UESPWiki:Survey Results/Improvement Comments

A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995

These are the comments for the question:

   9. What one or more area(s) of the UESP could use the most improvement?

Some comments may have been removed or edited from containing personal information or questionable content.

  • "Latest News" section should be updated more frequently
  • (understandably) not all locations on map
  • (wiki)Some names from the ES games can be hard to memorize. The search isn't very helpful when mispelling a word. (forums)Not a fan of the forum's search function. So many small words get ignored when they're crucial to the query.
  • Content, I'd like to see a single condensed timeline of TES history. UESP/Imperial Library's resources are great but lack a concise alternative.
  • 1. Some of the information in the boxes at the top-right of a wiki page is cramped and hard to read. 2. Sometimes a search doesn't turn up a page with my search term in the name. Not sure why.
  • A "Did you mean...?" feature like google searches have would be nice, for when you spell something wrong in the search bar, and no results pop up.
  • A bit less advertising.
  • A bit older mobile phones sometimes seem to fail with displaying it, but not much of a problem to be honest.
  • A clear complete table of contents link in main page would be neat
  • A convenient (for the end user) search by game function would be neat. Personal preference: the style of the pages fits well with the lore/theme of TES, but isn't the best to look at.
  • A drop-down search like on other wikis would be great
  • A faster option for maps (Like say the location of various areas on the world map) would be nice, compared to loading the giant, browsable interactive google maps.
  • A feature that I would love to see implemented is a UESP app for Android. Perferably with an interactive map. The ability to always have access to the UESP without having to go to a computer would be invaluable. IGN has a Skyrim app, but it's only for iOS, and is plagued with bugs and links to the IGN Skyrim wiki. The IGN Skyrim wiki simply doesn't have the information or accuracy that the UESP has, and I don't really have a use for the IGN Skyrim app as a result.
  • A few dungeons arent explained well, other than that, youre good
  • a French version!
  • a lighter page doing this on an n97 mini works but could go faster
  • A little color in the maps
  • A lot of the "this page is undergoing renovations" tags have been there for at least a year, and I'm not clear on their function anymore. Is it just to make sure future edits stay within such guidelines? If so, could not another tag be used, one that's a little less... bulky?
  • A minor thing that usually serves as a reminder I'm up too late, but a mobile design would be amazing
  • A mobile app (if it exists I'm not sure) would be very helpful
  • A mobile App for this website would (or at least could) be amazing.
  • A mobile app would be great
  • A mobile app would be nice (though perhaps a tad out of budget for a community site such as this), but a mobile-optimized version of the site would be just as good.
  • A mobile app would be welcome, if there isn't 1 already available.
  • A mobile site would be great (but the Wikipanion support works just as well); Switching to the new WikiMedia layout would make the site look a lot better.
  • a mobile site would be great, but It'd be a good 'extra' rather than a good core improvement like the search function i mentioned before would be. Wiki content is great but more is always better!
  • A mobile site would be very useful
  • A mobile version of the site would be extremely useful for those xbox gaming sessions where I cannot be bothered to reach for my laptop
  • a mobile version of the site would be spectacular. the map function, while useful, is a touch slow to be truly helpful.
  • A mobile version of the website (or an app) would be wonderful.
  • A mobile version would be great, although I strongly recommend avoiding the standard wikia mobile layout. It's absolutely atrocious.
  • A more mobile-friendly site would go miles for my experience, as for design maybe justa re-texture or something to make the site pop a little
  • a new layout for mobile, the table of contents is really annoying because all the info is scrambled.
  • a plug-in section for all the games that support them would be great
  • A sleeker, style with improved mobile device support would be great. Personally I'd like to see a side menu that can be made into a smaller top bar or hidden entirely, retaining only the search-field, to help place focus on content. This would also potentially free up space for side-banners to avoid advertising taking up vertical space.
  • a uesp app for droid and I phone
  • a windows phone app would be useful
  • Ability to edit articles for anonymous users
  • Ability to mirror a snapshot offline for use during extended travel would be really helpful.
  • Above three things should be the main focus I think.
  • Actually I'm happy with it at the moment.
  • Add more pictures! You can never have enough.
  • Add some a page for the highest rated mods
  • add some more color to yur page design its so plain but this isnt necassary i just couldnt find one thing on here that needs improvment
  • Add something to help with more complicated names like Gro-gal etc.
  • Adding something to each page that links to the discussion page (I know there's a button....). But a link that remind you it's there, and maybe gives an idea of what the discussion page has--there are lots of valuable clues on the discussion pages.
  • administration is a bit of a shambles
  • Advertise that there is a chatroom, I had know idea, and I've been Visiting The UESP long before the transition to the Wiki Engine
  • Advertise the blog better on the page. I didn't know it existed.
  • Advertise the chat a bit more.
  • Advertisement of other features. As I stated, I was entirely unaware of the chat room feature prior to this.
  • Again, it's nothing big, but I kinda hate that you have to type the name of the game before the article... but I realize there's nothing to do about it :)
  • again, other games stuff are messing. and i can't find locations on map that just exist on dawnguard (sorry if this was my fault!)
  • Again, the search function is great, but a few times I found it hard to get what I was looking for.
  • Allow refined results.
  • Allowing a partial entry to bring up some results would be nice.
  • already made a map comment , lagged my phone i cant access the site when playing on my pc
  • Already mentioned it. Needs autocorrect like "did you mean". Also users should be able to narrow "random article" function to just the specific game they want (skyrim only instead of every single page)
  • also weapon information.
  • Although I've grown used to all the tans and browns, a bit of contrast here and there might make content easier to locate.
  • although the detail is already very good, you need to keep this all updated (for example the skyrim map needs updating)
  • always should be the top priority IMO, Maps are equally important, because that will be most of the traffic looking for a certain thing
  • an app for mobile devices would fantastic.
  • An app would be cool
  • an app would be tremendous. if you could get it to work right of course
  • An application for android or iOS would be amazing
  • an iphone app that resembles uesp.net as closely as the Wikipedia app resembles wikipedia.org would be incredibly successful, with shit tons of downloads
  • An iPhone/Android app would be nice. Though it would most likely be free I would gladly pay for it if one were ever released.
  • android's browser (how i usually access the site) reformats fairly untuitively upon zooming, but a mobile version of the site (similar to wikipedia's) would be a great option, especially if the toggle is easy to find
  • annotated maps of the dungeons for skyrim, such as you have for oblivion would be real handy
  • Answer in question #4
  • App maybe?
  • Application for I phone,Android, and other smartphones.
  • armor and weapons
  • Articles related to Skyrim seem less scientific than other releases of the game. IE, there is a lot of speculation within articles, or unsubstantiated claims, etc.
  • Artwork
  • As a gamer I do enjoy a lot of the Wiki and content which I use for both Roleplay and game and character creation.
  • as above: Quick Search with better sorting of results would be nice.
  • As far as site areas that I use, there aren't really any that would need much improvement. There's been a couple of things on the wiki that I've had to look for in other sites, but it was literally just a thing or two.
  • As I mentioned earlier, I occasionally come across stub articles. But it's the same deal with Wikipedia, so don't sweat it too hard.
  • As I've pretty much said twice, some encouragement to get involved in the community would be a good idea; I'm sure there are some really nice people around here but I wouldn't know because I play the games too much.
  • As of yet, I haven't come across anything that I can imagine being improved.
  • As previously stated, tables for item syats.
  • As stated before, it can be hard at times to find what I'm looking for right away, though I've yet to think of a way this could actually be improved...but I'm not a computer person, either.
  • As stated before, the search is reasonably described as broken. It doesn't return relevant results because punctuation marks like ":" symbols are part of the search.
  • As stated previously, more pages, less lists.
  • At least in my case, the Search Engine could use some work. It can be difficult to find certain specific articles, and the wiki could benefit from a few more disambiguation pages.
  • Battlespire & Redguard wiki content
  • Beats me. I haven't bothered to be annoyed with anything yet. Everything is pretty good here.
  • Because I don't use it.
  • better layout, more modern
  • Better mobile access would be fantastic. I search on my ipod all the time.
  • Better Moblie access for when im on the go.
  • better printable pages
  • Better redirects.
  • better SEO - it should be top of the google search results, but atm. elderscrolls.wikia.com comes first
  • Better sorting in regards to most recent activity in the thread index page.
  • Better/More interior maps
  • Biggest improvement would be interior maps/layout in Skyrim. Otherwise, content is fine.
  • Both content and style. While content isn't lacking, there's always room for improvement.
  • bring back the automatic search contextualization
  • Browsing through the content, especially new pages.
  • But on the other hand...Im used to this design, and wouldnt mind it staying as it is.
  • Can always use more content!
  • can never have enough conteny
  • Can't comment on, or rate the areas I don"t use :)
  • Can't really answer this one - I always find what I am looking for.
  • Can't say, I get pretty much everything i need out of this site.
  • Can't think of any major problems, possibly make a few design changes for increased ease of use.
  • Can't think of anything! You guys are awesome!
  • Character dialogue! That's the only thing I want; everything else is A-OK.
  • Clicking on the search bar becomes a problem on a phone, but the site itself is amazing
  • clicl
  • Closer relations with the developers and lore writers for more through and lore accurate info. Tabs in the pages leading to user defined depth of info as they require or request
  • Colors are bit bland
  • Consistant formating and/or standardized layout. Reduce excessive page lengths, but also increase ones that are too short.
  • Content involving Arena/Daggerfall/the obscure TES games
  • Content is already best I have found online, but more information is always better. Mobile Access because at least my computer does not like me alt-tabbing from Skyrim or any other Elder Scrolls game, which forces me to rely on mobile unless I want to restart the whole game.
  • Content is good overall, but support, forum, chat, blog, and sometimes perfromance are what make people go to other niche elder scrolls wikia.
  • Content is mostly perfect, some articles with less info than hoped for
  • Content is why I come here over other sites
  • Content, maps and design/style can always be improved. But it's already good enough for me.
  • Content: more details in certain pages would be great; Search: the engine seems to behave a little counter-intuitively at times.
  • content: more is always better (accuracy required, of course); search: new formula (ideal); design: influenced by personal taste
  • could always use more lore :p, and a mobile app could be very neat.
  • could use a bit more things like a skill perk point calculator for skyrim
  • could use more information about the bugs associated with quest
  • Could use more maps, and search could be made easier.
  • Daedric Prince pages as well as general npc pages
  • Dawnguard still not on the map & help yelding no results in case of typo.
  • deeper explanations on everything (even if already very weel explained)
  • Definitely mobile access since I use it on my iPhone a lot.
  • Description of quests. When I am looking for a specific quest, the quest info given by the game isn't enough information. A quest type might be helpful like stealth, steal, assassination, etc...
  • Design is a bit bland, and without specifically knowing what I'm looking for, it's sometimes difficult to search effectively
  • Design just needs some updated images (Ex. paper background looks low-res and repetative.)
  • Design style is not bad, its navigable and readable, but slightly bland - but quite sure what it "needs" if anything to be honest
  • Design: some older pages are not the same format/layout as a majority of the pages
  • Desing/Style and Performance are to be considered together with Mobile Access, as the PC performance and desing is perfect.
  • Detailed Lore, something that the Imperial Library has, but to me that site is lacking too much in presentation that I'd rather see it here.
  • Detailed NPC/Follower characteristics and stats are my6 only points of improvement.
  • Difficult to use maps
  • Difficulties directly linking to a specific page, but always displays in search results.
  • Direct links to game patches
  • Disambig pages or redirects would be nice. "Joe Blow is a character in Oblivion. // [[Oblivion:Joe Blow]] // [[Lore:Joe Blow]]". Along those lines. So I don't have to keep typing the game prefix. Or, better still, have the search bar first attempt to go to the relevant page in the namespace of the article you're viewing.
  • DLC content in the interactive maps
  • does not apply. I use uesp when I am stuck and have always found what I am missing. I guess if you had a "hint only" section to get me close with out just spilling the beans that would be cool.
  • Does sometimes seem a LITTLE slow to present the information comprehensively, as opposed to some other TES wikis
  • Doing a great job already, just keep it up.
  • Don't change anything.
  • Don't change the design or style pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaseee
  • Don't Know
  • don't know
  • Don't know
  • don't need to go anywhere else very often 1 time out of 30
  • Don't really know what could be improved upon, you do your "Job" great as it is!
  • Dungeon maps for Skyrim!
  • Dungeon maps would be great. There are few of them.
  • Dunno... Some more info on missing things perhaps... I don't use much else... sorry...
  • Dynamic maps that load in the intended page. Workarounds for items that only have a Base ID. More nude women.
  • e.g. if you search for the term 'vampires' the result will be a lot of book titles, while things like lore and game information would probably more important as results
  • Each unique item should have its own page. I see some items with its own page (See Skyrim:Rahn's Warhammer), while others are thrown onto a huge table of "unique items," somewhat sporadically
  • Easier if you could pick certain catagories only
  • eh, i'm pretty happy with it.
  • elder scrolls online
  • Elder scrolls online section, lots of information has been released lately
  • Even though the design follows the same style as TES, it could be a bit less bland.
  • Everyone has different time schedules, some loading errors, and easier use wanted but not necessarily needed.
  • Everything I use seems to be working fine to me!
  • everything is almost perfect for my needs, although an app would be brilliant!
  • Everything is fine except for the search function returning far too many results (Again, a straight link to the most common result and a disambiguation page link would be fantastic!)
  • Everything is fine just how it is, in my opinion.
  • Everything is great.
  • Everything is perfect already!
  • everything is pretty much good
  • Everything is working well, so I don't see anything that needs improvement
  • Everything seems fine for this site. I keep it in my favorites toolbar because I'll never know when I'll need some info.
  • everything seems fine, and as for wiki/contet area they could just go on the same way
  • Everything seems perfect to me overall
  • Everything that I have used works to perfection
  • Everything works great for what I need.
  • Everything works professionally. No need to improve.
  • Everything works quite perfectly, but sometimes I have seen bizarre search results, perhaps they could be tweaked a little
  • Exceptional overall.
  • Explaining how to find certain items
  • Faster page update speed
  • featured articles are usually an interesting way to start an unexpected adventure into lore, but i feel like the featured article doesn't change frequently enough.
  • Find a way to increase discussion in the comment sections within the wiki so that relevant chatter is easily accessible to the curious. Blog post could be more numerous/frequent.
  • Find it hard to get accurate search results sometimes
  • find one navigation structure for all the games
  • finding npc ids and things that are just a small amount information in the game maybe a second search should be added for small hard to find things
  • Finding recommended mods. In particular, finding newer mods that have superceded the recommended ones listed shortly after a game comes out.
  • First item goes without saying, more content and improved content should be the #1 priority.
  • Floating ads and mobile access overshadow a lot of the good of this site.
  • For search, I gave suggestions on the first page.
  • For the reasons stated previously.
  • For the search bar, either an autocorrect or the thing where it lists a few possible searches depending on what you type would be nice
  • For Wiki/Content, many pages are in dire need of more information.
  • Formatting the pages to load well on a mobile connection (column and field sizes get wonky).
  • Found the general design outdated.
  • Frequent blog posts are nice and make it seem like the site is more "alive."
  • Generally, I like it, but at times it seem to be a bit dated.
  • get adverts that don't objectify women. afterall, my wife does use your site, and i agree with her, those adverts portray women disrespectfully
  • Given the otherworldliness of names and locations in the Elder Scrolls universe, a search feature that accounts for misspellings would be fantastic. For example, if I accidentally typed "Neverar," it would be handy if the results page came back with "There were no results matching the query - did you mean Nerevar?" Or something similar.
  • Good mobile access. Great loading speeds on it too. Design is simple, effective, and easy to read.
  • good mobile support. could be better.
  • Great as it is.
  • Great content, incredible maps, just some tweaks on the search would be nice.
  • Hard to read on an iPhone I guess, but nowadays I read on an iPad and the standard site works great.
  • hard to use on moblie browsers
  • Have a "norrow your search" option by topic area:(lore, books, etc) by game (TESI, II, III...etc)
  • Have searches default to Lore sections by default. For example, when I search "Elsweyr" it takes me to search results, the first link being to the Lore page (and the others only being semi related, i.e. Pocket Guide to the Empire)
  • Have some kind of spell checking device. Like how google says "did you mean...."
  • Haven't used support/forum/chat/blog, as of mobile access I'm using PSP and the background takes time to load
  • Having a specific "skyrim", "morrowind", "oblivion" portal so that searches only search within the specific portal would be very very helpful
  • having pictures of locations from the map on an article of that place or having pictures of items that the article highlights
  • Honestly can't think of anything that needs improvement.
  • Honestly I dont think you need any improvement.
  • Honestly just the photos, and maybe get more people working on new content released (be it DLC or a new game) sooner.
  • Honestly there isn't anything I can think of, nothing about the parts of the site that I use bothers me at all...
  • Honestly things are already pretty ace, but more content's rarely a bad thing.
  • honestly, every other service I find to be more than acceptable except the search feature; I don't know how much you can do about it, but I would hope it's at the top of your list.
  • Honestly, I can't say. This site is great. I'm not going to say you couldn't make improvements, because of course you could. Nobody (and no website) is perfect, so everyone should always be trying to improve themselves. Unfortunately, I don't really feel I can point out a part of the site that really needs any sort of drastic changes.
  • Honestly, I see no problem with the way UESP is right now.
  • Honestly, not much has too for improvement; although I do wish the featured article and picture were updated more frequently
  • Hyperlinked maps with quest and notable loot info. would be great
  • I am happy with it. Perhaps with typos a suggested best fit might help as for a UK person to remember US spellings is sometimes a drag.
  • I am perfectly happy the parts I use at the present and see no need for improvement
  • I am quite content with the wiki as is.
  • I am satisfied with current look and functioning
  • i am very satisfied with the site, but felt i should choose SOMETHING :) If there is a complaint it is that my searches return info for all games when i want info for one game only.
  • I aminly use the site from my phoen since it is handy while I am playing. I suppose map support on the phone would be nice.
  • I belive the site is perfect as is, however I do not view the site from any mobile devices so I am not sure on that content
  • I can honestly say that I have not found a single area of the UESP that needs improvement. All of it is brilliantly set up.
  • I can honestly think of nothing.
  • I can visit the wiki on my phone very easy !
  • I can't honestly say that there are one or more areas of the website that *need* improvement, as far as I can discern. However, I have ticked Wiki/Content because the more information available the better, in spite of the fact that the UESP already has tons of useful info!
  • I can't pick the least awesome item... they're all pretty good.
  • I can't really come up with specific improvements but perhaps stuff on presentation of information and queries... An example feature would be to have the Google map show a list of NPCs as you scroll to a town or perhaps even look for an NPC (obviously by editor default location)
  • I can't recall specifically but I remember one or two articles that could use a little more depth.
  • I can't say that anything I use needs improvement
  • I can't say there's anything I haven't found that I needed to know
  • I can't think of anything off the top of my head.
  • I can't think of anything wrong with the UESP
  • I can't think of anything.
  • I cannot think of anything that particularly needs improvement. Everything functions, and functions cleanly and well. Why fix what isn't broken?
  • I cant really think of anything to mention, If there were ever a problem I had it would be an article missing something rather small and easy to overlook but that's usually taken care of by the editors on their own so no real complaints.
  • I cant think of a way to improve any of these so i wont mark any of them.
  • I cant think of anything better you could do other than an app.
  • I checked "Wiki/Content" and "Design/Style" because I feel any item mentioned on the website that appears in an Elder Scrolls game should have an image associated on the website, which is not always the case. I clicked "Search" because the search function occasionally does not link to the most helpful pages.
  • I chose this at random. I actually like the site in its current iteration. You may benefit from some design improvements, but I think you're doing well.
  • I did not know a chat existed so I would hope you would put more attention to the chat and forum so others may find out about them
  • I do not think any of them need improving.
  • I do not think there is anything wrong with this site so I have decided not to check any boxes
  • I don't feel that UESP needs improvment.
  • I don't have any issues at this time.
  • I don't know about the stuff from "Chat" down, but most of the rest is fine as is. Maybe some skin options for the site - beige is so... beige.
  • I don't know how advanced you can make your maps. but an improvement would be a google-earth-like type map. zoom down to the streets in the cities. Moblie wise, it could run faster.
  • I don't know i don't really have any problems wiht anything
  • I don't really have a problem with anything
  • I don't really have an opinion on this one, sadly.
  • I don't really use anything else other than this stuff, so that's all i can put.
  • I don't see any areas it can be improved,at least not substantially. If it isn't broke, don't fix it.
  • i don't think anything needs improvement
  • I don't think it needs improving
  • I don't think there's much that could be improved, the site is perfect in my opinion.
  • I don't think you have to change anything. It is already perfect.
  • I don't use many features besides wiki/content so I am not much help here. But I do not see any need for improvement on the wiki/content.
  • I dont know, the site is pretty good as is..
  • I dont really know, I find this webpage already very good
  • I dont realy see anything that needs to be improved.
  • i dont think any of these NEED improvement, but more content is always nice
  • I dont think anything needs changing really but the design isnt very attractive
  • I feel as though all parts of the site are great and don't nesassarily need improvement
  • I feel like each games sub-content should be categorized the same for user ease.
  • I feel like the main part of the site is the actual Wiki and maps, etc, but it would be nice to have a larger section to the forum to be more in contact with other ES fans.
  • I feel linking between related pages needs to be improved. Example: when searching for info on Wabbajack, I should be directed to a page with Wabbajack information, not a page that is listing unique weapons in Skyrim. Yes, wabbajack is a unique weapon, but I want to know the quest to get it or lore on it.
  • I feel one way to make a very subtle change is to be able to search each individual game, for example; "Search for Dark Brotherhood in category Morrowind". Maybe a little drop down menu with the games and a disambiguation page for each topic/article.
  • i feel that there should be a couple of boxes to check on the side of even a basic search to narrow your results based on what game you're searching for information on, and if you want lore included with the results.
  • I find search results to be really roundabout sometimes. If you try going directly to a page, you (or at least I) often end up being directed to the wrong game, so I end up having to sift through search results or pick my way through the game's other pages to find what I'm looking for. Whuch is only to be expected, because the Internet is not psychic, but if I'm doing a direct comparison between, say, the spells available in Oblivion and those in Skyrim (or the Dark Brotherhood missions for each), it gets irritating that there's nothing even close to direct linking from one to another.
  • I find the search to be dreadfully broken, so that it is entirely useless to search what I am looking for as it will never find it. I would say content, but it IS a wiki and the content takes time to mature on the newer games, so I can't knock anything off for that.
  • I generally have the UESP open on my smartphone while I'm in-game, and it's a little tricky to browse sometimes. Probably down to wiki sites in general, as opposed to just issues with the UESP. If there was a "Mobile Version" this could also run in the steam in-game browser a bit better... that browser is hit-or-miss for detailed webpages. Not really a UESP issue though, admittedly.
  • I got in trouble when I couldn't delete a post that someone wanted me to delete.
  • I guess just the overhaul of character dialogues, for there are unique things you only hear once.
  • I guess the search because if you just enter in one word, you get mods listed and such.
  • I had major loading issues on my Android, and I like the color scheme and layout of the site but it could use a new coat, if you get me.
  • i have never been on the blog or forums so i really cant say anything other then , a rework on the style and graphics of the site to make it look a little more modern
  • I have no idea for improvement. It's great as-is.
  • I have stumbled onto the odd bug or two with no documentation, like the imperial victory ghost town of the civil war. A work around had to be found from elsewhere.
  • I have yet to form an opinion on improvements.
  • I haven't found anything that really needs improvement, except maybe for the search, specified in one of the former answers by me.
  • I haven't had any issue with the areas of the Wiki I've used. All in all, it seems quite solid.
  • I haven't used any of the other features like chat much, so i'm not very well aware of them but the one thing i am aware of is the search; sometimes i'll look up something for skyrim, like the dark brotherhood faction, and i'll only find the oblivion faction for the dark brotherhood, no matter how hard i look through the special page titled: search results.
  • I havent had any problem with anything but the search, and I am not sure how it could be improved.
  • I honestly can't see any further improvements. just keep on with the good work and roll on The Elder Scrolls Online!!
  • I honestly can't think of anything that might be improved upon except MAYBE the search, but it is in no way non-functional or broken!
  • I honestly don't think you need to change anything. The site runds fast, it's easy to use (once you get the hang of it) and it's exhaustive as far as content goes.
  • I just started playing Arena. This is asking a lot, but city maps could be helpful. UESP has the province maps from Arena, but it's so easy to get lost in a town.
  • I know it is a hard and painful work, but I think everyone would greatly appreciate the avaliability af dungeon maps as per previous TES games, albeit simple.
  • I like it how it is
  • I like it just as it is. Don't screw it up eh?
  • I like it the way it is, actually. It's very nice.
  • I like the concept of a single world map that is not broken down into the various holds for Skyrim.
  • i like the design you have but on this list it is the one thing i could find that could be improved
  • I like the design, although the logo could use some revamping. It's a bit blurry and the word "pages" looks more like "paces".
  • i like the maps, i wish tgere were more of them
  • I like to have UESP open on my iPad while I play on my Xbox, so improving mobile access would be great
  • i like to read the lore pages, sometimes things get goofy on my tablet or phone.
  • I like to use my smartphone to look up things on the wiki, so I feel that mobile access could be improved.
  • I like uesp as it is, so it's hard for me to specify the area that needs the improvement the most. Of course, with more TES content, there's gonna be more UESP content, but I don't think that's what you mean here.
  • I love reading the high quality articles on the site and would like to see more written to that standard, I would like to see a game map that doesn't rely on the Google Maps engine, and I would like to see the search engine cater more to users looking for an article that is worded oddly (i.e User searches Kajite, Search: Did You Mean Khajiit?
  • I love the UESP, and think it is fine the way it is. If I had to pick one of the choices above though, it would have to be Content, because a wiki can always use more of that.
  • I love to read lore on here, and I find there's often copy-pasted info shared among related articles. This is always a little disappointing.
  • I love UESP and have using it since 07, whitout any problem!
  • I love what you guys did with that google api for skyrim map , but there were or still ar a few missing maps from caves or other places .
  • I love You
  • I might be mistaken but I think there used to be a feature that redirected you directly to for example Oblivion:Bravil, if you were in an Oblivion: article and searched for Bravil. These days it seems to default to the search results no matter how you type it or where you are.
  • I miss the fact that it used to prefer to give results in the same "namespace", so to speak, like if you searched for Vampirism on a Morrowind related page, the Morrowind:Vampirism page would likely be the first result.
  • i noticed when i use the search option that it has provided information that is not related to my search in the past
  • I often find that when searching I'll get many barely related hits with the actual article I want near the bottom.
  • I often visit UESP from my iphone, since I'm playing on my computer, and the map system is terrible on a touchscreen mobile.
  • I only put maps because I have small issues when using them on my android. Search is priority.
  • I only refer to Elder Scrols Record Structures at this point
  • I only say content needs the most improvement because that's what I use almost exclusively.
  • I only say content since maintaining content is a huge task. I have not found any shortfalls in current content.
  • I only say this simply because I was clueless of a chat room existing prior to this survey.
  • i personally find it already flawless
  • I put search just because I just don't like how small the box is. It's just personal preference.
  • i rarely ever incounter problems, but the main one is that the recent new artical can be acouple of days behind.
  • I really can't tell, since I know nothing about most of these.
  • I really don't have any ideas for improvement. I love it!
  • I really don't have anything bad to say about the site. Always hoping for more content though.
  • I really don't have anything bad to say, but I would like if tge search could have an option for which game you are searching from or no game at all.
  • I really don't know what should be improved. Everything is good enough for me.
  • I really don't see anything that does!
  • I really don't think anything can be improved a whole lot. The layout and information is all there and easy to find.
  • I really have a hard time coming up with things to improve. Maybe adding coverage of some of the larger mods like TR?
  • I really have no opinion on this.
  • I really think the site is perfect for what I use it for. Perhaps more updates on the main page. I check daily. :)
  • I reckon articles should put more info on which bugs are fixed by the USKP (Unofficial Skyrim Patch).
  • I regret I don't have a lot of ideas now. But I strongly like the Design/Style of UESP: its simple, classic, elegant, smart, clear, soft, calming...
  • I say maps mainly because I often use the map for Skyrim, but I have to use google to find it. So perhaps that is more a search issue. Also I think it might be better to separate the games out. So if I go to the Skryim Home Page, I get navigation on the left only for Skyrim. It may be then easier to find what I am looking for. I may not play the other games anyway, but even if I did I would not be playing them all at the same time, so the information becomes redundant. Then you could have quick links to the map and followers and houses etc. The things peolple are often going back to.
  • I selected "Wiki/Content" only because it never hurts to have TOO much information (especially the Lore sections. I eat that stuff up). As for design/style... the site does look nice and is laid out wonderfully; nevertheless, after a few years, a new design to spruce it up wouldn't hurt.
  • I still haven't found a lot of the maps to be all that useful. As TES sites get more popular, UESP starts to look less modern, but I would keep design changes simple. UESPs minimalistic fast-loading style is nice, it just needs a touch up. And a free Ipod App would be great, but ultimately not nessesary.
  • I suggest doing one of either two things: using spoiler cuts where appropriate, or doing something to make the bugs sections more accessible to users so that they don't have to read through spoilers just to see how to get around one of Skyrim's millions of bugs every few hours of game time. People should not have to wade through spoilers just to see information about bugs. Fix this. And yes, I know most pages have a table of contents with a 'Bugs' link, but it's still very easy to see spoilers even at the tops of some of your pages.
  • I suppose if anything, the search can be a bit tricky if you don't know just what you're looking for
  • I suppose it could use some more pictures for the more obscure items in the games...I'm pretty satisfied to be honest.
  • i think a new reface would be a really good thing for the wiki!!
  • I think could be made slightly more visually appealing, that is all
  • I think everything if fine, really. The search is the only thing that has bugged me from time to time but I've learned how it works now so I picked search mainly just to pick something.. xD
  • I think everything is fine the way it is...
  • I think everything looks great
  • i think i complained enough about this. mobile access isnt perfect, but i never feel the need to read about tes stuff while i'm at school or something
  • I think including frequent, updated Maps would prove useful.
  • I think it is time to change the background, it's been the same for as long as I can remember.
  • I think it would be cool if the search engine becomes smarter. If I was browsing MW pages it should display MW results
  • I think it would be neat if a search could default to the namespace of the page i'm currently viewing. Also, while content could always be improved, the Daggerfall section is a wreck by comparison. I would help out, but I really don't have the time
  • I think it's all fine as it is.
  • I think it's satisfactory as it is now. if you change things around too much ppl will leave
  • i think its pretty solid
  • I think more publicity about the forum, chat and blog so that everyone knows where it is and that it's there
  • I think one of my biggest issues is with the Search function. The only time I've been frustrated on UESP is writing a rather specific term, and receiving a ton of unrelated articles. That was after modifying the search.
  • I think that the site is already very good. The content, as you know, can always be improved however.
  • I think that unique weapons and armor and the like should have their own pages instead of being displayed altogether on one page only.
  • I think the search could be improved somewhat. Sometimes I want to see if a game has something in it that might interest me, or could be of use to me, I search stuff up that I believe is closely related to that general subject, and sometimes it doesn't show many results. What I'm trying to say is, if you could make it so that the search somehow, rather than just keywords, looked for things related to what I type in. For example, I want to learn about Werewolves, but I have for some reason forgot the word "werewolf," so I search what is related to it, Vampires, the search should be able to search topics related to vampires, i.e. Werewolves. I hope that made sense.
  • I think the search results might be unclear to novice audiences to TES
  • I think the site could use a facelift, but I wouldn't be particularly upset if you guys never got around to that.
  • I think the site is great right now, and I am taking a few minutes to let you all know that :)
  • I think the site is really good
  • I think the UESP is doing great as it is.
  • I think your doing great!
  • I think your site is just fine as is.
  • I understand keeping things brief, but sometimes I would like to see pictures of in-game items as they appear in-game, not just their icons.
  • I understand that sometimes there is not much information about a topic, but some articles lack standard info.
  • I use my iPad and would like an app that would link to the website and other information provided.
  • I use them very rarely.
  • i use this site all the time and i haven't had any issues with anything really
  • I use UESP from my mobile quite a lot and always have to zoom in to be able to read pages. It'd be better if it had it's own personal mobile website.
  • I want an Android App, and if there is one, or soon to be one, let me know. My e-mail is XXXXXXX. :)
  • I wish it had an advanced search to screen the results
  • I wish sometimes the search could figure out what I mean even when I leave a letter out
  • I would always rate content as high priority but that doesn't mean it needs improvement because it's badly developed right now.
  • I would appreciate the predictive searching thing that Wikia has.
  • I would enjoy it if you could create a page for each of the various creatures found throughout Tamriel, rather than lumping many of them on a one page list as seems to be the case.
  • I would like more pictures and information concerning weapons, items and characters and lore relating to them.
  • I would like the search function to more easily, as sometimes the site doesn't give me what I search for, but it's not a particularly big concern.
  • I would like to see (easily) all the TES: Construction kit downloads.
  • I would like to see a great skyrim map but I also know that someone has to take the time to map one. Search tool is minimally frustrating, only because of the different spells in the ES universe
  • I would like to see a more organized layout. Currently it feels too cluttered up
  • I would like to see a sort of category listing on the main page maybe, for easy access to content.
  • I would like to see an effort to separate spoiler information from general information. Sometimes I need just a little help, but end up seeing more than I want. Maybe a level 1 hints section before providing full details on a mission.
  • I would like to see better articles on some areas of lore as many of them are very short.
  • I would like to see more articles about mods on Oblivion and Skyrim
  • I would like to see more pictures when looking up weapons, armor, artifacts etc.
  • I would love a great mobile version of the site, would eliminate the need for task-switching.
  • I would love an app for this wiki on my phone.
  • I would love for all the stubs to be weeded out please.
  • i would love it if it remembered which game i was searching for- for example, if i came from a skyrim article, it would give me skyrim related pages first
  • I would love to have an official UESP app for Android. Perhaps I have overlooked it, but I have not found one made specifically for your database.
  • I would love to see IOS and Android apps available of the UESP Wiki.
  • I would love to see more work done on breaking down the real world theology and influence in ES.
  • I would really like an iOS app
  • I would really like for the design on UESP to be a little bit more unique, it looks like wikipedia with light peach as the colour scheme.
  • I wouldnt mind having a mobile site of the UESP and sometimes when i search somthing it will only give me aritcles from OB or MO
  • I'd honestly say I can't think of anything that needs improving.
  • I'd like the lore libraries to be a bit easier to navigate.
  • I'd like to see a streamlined Q&A section, something along the lines of Yahoo Answers.
  • I'd like to see more in-depth, less serious articles such as things to do when you're bored and roleplaying guides. Also, filter options in the search bar would be greatly appreciated
  • I'd like to see more maps of game areas on the site.
  • I'd love an app or something for mobile; searching could use some work; performance is always good
  • I'd love to have a choice of maps, for example, a road map that just shows all the roads and tracks would be useful.
  • I'd love to see more "dialogue" information
  • I'd really like that the Arena section was developed completely
  • I'm currently happy with all the services I use. So none really.
  • I'm no help here as I have not found a section listed that I have used and needed any improvement imho.
  • I'm not particularly crazy on having to to type the name of the game before looking for stats on something (ie Game Name: Article Name). I'd very much like to see one article combining all of the pages for one creature/location that appears in multiple games.
  • I'm not sure how to answer this one. I haven't had much of a problem, if any, with anything. If possible, as much information on each individual aspect possible. Though I know that these things take time and I am more than willing to wait for quality work.
  • I'm not sure if there is a mobile app but if there is, I will definitely download it!! :)
  • I'm not wild about the google map format -- but then again, it tickles me that the UESP uses a "real world" map app for our games.
  • I'm perfectly fine with the design, layout, and performance of UESP, and I don't ever use the forum, chatroom, blog, or support system. Mobile access is also not a concern to me, since it displays quite well on both my smart phone and tablet. Therefore, my focus lies on the content, search function, and maps. I have no issue with maps at the moment; they serve their purpose well enough, and I've never really found myself in need of a secondary reference due to unsatisfactory results with the maps here. I've already discussed the search function, and if I were in charge of choosing a single element of the website to upgrade, it would be that. And of course, the content of a wiki is always slightly suspect, by default, and sometimes poorly written or with spelling and grammatical errors interspersed within (which I truly dislike seeing). Revamping the content of articles would therefore be my second priority, with extra emphasis both on rewriting sections that are shoddily written or otherwise lack the tone expected from an authority on TES, and removing or cutting out superfluous, unnecessary content in the articles.
  • I'm pleased with the website as it is, but maybe a dedicated maps page.
  • I'm pretty content with the site as it is actually.
  • I'm pretty happy with the facilities I use which is mainly help and hints with skyrim
  • I'm quite content with the recent performance.
  • I'm very satisfied with the site as-is.
  • I'm very satisfied.
  • I've encountered some problems when trying to use it on my phone, but that's mostly because my phone is a piece of junk, even if it's newer.
  • I've found that the search feature seems to never target what I'm looking for. If I search for lore on a certain character, I end up with the game:article for that character. While this isn't too hard to step from Morrowind:Vivec to Lore:Vivec, in some instances there is no link on the page to the lore version.
  • I've got no complaints, although picked Wiki/Content, because at times i happened to find more info on the tes wiki than here on certain pages. Some pages could use a bit of polish.
  • I've had a had time using the search bar before.
  • I've missed some parts about Skyrim. I do understand Skyrim is a rather new game and that a wiki is always a work in progress made by volunteers, but if I had to choose that would be it. It's not really an issue, though, it'll come when it comes and it's not like I'm helping out. I'm not really in position to complain, am I?
  • I've noticed an issue where I went to click on a link for one game and it took me to information for another game. In particular, it jumped me from Skyrim to either Morrowind or Oblivion.
  • I've noticed some fan/mod content has been added in some articles as lore.
  • I've rarely ever had problems with this site. The few ones I have had were attributed to the search being a bit wonky. I was having a damned time one night trying to find an article on the daedric alphabet, but I eventually succeeded.
  • I've yet to come across anything that I think would need improvement
  • If an App were released for Android, I would immediately install it.
  • If anything, the only attribute that would need any work is the content itself (as new stuff is constantly added, new games released etc.) However, I know that your team do a lot of work anyway, and should be very proud of their efforts.
  • If I don't know exactly what I'm looking for, the search engine can't help me find it. However, I don't see how that can be fixed.
  • If I have a question like how do you feed when you are a vampire I want to find the answer easily. Maybe have a dropdown where you can choose vampire and then it will give you all vampire related questions and answers. (Spesific quest help excluded.)
  • If I mispell the name of someone or something, it doesn't show up at all with the correct spelling occasionally.
  • If it ain't broke, don't fix it..
  • If it could show more maps, or more detailed maps, and make them easier to find, it would be great.
  • If it's not broken, don't change it. Add, not take away from what's already there. Pleas,e it would help me to better use this site then you could possibly imagine if people would stop changing what doesn't need to be changed.
  • If more content could be added (such as instructions to get to places) and if the ads are placed in a small space in a right panel, it would be perfect.
  • If possible ab iOS app would be fantastic
  • If the location's page on the wiki had a picture of it on the map, instead of directions to it, that would be awesome
  • If the search isn't exact, the search finds nothing
  • If the site had a mobile version.. that would be amazing. I play Skyrim on the Xbox 360 and usually search the UESP on my phone while playing, but re-sizing pages and whatnot gets a little tedious. The site's great on a computer though.
  • If there were similar maps (like the travel maps etc.) for Skyrim as are especially for Morrowind, that would be awesome :D
  • If we could get a color map for SR that would be great
  • if you are looking at say Skyrim then the search should put Skyrim articles 1st
  • If you guys were to somehow integrate the maps you make more directly into the wiki pages, that'd be sweet!
  • if you made an app that would be awesome
  • If you plan to implement a mobile layout, please do it well! Badly designed mobile sites give me a headache. Mobile Wikis, especially.
  • im doing this on an android
  • ImAgeRy!!
  • Images mainly. Sometimes the deeper mechanics should be explained, esp as related to skills.
  • Images, mainly for equipment or item in-game.
  • in some cases articals are lacking in depth or images, but that can be understood
  • In the morrowind content I often found descriptions of where to find things within an area helpful but many locations in the skyrim content lack that.
  • In the wiki/content (and maps maybe): mainly verifying the info present and maybe adding more relevant info if applicable. Search: some of the search terms and/or search results refer to the wrong pages or no page at all. Some links in the content do this as well.
  • include suggested matches in the case of a spelling error
  • iOS app would be awesome. I'd pay $0.99 for ad free.
  • iPhone app would be great!
  • IRC is more trouble than it's worth. A simple shoutbox/tagboard on the front page would be better.
  • is it even possible to improve this site?
  • is there any mobile customization ?
  • it all seems fine the way it is to me
  • It can always look better :)
  • It can be difficult at times to remember the exact spelling of a name or place in TES. It seems like the search engine only brings up exact matches, so if you have spelled something incorrectly, you get no results.
  • It can be difficult to find information if you arent exact in your searches.
  • It can be difficult to find specific lore articles; the Google based maps can load slowly
  • It can sometimes be hard to find the correct topic using the current search
  • It could be well-served looking at ways to improve from its template's aesthetic, and some of the articles still have errors or are poorly put together.
  • It could do with a few new pages of information. e.g. A Kalpa, think it's related to Alduin eating the world, but
  • It gets tough to read on my phone at times, but that's my only complaint.
  • It is a bit outdated on layout
  • It is a little difficult to search for things sometimes, as what you look for has to be exact wording.
  • It is only occasionally that I can't find something, and it most often seems to be when the words I'm using almost match the page I'm looking for, but it brings up things I wasn't thinking of first.
  • it is sensitive to using apostrophes
  • It might be helpful if content related to the most recent game game before older ones. For instance if searching for "destruction spells" skyrim should be listed before morrowwind
  • It often times shows up info for old games when I've been searching Skyrim all day long
  • it really isn't that bad, but sometimes it turns out to be easier to just click around to try to find what I'm looking for manually
  • it really needs improving in the mobile aspect, everything else is good :)
  • It seems wikia has a bit more content, but overall UESP is just fine.
  • It was be nice if the weapons had individual pages as well as the current article layout where they are all on the same one.
  • It would be a good idea to write esseys about the Elder Scrolls, for example: essay about the weapons of Oblivion (the esseywriter prefers which ones and why), or essey about the economy of Vvardenfell.)
  • it would be awesome if you made an android app!
  • It would be great if you could check what things you want to see on the map, no matter how zoomed in/out it is. It is sometimes irritating that you can't see Oblivion Gates / Wayshrines if the map is not zoomed enough.
  • It would be great to limit the search field to the particular game mini-site the user is in (Skyrim/Morrowind/Oblivion). An automatic global search would still be useful for lore/language/books.
  • It would be helpful if you could give screenshots of the ingame skyrim map, because sometimes, it is hard to find a certain location ingame on your maps
  • It would be helpfull to have better links to better/different maps when reading an info page. Another way to make the search better would be to have the option to search only within specific games, as well as searching all content.
  • It would be nice for the articles to have more pictures.
  • It would be nice if the search wasnt so strict, so if I miss one letter it can still find what I wanted to find.
  • It would be nice to see you include more of the more "obscure" texts
  • It would be really cool if there were pictures of every weapon in the game, as well as its stats.
  • It would be really nice if there were content tags so the search could focus on those, rather than just searching the text of articles. I frequently forget the name of the exact thing I'm looking for, and searching for a few descriptors would be much easier than digging through the text results.
  • It's all fine to me.
  • It's all good.
  • It's fine the way it is
  • It's hard to improve upon perfection... keep up the good work and thank you.
  • It's not always easy finding info. For example: I always have to check several articles regarding smithing and heavy armour for skyrim, before finding the info I need.
  • It's not bad on a smart phone, but on standard phones it's nearly impossible to read anything.
  • it's perfect as is.
  • It's perfect the way it is
  • It's very difficult to load a page on my ipod.
  • Item charts seem a bit weird, More user friendly way to find bugs related to you playstyle
  • Item ID numbers are sometimes inaccurate Vanilla is ok, Dawnguard is not.
  • item info
  • item tables are lacking in information,
  • Its often seems to be down (This hasn't happened for a good few months now. Whatever the problem was seems to be fixed now.)
  • Its pretty perfect and meets all of my needs. Though a perk calculator for Skyrim would be nice. Something like this http://skyrimcalculator.com/
  • iunno
  • Just a fresh design would do wonders, more interactive maps would be cool.
  • Just adding more content would be the biggest thing for me. I don't think it's lacking in any other area, sometimes articles are just a little bit too short
  • Just because I almost never use maps on UESP. There isn't much need, though.
  • Just filling in blanks in data values for characters around the series
  • Just for Arena
  • Just keep adding new info about the game as it becomes available. In the mean time I'd be interested in a more robust map setup, like maps of individual towns and dungeons to help me navigate to the things I may be searching for most.
  • Just keep up the the extremely thorough information on the games and the world.
  • Just match close page title matches, and you've fixed the only complaint I've ever had.
  • just search its a bit difficult whenever i do not know how to spell a certain word in my searchs and the design could be alittle different now that its been sometime maybe a new color layout or just a new background
  • Just took me a little while to notice the "view on map" button
  • Lacking, but like I said really not needed
  • Lately it seems like the search feature can't remember what portal I am in. Like, if I am reading Skyrim articles and I search for a new Skyrim topic, it should pull up Skyrim:Article. But instead it just does a regular search. I have to manually append "Skyrim:" in front of searches to get directly to an article.
  • Like I said - the theme seems a bit old, but other than that, no major complaints.
  • Like I said before, I prefer items in there own pages.
  • Like I said, I'm almost always on my phone, so a mobile site or an app would be awesome. And not just for smartpones but basic phones, too.
  • like, really ugly colors, and they have nothing to do with the games
  • Link map for sister links
  • little activity
  • Load slowly and applying filters often doesn't fully work; e.g. Oblivion Gates
  • Loads slowly on ipad.
  • Look is a bit dated. Browsing for information, however, is fine. More detailed data for NPC pages would also be good (armor/weps, skills if applicable).
  • Lore
  • Lore
  • Lore and lore perspective information on ingame characters. Older TES games and spin-offs.
  • lore articles need more pictures and some need improvement
  • Lore could be much more detailed.
  • Lore. Especially on Greg Keyes Novels and some Skyrim info. I'd also like articles complied by users (Like TIL)
  • Lore. The reason I usually visit you.
  • Love to see more and better maps (especially the Skyrim map), the blog is not used often enough.
  • Mainly Design/Style. Maps seem a bit behind in Skyrim (I remember there being maps for everything in Oblivion, and I really enjoyed it!)
  • Mainly make it a little more accessible.
  • Mainly the Skyrim section
  • make people aware these exist, i just found out about them
  • Make an app for all appstores
  • Make an App!!
  • Make maps for each location sometimes I don't know where to go even with derictions
  • Make the chosen fields more accessible/promote them more. I didn't even realise they existed.
  • Make your articles more similar to each other. Streamline! Templates! Blah Blah Blah!
  • Making an app for iPhone and Android to stay logged in on mobile devices and follow forum discussions on the go. Then again I haven't checked to see if one already exists... :\ so there's that.
  • making individual pages rather than grouping
  • Making the community more accessible, I'm a little biased from wikia, but it is a good system
  • Map doesn't zoom well. Reported distances are confusing; how do I know how far 300 feet is with no scale on the map?
  • Map is a bit unreliable on iPad. Other than that, absolutely no complaints!
  • Maps are bit harsh to navigate, especially on a mobile device. Also the search is somewhat bulky; if it could handle typos better it would be a huge improvement.
  • Maps are not user-friendly. You should link each POI on the map with the respective article for a start.
  • Maps are often a headache to use. Navigating without losing site of a particular point doesn't work well.
  • Maps could be more detailed, better descirbed and the pictures large and perhaps clearer. The search could also use approximation spelling too.
  • Maps for me, I would really like if it had color instead of being black and white, grey scale.
  • Maps is definitely the only section that needs improving in my opinion. I think it would be better if there were just screenshots of the map for locations rather than the interactive map; it can be a bit of a burden sometimes.
  • Maps loads a bit slow, but I dunno if thatd be an easy fix.
  • maps of the interiors could be a little better.
  • Maybe a change in theme? Perhaps a different colour scheme, all the cream is rather 'Daggerfall'.
  • Maybe add a by title tab, so you can avoid getting a dozen results for Daggerfall when Skyrim is likely your main draw these days.
  • Maybe add a tree of what page your on, on the left side panel. I dont use that are except for search.
  • maybe add diferent shades because coming from dark cave to bright page hurts the eyes at night
  • Maybe an app on iOS ?
  • Maybe create a mobile version with the UESP's logo and search bar at the top, Main Page/Current Page beneath?
  • maybe have a smart search incase of a minor spelling error
  • Maybe have more news updates about more Elder Scrolls related things. Right now they only cover new patches and dlc.
  • Maybe if you made a layout for mobile?
  • Maybe links/reviews to good video walkthroughs - it helps when you keep getting lost!
  • Maybe more forum layouts?
  • Maybe more pictures, or picture references for certain items?
  • Maybe more video walkthrough's.
  • Maybe pictures for in game items, but that's all I can think of
  • Maybe searching exclusively for wiki pages within a distinct TES game would be viable additional option.
  • Maybe the logo? It looks a little outdated, Other than that, I think everything else is remarkably well-designed and useful.
  • Maybe visibility of some features: I actually did not know there was a forum or chatroom. But like I said, I'm not an active contributor.
  • Might be nice to set a game one is interested in instead of needing to add search terms or pick from list of common pages among games.
  • Migrate some of the current jpg map content for Oblvion to scalable google map type view. for ex. Oblivion worlds and alchemy ingredient locations.
  • Minor nitpick, but instead of just having giant lists of clothing/equipment, it would be nice to see images of said equipment, which is infrequent.
  • Misspellings do occur a lot for me.
  • Mobile access allows for easier use of the website.
  • Mobile access and performance a lot better than other wikis(on my iPad). Should be kept this way even when changing design/style.
  • Mobile access could be improved, as it is sometimes troublesome navigating the site on my iPhone.
  • Mobile access for Blackberries in particular could really use improvement. Also, if I can't remember how something is spelled, things can get very complicated.
  • Mobile access for maps
  • Mobile access for maps is the wiki's only downfall for me. Using the maps is very difficult & unruly on iOS (other wikis with similar maps have this problem).
  • Mobile access indeed. Might just be my phone's internet speed.
  • Mobile access is easily the number one area that needs improvement. I would pay a small fee for a very god mobile app.
  • mobile access is easy, just like it is normally. searching is a bit difficult sometimes, like if I'm trying to find something and I cant remember its exact name.
  • Mobile access is going to become less of an issue as mobile platforms get better though
  • Mobile access is perfect and doesn't need to be changed. I like it when sites don't change their layouts for mobile devices, it's too hard to find things on mobile devices when your used to the PC version.
  • Mobile access is there, I just personally believe it could be a bit easier to read. The words are very small.
  • Mobile access on Android GS2 with ICS does not scale well
  • mobile access would be awesome, everything else is amazing
  • Mobile access would be nice. I find myself thinking about all kinds of lore when stuck somewhere with only my phone handy.
  • Mobile access would make it easier to use while playing
  • mobile app would be AWESOME!!!!! Especially if it didnt require internet access to view it, just internet to download updates, etc (ipod user)
  • mobile for me is a little laggy but im sure you could patch that up
  • mobile is pretty good buch pictures can throw it off
  • Mobile pages do not undergo any significant layout conversions, and are hard to navigate on a phone.
  • Mobile please
  • Mobile site loads very slowly and the RC is often months out of date
  • Mobile version!
  • Mobile viewing is a challenge.
  • mobile would be nice ;)
  • Mobile would be nice, there is some times when i dont have internet available.
  • Mod/addon hosting
  • Mods
  • Mods, downloads and reviews please!
  • More and larger pics.
  • More content is always better. This site seems to do better with Lore while the Elder ScrollsWiki does better with game info and guides.
  • More content is always nice, though I'm not sure what is missing. Mobile app would be a big plus for quick reference
  • more coverage for large mods like tamriel rebuilt
  • more coverage, etc of MODS
  • More detail for things like skill books on maps. Show me the table on the map.
  • More detail needed in some sections, but overall a great experience.
  • More frequent news updates. This wiki would supplant a need for any other Elder Scrolls site
  • more images
  • More images for articles would be nice
  • More images in articles would be immensely helpful. This wiki relies too much on text, when supplementary images would make identifying places, characters, and especially objects much easier. The Wikia Elder Scroll's Wiki's plentiful use of images is one of the reasons I go there from time to time and don't rely exclusively on UESP.
  • More images of weapons/gear would be handy.
  • More images would be good for itiems.
  • More item pictures.
  • more lore
  • More maps -please, especially for Skyrim dungeons, dwarven ruins
  • More maps!
  • More of an open and intriguing forum that may draw users into discussions.
  • More photo's/ screenshots would be nice :D
  • More photographs of in game content would be helpful, though not necessary. I base a lot of my game choices on how things will look, and pictures of clothing, weapons, homes, and items in action would be great.
  • More pictures if it is possible :)
  • More pictures of items in the games
  • More pictures of places and items.
  • More pictures on pages about items would be nice, but not essential.
  • More Skyrim maps would be helpful. I know the game is still realitively recent, but the Oblivion maps really helped me out. Having those maps for Skyrim would be a great project, and well worth the time.
  • More wide and specific inofrmation is always welcome
  • Morrowind could, perhaps, use a check over, it seems a little less well documented than the other games
  • Most of the site is OK mobile, but the Google maps are difficult to use on an ipod.
  • Most Things are Professional and information is obtainable, especially for newer titles.
  • Mostly minor issues, but by and large the amount of info has been wonderful.
  • My check in design is simply because I think the scheme of the site can be a tad bland, no offense. I think it would be great to be able to access all of this content from a mobile device, if not already in place. As for the check in the wiki/content category, I think you all are doing an amazing job, and just hope that the plethora of articles gets even bigger!
  • my misspellings make info hard to look up. A "did you mean ___?" would help
  • My only complaint is I have a hard time finding information on some items.
  • N/A
  • Need bigger image sizes, especially the Daggerfall sprited for the Daedric Princes.
  • Need more articles on the lore of the game. Not just in game books.
  • Needs column search seperation for Game Lore and Game Information.
  • needs spell correct or similar search results
  • Neither one of these is a major thing, really. There are just some minor unique items, locations, and people that could use a page or expansion. Mobile access isn't too bad honestly. I'm doing this on my phone right now! It wouldn't hurt to have a mobile version of the site, though.
  • Never saw it available on mobiles.
  • New editors could be welcomed and encouraged more; Often the first thing a new editor gets is a curt rejection of their effort to contribute. I suspect this causes the wiki to lose potentially valuable long-term contributors. Quest walkthroughs are often packed with dense info that is unfriendly to someone who is focused on getting practical guidance through a quest. The "poetic" headers are not Encyclopedia-like. Use show/hide to give a choice between a "detailed walkthrough" and a "full article" that includes dialogue, background, and every relevant detail.
  • news, and be more critical when bethesda doesn't keep their words
  • No change is needed
  • No complaints on anything, but there's always room for improvement in content, and the blog has kind of fallen into disuse...
  • No idea
  • No many, but a few gaps are present in terms of information I sometimes look for.
  • No particular improvement suggested.
  • no the Google-map, mat the maps of locations
  • None
  • none
  • None
  • None
  • none
  • None
  • None
  • none
  • None everything is just great
  • None honestly
  • None of the above.
  • None of the above. It works great on my computer and on my phone. An app for smartphones would be amazing!
  • none your sites great
  • None, all the features I use are as great as they can be imo
  • None, I like it the way it is
  • None, it's perfect for me
  • None!
  • None! It's great!
  • None.
  • None.
  • None. I like the website just the way it is. Nothing needs improvement
  • Not applicable
  • Not much to complain about.
  • not much. love the site and it's content.
  • not often, but occasionally I'm frustrated in searching for something that I know exists on the site.
  • Not really an issue, but sometimes the pages have unrelated infos, that could be put into linked pages (eg (http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Oblivion_Gates) I searched for a solution for the bug, but found too many infos.)
  • not so much maps as many pages ive found just list a places location as "North". I'd prefer a little jpeg of the map and the location in question on the map
  • Not sure.
  • Not sure.
  • Not that I've had any problems with it on my phone
  • Note that I only checked a box because I have to; I think the UESP is pretty much perfect.
  • Nothign it is perfect
  • Nothing
  • Nothing
  • Nothing
  • Nothing bad about the current design; I just prefer the look of 'The Elder Scrolls Wiki'
  • Nothing comes to mind at this time - I'm very happy with the site.
  • Nothing its fine
  • Nothing its great
  • nothing its great the wsy it is.
  • nothing really
  • Nothing that comes to mind
  • Nothing to comment on.
  • Nothing truly 'needs' improvement, in my view. Everything already present is up to a very high standard.
  • nothing, everything is perfect
  • NPC Schedules
  • obviously more content can always be added, and the look of the website isn't very important.
  • Occasional lack of detail or even contradictory information. This site must 'out-content' the Elder Scrolls Wiki since that site appears first in search results.
  • occasionally i run across a page that hasn't been created yet for a character or quest that i need info on
  • Occasionally there is content, such as pictures of different types of armor, that is available on other sites but not here.
  • Of the features I use, nothing needs changing, really. I cannot answer for the features I do not use.
  • Of the ones I've used, Search would be the more irritating of them, but that's because I don't spell things correctly all the time.
  • Offhand, I don't have any real concerns.
  • Ok as is.
  • Older games need some expansion of information. Pretty much everything Morrowind and beyond is dynamite though.
  • On my apple mobile device, the google search on the forums grotesquely stretches the screen.
  • Once again hard to find tmeline of TES
  • Once in a while my search leads to no result.
  • Only problem I've ever had was with the search. Never tried chat, forum, mobile, support, and blog. Never had a problem with design or performance
  • Only small amounts of game info is incomplete or missing
  • Only thing I've ever really had an issue with was performance, pages loading slowly, but that seems to have been fixed or has atleast been improved.
  • opinions on who is the best follower or other opinion-based items
  • Optimization for mobile like Wikia would be great
  • Or maybe just better descriptions of how to find paths/ hard to reach places and items.
  • Organization
  • Other than becoming a little more mobile friendly, this website gets the rare praise that it's awesome just the way it is. Additions or modifications to the site would most likely serve to change things for the worse.
  • Other than further research and publication of more obscure or less high profile characters/areas/quests in the world of the Elder Scrolls, I can only imagine an application for iPod touches/iPhones and/or android devices, could be something for the future.
  • Overall excellent site
  • Page is displayed normal on mobile phones but its not an issue
  • Pages such as the ones that list all the Gods in Tamriel in alphabetical order could benefit from a bit of an overhaul. Some more information or maybe grouping them in a different context such as Gods by Race or Province perhaps?
  • Pages that were removed like "fun things to do in oblivion"
  • Part of me wants to untick 'design/style' - I think the consistently of style adds to the wiki's charm so be careful if you ever change it! Maybe make it optional select.
  • performance is a must. LIttle to no downtime is a massive requirement for me.And Mobile access too. The site sucks when I use it on my mobile phone. Very hard to navigate. but still much easier to use than other elder scroll sites.
  • Performance only because of server slowdown which is expected around new releases. This area has however greatly improved since I started using the site in 2007
  • Perhaps add spelling suggestions for search?
  • Perhaps include images with search results.
  • Perhaps more regular and detailed news for all things ES on the main page
  • Pictures
  • pictures
  • Pictures and seperate pages.
  • Please change the background colour, this pink is hardly fitting. Seriously.
  • Please seperate the pages from different games in a way that makes searching for "oblivion pages" or "morrowind pages" much more simple
  • Please, DO NOT make a mobile site. The current site works fine on phones, and mobile sites just remove features and mess with the interface.
  • Possible "related to" or "did you mean?" searches if one were to misspell something
  • Possibly default the search to the latest game for topics that match across games. Or bring up a filter screen between games before offering all options
  • prefer a search within section, i.e. if in Skyrim section, search should prioritize Skyrim matches
  • Preformance, as in not having it very slow randomly
  • Pretty good how it is.
  • Quest (in MODs)
  • Quite honestyl, I really don't think it needs much work at all, and content is really all I carea about.
  • Rare performance issues have in the past made the site unusually slow or, very rarely, impossible to access, but these are few and far between. Otherwise, as content is expanded and edited along the lines it already is, the site can only get better.
  • Really, I'm quite satisfied with the way it is. Maybe some content could use adding more details, but it's not crucial.
  • Really, nothing needs to change.
  • refer question 1
  • Restricting search to a single game by default (should remember the last game you searched for information on) would be extraordinarily useful.
  • s'all good! dnt make it too flashy or else older computers will have trouble. just info and pics is good
  • Satisfied with everything
  • satsfied with the way it is
  • scripting/source code (some older articles/lists seem to be buggy)
  • Search (I've stated befire - why, plus adding something which will in case of a typo or misspelling suggest some close search variants) and the design smetimes looks a little 'out'. There could be more harmony in it, but, I'm afraid, I can't tell for sure what's wrong (at least, at once). I never though about mobile version, but now I think the pda would be a great thing to have.
  • search can be difficult if not searching for something common.
  • Search can be difficult to use things like skill information, as mentioned before
  • search can be nitpicky of very vague depending on the wording
  • Search can be slow and wonky sometimes. I don't use the Forum, Chat, or Blog, or go to the site via my phone, so it's possible one of those need more improvement.
  • Search correction if you spell a name wrong
  • Search could be more transparent sometimes. Also, perhaps there could be an easier way of filtering out irrelevant search results from older games (for a user who is playing Skyrim, for instance).
  • Search could improve, but a more detailed (possibly expanding) index on the main page would help. The categories and grouping of information is pretty good, but it is not fine-grained enough to allow quick navigation to particular radial quests, etc.
  • Search does not always turn up what I specifically want.
  • Search engine could use some real-time word correction and suggestions, Google-style.
  • search engine not tolorent to spelling errors. one wrong letter and game over.
  • Search field is too strict, leaves no margin for error
  • Search function often leads to disambiguations, lists of related articles, etc.
  • Search function sucks, advanced search should have more options, often finds irrelevant sites
  • Search gives no suggested results or spelling
  • Search is a little basic in terms of results
  • Search need a bit more tweaking.
  • Search really can't be improvd much, unless you install a telepathy module. But it's the feature I use most often so any improvements ought to go there.  ;-)
  • Search results are often way off if relevent at all, more control is needed in the wiki as it is often incorrect.
  • search results should favor the most recent game released; skyrim
  • Search results should include suggestions rather than requiring exactly correct spelling of names or places etc.
  • Search should give results by order of relevancy sorted by latest games and installments.
  • Search to involve helpful searches or suggestion when typos are searched.
  • Search, due to me sometimes not finding things because of the seperated sections (although I can't really think of a better solution, and this problem is easily overcome by the user, so no real room for improvement to be frank), and more content is always good, especially regarding Skyrim and Lore
  • Searches for specific in-game items typically link to a long list of all leveled or unique items in the game, it would be nice if some more rare, unique, or sought after items had their own articles with detail about the item's locations, uses, lore-relevant information, etc
  • Searching can sometimes be difficult when unsure of exact spellings
  • searching for specific in game items are quests is kind of confusing
  • Searching from the main wiki page can be confusing for anything other than lore.
  • Searching is a bit fiddly. When searching for, say, Vivec most users are probably looking for either the city or god. City if the fifth result of the search. The god is the 17th.
  • Searching is the only thing that has a slight learning curve. Very slight.
  • Searching something is somewhat difficult if I make even a minor mistake, and maps are sometimes hard to follow
  • Seems fine to me!
  • Seriously? this site rules.
  • Since the only area I really use is the wiki/content area, which is in general quite accurate, I can't really say whether the other areas like the forums or blog could use improvement. But I have noticed that when using the search function it's sometimes difficult to find the page you want if you don't know the exact spelling and phrasing you want. For me, it functions less as a search and more as a shortcut. When I want to find information and I don't know what page it's on, I generally just explore the site through links. But when I know what page I want yet to get to it normally I would have to go through 4-5 other pages, I just type the page name into the search bar and it usually pops up as the first result.
  • Site is very clean and easy to use, could possibly use more life or TES inspired theme. Mobile App would be very desirable.
  • Site often fails to load entirely.
  • Skyrim's wiki still needs fleshing out.
  • Slow as hell on the Kindle's browser.
  • Smartphones and tablets are important. A smartphone friendly layout shouldn't be too far away.
  • Some ads will stretch out over content, not in a rollover sense, but just because they're too large for their designated spaces. Mobile! Updated — but not drastically different — design would be appreciated, too.
  • Some articles just need a touch of usefull en interesting information.
  • Some content is outdated and needs to be changed. It would be nice to have the maps that come with the game and/or interactive maps.
  • some information related to pre-oblivion or the mobile games i have trouble finding. However this may be related to the fact that i have barely played them and am not searching for the right thing.
  • Some of the articles are too subjective and/or poorly written. The information is usually correct, but the actual phrasing/content is usually not polished enough. The search could be better, the forum could focus on more mature discussion (that's more of a fault of the community though), and mobile access can be a pain sometimes (especially clicking on the search bar, seeing as it is directly located underneath the main page logo). It'd be nice to see a design for a mobile site.
  • some of the content doesn't fit well on screen when using a mobile.
  • Some of the maps are a bit confusing and I can't always find the notated points I'm looking for.
  • some of these i haven't used, but searching seems a little rough here sometimes... usually i just goto google, that usually sends me to the right page on UESP... The Map is awesome, when it's complete i want a downloadable version, even if its incomplete, just the interface with current content would be cool, and make updates available when applicable
  • Some pages aren't ready yet.
  • Some pages which only display as random text/symbols (or is this due to my browser?).
  • Some quests could use more detail and perhaps some more pictures describing the queststages.
  • Some specs are missing for a few items, such as attack speed.
  • some type of auto spell-correction would be great.
  • somemore pics for detail or vdo links
  • Sometimes additional links could exist between related topics. Often I have to use google to find what I'm looking for even though I'm on a similar page to the topic I'm trying to find.
  • Sometimes clearer guidelines on editing specific topics would be nice. For example, when I edited an article on the dark brotherhood in Skyrim, there was a debate about what I had put there. Whlist disagreements will happen, when writing the article I wasn't even sure myself whether it should stay there.
  • Sometimes content is lacking in detail.
  • Sometimes directed to uesp from external sites when I'm on my mobile.
  • Sometimes i cant find the desired information, very rarely
  • Sometimes I feel that information is incomplete, but this is rare. Like I have said, I don't use as many features as I should or as I want to. But I have used the maps and they are not impressive. I do use mobile access, and it is just as good as a computer, which is a very of thing.
  • Sometimes I find looking at the maps a bit confusing I think the interface needs improving.
  • Sometimes I have a hard time finding the things that I'm searching for, but that may only be due to my not remembering exactly what it was I was searching for.
  • Sometimes I really don't understand how the I end up with the results I do, and the search isn't very tolerant of errors. Sometimes I'll use google instead to find the page I'm looking for on UESP.
  • sometimes I search for one thing and it showes me thing that are not even related
  • Sometimes I'm in a place where I don't have access to a computer, but I'm playing on my Xbox. I don't have a smartphone and the site is really nearly impossible to use without one.
  • Sometimes searching for simple things brings up unrelated topics.
  • Sometimes the servers are down.
  • Somtimes mobile access is slow, just like any other site.
  • Sorry for the lack of constructive criticism, but in 8 years, I don't recall any regular issues.
  • Sorry I can't help with this, although some information could be added but it's not NEEDED, more information on the books would be great...
  • Sorry, but if it's not broken, you can't fix it.
  • Sorry, I think everything is good for me.
  • Specially designed mobile access would be great.
  • specifically I'd like to see either of those : colored raw editing (even with the help of an external editor) and/or tables editable as tables.
  • Specifically maps of caves etc - could be much clearer than the ones in Skyrim game
  • Specifically the search
  • Specified earlier: Search could pop up first, and blogs could be more advertised.
  • Speed of updating new information
  • speed on getting things into the wiki. The UESW is better now, but it played a bit of catch up on information and pictures of unique items and other non essentials. (such as the bugs in jars) Also colorizing skyrims map is really wanted. (I read the discussions, and know it will be difficult, but i really want it)
  • Spell check
  • Spider caching issues still frequently serve outdated pages to non logged in users
  • Tag research
  • The "Did you know..." area could use a little more work, and, for my opinion there are a lots of garbage data on that section.
  • The "featured article" and "featured image" on the front page shouldn't include things that could be considered spoilers. I think that's happened far too much.
  • The above specified things could use a little more advertising. I didn't have any idea, quite frankly, that there was a blog or chat room. I knew about the forum, but i' have never used it. Mostly because i have already found what I'm looking for on your content pages. Keep up the great work!
  • The addition of a General: Feature, which could compile all the info into one section regardless of the game, like a super page.
  • The amount of content is amazing, but of course you could always use more.
  • The areas I use do not need improving at all, They're great. But I am yet to use other features.
  • The auto-sizing for my phone tends to be a few millimeters off -- so I have to pan right/left to see the last (or first) few letters of each line.
  • The content is clear and accurate. I'd love a mobile site, and an app would be even better!
  • the content is good enough that sometimes i just browse for reading pleasure
  • The content is great, but everything can always improve. Some of the quests, I've noticed that information lacks certain places. For bugs or little pieces of information that can help the player through it better.
  • The content is great, that's just the most important thing to me, so I checked it.
  • The content is outstanding. However, you can never have enough content as a wiki. Lore articles could greatly benefit from images or charts to illustrate certain topics.
  • The content is superb but I have found on a rare occasion somethings missing or hard to find. The overall design is well made but could use some refinement for ease of access. Overall though the site is well made and well balanced and I've run into very few problems finding what I'm looking for.
  • The content of UESP doesn't need improvement except for the huge maps that are always "a work in progress" which doesn't bother me but was the only thing i could think of
  • The design could be more standardized and the skyrim map needs some attention.
  • The design isn't bad, and you can customize it but if I had to pick anything to improve it would be the look of the website.
  • The different items could have their own page so it would be cool to know more about each individual item but that would take time.
  • The featured articles need updated frequently, preferably once a week.
  • The first time I used the site, I was not able to easily find the search function.
  • The forum is great, but there's so much more that could be done with it.
  • The forum, chat & blog seem disconnected with the wiki content. Not sure this is a bad thing, though.
  • The google maps idea is very cool, but very slow to load on most computers, and impossible on mobile devices, maybe a simpler idea would be better
  • The greyscale Skyrim map needs work.
  • The improvements over the past few months have been great, but you can always get better. Now you guys have to compete with Elder Scrolls Wiki and that other one, but the user base and comittment is much better here, so I feel you'll have no problem.
  • The in-site search engine sucks. The forum could be integrated to the wiki better, somehow. It's like a totally different website right now. The site's performance could be better: I often experience slowdowns, or the whole site refuses to open for a while.
  • the ingredients charts are a little overwhelming... maybe i could say what effect and you give the list?
  • The interface works, but you could use some new colors. Maybe less Oblivion and more Skyrim..
  • The item spections could use more screenshots
  • The layout of the lore section could use improvement.
  • The map for Skyrim could use a bit improvement (such as colors and/or elevation marking)
  • The Map is already the best, add dawnguard locations
  • The maps API needs to be upgraded to allow navigation from mobile browsers.
  • The maps are good but the loading is slower than the rest of the site
  • The maps are good,but they take lots of time to load.
  • The maps for Dawnguard are pretty much useless
  • The maps haven't been completely updated for Dawnguard, and more search options on the Skyrim maps would be awesome (ore, shrines, etc.). Some of the quest logs can be unclear at times.
  • The maps I have seen have generally been good, but could use more and I would like to see them get a dedicated link like books have.
  • The maps occasionally have bugs, and the search is confusing sometimes, due to page names. Aside from this, and bug information, superb.
  • The maps on the mobile don't work that well.
  • The maps seem to be a bit buggy at times, losing marked areas when the zoom is changed.
  • the maps themselves are good, but sometimes I've had trouble finding them. I would personally like to see the areas from Tamriel Rebuilt incorporated in the interactive map (http://www.uesp.net/maps/mwmap/mwmap.shtml), but, because it is not an official mod, that might be against policy.
  • The maps with the Google Maps API tend to perform slow, mobile-optimized access would be very useful
  • the mobile access is not even something I've tried (and I would consider it a low priority for me) but it might be cool to be able to do the searching of maps/items/quest on my phone - that way I don't have to quit the game to do my searching!
  • The mobile site has no layout nearly at all except for the text on the iPad.
  • The new games allways need for more updates
  • The newer MediaWiki versions come with input completion
  • The News
  • The news section could be updated more frequently...
  • the npc's
  • The older games need more pictures
  • The only major issue I have is witht eh ad glitch (requiring "double-Back" to go back a page).
  • The only one i can think of, sometimes when viewing on my phone the text doesn't fit right. But it's not a big deal, just a quirk
  • The only real irritant I have is vandalism.
  • The only thing that annoys me is when i type in search, for example, Skyrim Weapons, i'm not redirected to the site with list of all weapons aviable in Skyrim and instead i got list with more specified weapons like Elven or Daedric. With that general searching phrase i would expect to be redirected to site with general weapons and so.
  • The only thing that I could think of is perhaps updating the front page more frequently, so it's not the same "character of the day" for like, a month.
  • The only time I use other sites is when accessing via a mobile device I find the site difficult to use on my devices
  • The overall map is good but I loved having maps for individual places when available (although I realize it's a huge undertaking to have maps of everywhere)
  • The pages certainly aren't mobile optimized. Would be nice if you used a mobile framework.
  • The quest pages that are part of the redesign project arn't really able to be redesigned, maybe removing the banner would be a good idea
  • The redesign project seems like it could have been headed off if a standard format for Wiki pages could be enforced, but I am very impressed by the skill and dedication of the people who edit the Wiki and appreciate them very much.
  • The search bar is quirky sometimes and the style should be changed occasionally to keep it new
  • The search can be a bit specific... {soulgem, soul gem, soulgems} do not all direct to the same page. It would be nice if it assumed you wanted to search the same game you are currently exploring. I.e. When I look up Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw, I want the Oblivion version, as I was just browsing other Oblivion threads.
  • the search can sometimes be a bit tricky, especially if you are unsure of spelling, could possibly offer a "did you mean...?" option like googlesearch
  • The search can tend to bring up a lot of irrelavent sites.
  • The search could open up more doors then it allready does and the content is ok but confusing at times.
  • The search could use an Autocorrect function like: "Did you mean ...?"
  • The search does not do well when misspelling words, and sometimes doesn't bring up the most relevant page.
  • The search doesnt generate terms related to the query as well as it could
  • The search engine can be a bit tricky to use depending on what filter setting you use, but I'm honestly used to it now.
  • The search engine could be improved so you don't have to be so precise with the searches. For example, searching for "still born cave" doesn't bring up the Skyrim location page for "Stillborn Cave."
  • The search engine is a lust.
  • The search for people is sometimes a bit clunky as the exact spelling is needed or else no results show. The design is a bit bland but those are really the only bad things i can say
  • The search for Skyrim could use some work. Oblivion's works perfectly. Like instead of going right to the page, sometimes it will go to search results, even if none are needed.
  • The search function is always important. You would never want people using Google to search the site instead of the in-site search engine. Some "eye-candy" would be nice (stylized design/interface, snappy interface elements (like better table sorting, and hover-over dropdown menus), etc.)
  • The search function is hilariously useless, sorry but true, agian using my marrage canadate example if you search for marrage it only brings up the pages "Tes3Mod:Tamriel Rebuilt/History of The Oroynyon Family" and "Tes4Mod:Stirk/Telimian Kynarius"
  • The search function seems unreliable and could do with updating to bring it in line with expectations from mainstream search engines. Mobile access could be updated to include a tailor made app for those who use consoles; potential smart glass link for the 360?
  • The search is hard to use at times when looking for broad things that are filed under many locations.
  • The search is honestly ridiculous. You can misspell a word by ONE letter and nothing comes up. I have never seen a search engine this picky in my life, and it is really annoying.
  • The search is mostly okay but sometimes it can be difficult to find something if you can't spell it exactly correct. usually if it is elven in some way. Also, the rare times I've needed to sue the timeline it is sometimes hard to find a specific event in an era if you're not sure the date a certain game takes place in or what starts the event.
  • The search needs to be less grammatically specific dependent, and the design should be a little more modern
  • The search options are sometimes hard if you try to enter something very specific and miss by a letter like an Orc's name or something like that.
  • The search should be like google search, If you put some word, they find any expresison, word that contains it.
  • the search sometimes sends you to the wrong game. and during busy times, sometimes the pages wont load.
  • The search system could use a lot of improvement, like armor/armour correction as mentioned. The forum could also use some improvement. The older games, namely Arena, Daggerfall, Battlespire, and Redguard, could also use a lot more editors, but of course that's hard to do because it's all (very appreciated!) volunteer work.
  • the search system hurts my head
  • The search will yield nothing if I misspell stuff. Something like Google's "Did you mean..." feature would be cool.
  • The search!! :D see *3
  • The site has already reched its top form, please dont change but I think having an Android/iPhone app or just mobile browser compatibility would make the site even better.
  • The site is great. I just think you should consider a few Wikia style changes in both layout & presentation.
  • The site is perfect how it is. Easy to use and easy to do what you need to do.
  • The site is very well structured and laid out - I don't suggest any improvements
  • The site itself, though very informative, seems a little dated. I understand the structure and pathway system of the Wiki-type site, but this could be updated to give it a fresh feel and look. Nothing too fancy by any means, keep the same level of simplicity for navigation and organization, but perhaps some touch ups here and there so the site belongs in an post-2010 decade.
  • The site layout can be a little awkward on a mobile
  • The site loads quickly enough on my 3DS, but it's not exactly optimized. (Also: if you somehow make it 3D-compatible, I may swoon.)
  • The site's design doesn't seem to fly with mobile phones very well.
  • the site's search on the wiki side is quite terrible.
  • The Skyrim interior maps are really lacking...I think all the experienced editors know that, but we're all afraid to take on such a big project. Maybe some kind of organized push to each do some? I dunno.
  • The Skyrim map isn't quite as good as the Morrowind or Oblivion ones. It would be great if you could update it with colour and DLC content.
  • The Style and Design is already very good (and better than other Unofficial Elder Scrolls websites). There is a lot of unused space that can sometimes be distracting.
  • The tan background isnt very appealing
  • The UI should be darker.
  • The way the map looks is confusing, especially for the Skyrim section.
  • The wiki is in need of an information overhaul.
  • The wiki is the heart, but I'm sure it's getting along just fine.
  • The wiki would benefit from a bit of organization to make commonly-searched for things easier to access, as well as a clickable "world map" for each region in each game, which could then be subdivided.
  • The wiki/content, maps, and search function are the only thing i really use and those features work very well.
  • There are a few locations (like smaller dungeons) missing maps, and there are multiple articles on the same items/creatures because they appear in more than one game, would like to see that become one article
  • There are some non-canon ES works that could be on the site, such as the writings of Michael Kirkbride.
  • There can always be more content...
  • There have been a few searches that have not quite got what I wanted from or were not yet complete.
  • There is always room for improvement (or at least cleanup) on content.
  • there is some inconsistency in style between the games. its very minor but the only real issue with the wiki.
  • There isn't much difference in the mobile version. Perhaps make the buttons bigger or something.
  • There needs to be a mobile-specific website to the UESP, I often use my mobile for a browser and it is fairly difficult to navigate. The search also messes up occassionally and needs a full "Game:Misc" to successfully use the 'Go' function.
  • There really is not much room for improvement, but auto-suggesting search items while typing in the search box would occassionally help.
  • There's no mobile view, tough it really needs one.
  • THERES A MOBILE ACCESS??? (Help spread the word about it.)
  • These sections are perfectly acceptable, but I would always be happy to see more. There seems to be a great deal that could be added about Daggerfall, though it's my job to do that as a user.
  • They are all excellent
  • things like videos?
  • Think the website is great and needs no improvement
  • Thinking of specific key words to find exactly what you're looking is sometimes difficult, since the games are so massive and so many components interact with one another. I really don't know how exactly you could make the searches more effective, but I guess that's why I don't make web pages :P
  • This is a hard decision to make, but the only thing I could think of would be the search. Sometimes I will Misspell a name or a Location by one or two letters, I guess the search could use a Near-match or Something to that effect.
  • This is one of my favourite sites on the entire web..not sure what could be improved
  • This site is designed in an excellent way. It's not confusing to look at, it's easy to find what information, and it has a multitude of articles about almost everything Elder Scrolls related.
  • This site is practically perfect to me as it is.
  • This site is quite good in my opinion.
  • This wiki is a strange garden, and it needs a lot of landscaping done.
  • Thumbnails
  • Tips and Tricks. For example, unique items that would be encountered throughout each quest. Each quest heading does a nice job of laying out the basics but an extra section such as "Items of Interest" would be very beneficial.
  • To search most successfully for a specific person or item you have to type it perfectly. If the name is misspelled then it won't be found. The search engine should suggest titles that are similar to what you're typing, as you are typing in case you have misspelled a name. Like some other search engines do. The more information available on even the most basic clutter items, the better.
  • UESP is pretty much perfect as far as I'm concerned.
  • UESP needs way more photos, screenshots, and illustrations. Of all the things UESP is lacking, photos are number one.
  • UESP uses old Wikipedia design and it would be great if UESP design would get update to a new one.
  • Uhhh... Nothing?
  • unless I know the exact name of something I'm searching for, I don't use it. I can't use the search to find general information. The prioritization of results does not give me what I want at the top and it is easier to just navigate through site to find things.
  • unsure
  • Up-to-date Tamriel Rebuilt information and maps
  • Updated and expanded TR content
  • Updating your news articles/pages more often would be greatly appreciated.
  • very good!
  • Videos on how to do certain things would be nice.
  • We could have more standard user-made maps, like political, climate, etc.
  • We stopped using it.
  • Weapons almost never seem to have adequate images. Seriously, this is my only complaint for the entire site....
  • Website is sometimes hard to access on a moblie phone.
  • Well it's really good already, I guess just add more content.
  • Well, I guess open chat in some kind of a bar, would be nice to share thoughts with others who's online atm
  • Well, the search option works perfectly so maybe it doesnt need that much of improvement
  • What I have wanted the most often on this wiki are more maps. Morrowind areas have very detailed maps, and so do several areas on Oblivion section. What I've often wanted even more is other internal areas such as those found in towns and the castles of various games to be shown the way (for exmaple) that caves are mapped out on the wiki. Should this wiki show the internal maps for castles and major areas in the varying games it would be a great addition.
  • when currently looking at a (ex. skyrim) page, and a search is started from the searc bar, it should automatically search within Skyrim related pages. That way Oblivion and Morrowind related pages will not show up.
  • when first using the maps, i had a small problem of actually finding out where the location was, but then i realised how to use it.
  • When I check it on my phone it can be difficult. But apart from that I wouldn't change it at all.
  • When I'm bored i Like reading stuff on my cellphone lol. Design as it is now looks good, but a bit more tweaks may make it more handy to navigate and for newcomers, less overwhelming.
  • When searching for a page that exists in numerous games it can be hard to find the right info.
  • When searching for Skyrim related thing that occured in other games Skyrim results tend to be last
  • When searching, it's often necessary to include the name of the game in the search query, otherwise too many undesirable results are shown.
  • While everything on this site is great, searching the wiki for specific content could be improved.
  • While I have not used all of these features, I have found no problems with the site at all
  • While the info is easy to access, the community seems a bit complicated.
  • Wiki could have a similar bar at the bottom of the page for example, Skooma page- at bottom has things related to skooma like " stores,people,special items and quests" .
  • Within reason, having the various Elder Scroll components similar on UESP would be beneficial to speed up search options and ease of use.
  • words must be spelled correctly to search and sometimes this is tedious for names
  • Would be good to have "did you mean" option for the misspells
  • Would be nice if a little easier to explore with mobile devices ( font is small so fat fingers tend to hit the wrong links)... Honestly haven't used the form cause I find it difficult to navigate by topic
  • Would be nice to have a mobile app or mobile-formatted version - may not be necessary in near future as larger/higher resolution phones and tablets mean that normal browsers can be used more easily.
  • Would be very helpful to include charts to explain how magicka, defense, or other attributes are calculated depending on skills, enchants, etc
  • Would like to see more strategies in the Wiki
  • would love an android app to access this sight from my note 2
  • Would love to see a Google Maps style map of Skyrim, with filters or even just a version of the game in the map, so that it would be easier to find locations.
  • would you do a mobile app?
  • You can always use more info! :D
  • You can never have enough content!
  • You could improve the information about mods. I love high quality quest mods and would love to see some sort of organized rating system on the UESP to help me find the most popular ones.
  • You could put up pictures of the skyrim weapons.
  • You could update a bit more often.
  • You could use skyrim map shots for locations.
  • You guys could get a few skins/fonts a nice makeover couldn't hurt. Search engine is kind of annoying, but that's with all wiki-based sites. Mobile Access would be a nice feature.
  • You know what they say: the more, the merrier.
  • You ought to be able to search for things specifically within one game. Like if I'm looking for something Morrowind related, I should be able to search only within articles that have the morrowind prefix.
  • You should be allowed to search within a specific game and lore as well as searching the site as a whole. In other words game filters would be great
  • Your design of your wiki is a little bland it needs so pizzaz