22. CHARS.GIF (20KB) (formerly called newflats.gif) From the obscure temples, covens, and guilds, here are several of the more extraordinary people of Daggerfall.
  24. COVEN.GIF (23KB)
  25. CRYPT.GIF (39KB) An ominus crypt opens with an unearthly light gleaming from within.
  26. DAGGER2.GIF (29KB) A Daedra Seducer welcomes you into her temple.
  27. DAGGER3.GIF (34KB) In an ancient, crumbling cathedral of a forgotten god, a resident giant scorpion defends its lair.
  28. DAG_PI00.GIF (31KB)
  29. DAG_PI01.GIF (10KB)
  30. DAG_PI02.GIF (20KB)
  31. DAG_PI03.GIF (27KB)
  32. DAG_PI04.GIF (38KB)
  33. DAG_PI05.GIF (32KB)
  34. DAG_PI06.GIF (27KB)
  35. DAG_PI07.GIF (31KB)
  36. DAG_PI08.GIF (35KB)
  37. DAG_PI09.GIF (36KB)
  38. DAG_PI10.GIF (33KB)
  39. DAG_PI11.GIF (33KB)
  40. DAG_PI12.GIF (42KB)
  41. DAG_PI13.GIF (35KB)
  42. DAG_PI14.GIF (36KB)
  43. DAG_PI15.GIF (38KB)
  44. DAG_PI16.GIF (37KB)
  45. DAG_PI17.GIF (38KB)
  46. DAG_PI18.GIF (36KB)
  47. DAG_PI19.GIF (33KB)
  48. DAG_PI20.GIF (37KB)
  49. DEADMON.GIF (29KB)
  50. DESERT.GIF (16KB)
  51. DESERT1.GIF (30KB)
  52. DESERT2.GIF (28KB)
  53. DESERT3.GIF (23KB)
  54. DESERT4.GIF (24KB)
  55. DESERT5.GIF (26KB)
  56. DIRENNI.GIF (26KB)
  57. DISTMT.GIF (27KB)
  58. DNGROOM.GIF (36KB)
  59. DUNG01.GIF (32KB),
  60. DUNG02.GIF (32KB),
  61. DUNG03.GIF (32KB),
  62. DUNG04.GIF (34KB), and
  63. DUNG05.GIF (31KB) are screen shots taken in the Dungeon of Citainth, flying, swimming, and battling an orc warlord.
  64. DUNGEON.GIF (28KB)
  65. DUNGEON1.GIF (42KB) Looking down into a deep water filled chasm.
  66. FACES_00.GIF (25KB) Female faces of the Elven, Nordic and Breton nature.
  67. FACES_01.GIF (24KB) More female faces of various races.
  68. FACES_02.GIF (24KB) Male faces of the Elven, Nordic and Breton nature.
  69. FACES_03.GIF (21KB) More male faces of various races.
  70. FACES_1.GIF (22KB) A gallery of some of the more notable citizens of the Iliac Bay, taken from their dialogue portraits: the diplomatic Lady Northbridge, one of the mysterious Dark Brothers, the the tyrannical Baron Shrike of Lainlyn, the indiscreet Queen Mother of Daggerfall, the noble Acolyte, the Shaman Charvek-si, King Gothryd of Daggerfall, and his grandmother the mad witch Nulfaga.
  71. FACES_2.GIF (29KB) More of the Daggerfall cast of characters taken from the dialogue portraits: the priestess Britsa, the horrific Underking, the revered Oracle, the unfortunate Queen Aubk-i of Daggerfall, the Lord-General of Daggerfall, the dark-elven sorceress Karethys, the ineffectual mage Popudax, and Baroness Dh'emka of Lainlyn.
  72. FOREST.GIF (25KB)
  73. FOREST1.GIF (18KB)
  74. GARGOYLE.GIF (35KB) This gargoyle doesn't take kindly to your intrusion.
  76. GROUP.GIF - (18KB) A group of Daggerfall's monsters (from upper left: Rat, Gargolye, Skeleton, Lesser Daedra/Daedroth, Spider, Mummy).
  77. HALLWAY.GIF (30KB) The remains of your last fight rests against the stoneworked walls of the hallway.
  79. JAGADHA0.GIF (34KB) An overhead view of The Pit of Jagadha.
  80. JAGADHA1.GIF (31KB) Casting a Frost Spell.
  81. JAGADHA2.GIF (32KB) Your Frost Spell collides with a Fire Daedra's fireball.
  82. JAGADHA3.GIF (30KB) You're allowed a moments rest after the battle.
  83. JAGADHA4.GIF (34KB) The remains of the Fire Daedras.
  84. JAGADHA5.GIF (34KB) The remains of the Fire Daedras and a Frost Daedra.
  85. JAGADHA6.GIF (34KB) The remains of the Fire Daedras and a bag of gold.
  86. JAGADHA7.GIF (33KB) A cavern off of The Pit of Jagadha.
  87. JAGADHA8.GIF (35KB) Same cavern with a slain monster at the other end.
  88. JAGADHA9.GIF (29KB) Same cavern from another angle.
  89. LANDING1.GIF (27KB) Above you is a landing possibly full of treasure, but how do you get up there?
  90. LANDING2.GIF (26KB) The path to the landing lies open before you.
  91. LYCANTH.GIF (36KB) Character sheet for a lycanthrope.
  92. LYTOMB.GIF (25KB) Impressive view of a long dungeon hall filled with statues.
  93. MAGES1.GIF (27KB)
  94. MAGES2.GIF (26KB)
  95. MAGES3.GIF (25KB)
  96. MANORUN.GIF (33KB)
  99. MOONLIT.GIF (16KB)
  100. MOONTREE.GIF (11KB)
  101. NEWFACE1.GIF (31KB)
  102. NEWFACE2.GIF (24KB)
  103. NEWMON.GIF (21KB) A Daedroth, a Giant Scorpian, a Frost Daedra, an Orc Shaman, and a Fire Daedra.
  104. NEWTOW1.GIF (37KB) shows a picture of a woman riding a horse past you in town.
  105. NEWTOW2.GIF (31KB) shows you approaching a house in the country wielding your sword.
  106. NEWTOW03.GIF (42KB)
  107. ORCHALL.GIF (29KB)
  108. ORCPAL2.GIF (28KB)
  109. ORCPALC.GIF (29KB)
  110. OUTSDE01.GIF (35KB)
  111. OUTSDE02.GIF (35KB)
  112. OUTSDE03.GIF (39KB)
  113. OUTSDE04.GIF (36KB)
  114. OUTSDE05.GIF (36KB)
  115. OUTSDE06.GIF (32KB)
  116. OUTSDE07.GIF (29KB)
  117. OUTSDE08.GIF (31KB)
  118. OUTSDE09.GIF (33KB)
  119. OUTSDE10.GIF (37KB)
  120. OUTSDE11.GIF (27KB)
  121. OUTSDE12.GIF (30KB)
  122. OUTSDE13.GIF (25KB)
  123. OUTSDE14.GIF (24KB)
  124. OUTSDE15.GIF (38KB)
  125. OUTSDE16.GIF (37KB)
  126. OUTSIDE.GIF (18KB)
  127. PALACE.GIF (28KB)
  128. PERYITE.GIF (37KB) NEW!
  129. PINES.GIF (24KB)
  130. ROYALC.GIF (23KB) View of a dimly lit royal court.
  131. RUINS.GIF (22KB)
  133. SBARROW2.GIF (25KB)
  134. SBARROW3.GIF (22KB)
  135. SBRARROW.GIF (34KB)
  136. SCA0013.GIF (32KB) On the good end of watching a fireball spell being released.
  137. SCENE1.GIF (22KB)
  138. SCR0003.GIF (24KB) Looking down at deep chasms and tall pillars.
  139. SCR0010.GIF (31KB) Another dungeon shot looking at some stairs and apparently a floating platform.
  140. SCR0013.GIF (25KB) An orc? comes at you down a narrow corridor.
  141. SCRSHOT1.GIF (39KB),
  142. SCRSHOT2.GIF (45KB),
  143. SCRSHOT3.GIF (40KB),
  144. SCRSHOT4.GIF (26KB),
  145. SCRSHOT5.GIF (42KB),
  146. SCRSHOT6.GIF (40KB),
  147. SCRSHOT7.GIF (45KB),
  148. SCRSHOT8.GIF (39KB),
  149. SCRSHOT9.GIF (34KB),
  150. SCRSHOTA.GIF (36KB), and
  151. SCRSHOTB.GIF (33KB) are all various views of attacking (and being attacked) by various monsters.
  152. SEACAVE1.GIF (24KB) A view from below the waves.
  153. SENTINL1.GIF (24KB)
  154. SENTINL2.GIF (24KB)
  155. SENTPAL.GIF (28KB)
  156. SHEDUGNT.GIF (35KB)
  157. SHRINE.GIF (17KB)
  158. SHRINE2.GIF (21KB)
  159. SKY1.GIF (31KB),
  160. SKY2.GIF (31KB),
  161. SKY3.GIF (36KB),
  162. SKY4.GIF (35KB),
  163. SKY5.GIF (30KB),
  164. SKY6.GIF (35KB), and
  165. SKY7.GIF (26KB) display several different types of skys that can be seen.
  166. SPELL.GIF (40KB) Another view of you releasing a fireball type spell.
  168. SUNRISE.GIF (16KB)
  169. SUNRISE.GIF (25KB) Two different screenshots have the same name.
  170. SUNRISE2.GIF (30KB)
  171. SUNRISED.GIF (35KB)
  172. SUNSET.GIF (19KB)
  173. SUNSET1.GIF (27KB)
  174. SUNSET2.GIF (25KB)
  175. SUNSET3.GIF (27KB)
  176. SWAMP.GIF (25KB) was taken in Bothidori Marsh during a fight with a brood of wereboars.
  177. TAM_MAP.GIF (66KB) A Map of Tamriel, the world in which you are adventuring.
  178. TEMPLE.GIF (31KB)
  179. TEMPLE1.GIF (28KB)
  180. TOWN01.GIF (40KB) shows a rumble between the player and a battle maiden in the town of Anticlere.
  181. TOWN02.GIF (31KB) is a shot taken while scurrying over the rooftops (you can, of course, break in through a window, but the view is not as nice), with a view of Anticlere Castle in the distance.
  182. TOWN03.GIF (34KB) shows one of the shady characters from the Dark Brotherhood giving the player an assassination assignment.
  183. TOWN04.GIF (34KB) shows a clandestine meeting between the PC and Lady Flyte on her balcony.
  184. TOWN05.GIF (39KB) is another view taken from the rooftops of Anticlere, over a silversmith's shop.
  185. TOWN06.GIF (32KB) is a town square during New Life Festival, an all-night-long celebration held on the first of the year.
  186. VAMPIRE.GIF (33KB) A Vampire approaches, red eyes gleaming with the thought of fresh blood.
  187. VAMPIRE.GIF (35KB) Two different screenshots with the same name.
  188. WATER.GIF (28KB) is a shot of an Argonian reptilian player investigating the south end of the Iliac Bay, the tropical water off the village of Abibon-Gora.
  189. WAYPALC.GIF (33KB)
  190. WOODB.GIF (27KB)
  191. WOODB2.GIF (26KB)

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