Skyrim:Voice Actors

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Skyrim features a cast of more than 70 voice actors, many of whom are also notable film and television actors.

Main Characters

Max von Sydow

Von Sydow (IMDb) plays Esbern, a chronicler and agent of the Blades who has survived in hiding.

Christopher Plummer

Plummer (IMDb) plays Arngeir, a powerful Greybeard elder.

Joan Allen

Allen (IMDb) plays Delphine, one of the last remaining members of the Blades.

Michael Hogan

Hogan (IMDb) plays General Tullius, General of the Imperial Legion in Skyrim.

Vladimir Kulich

Kulich (IMDb) plays Nordic Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak, leader of the Stormcloak Rebellion.

Wes Johnson

Johnson (IMDb) returns to the Elder Scrolls series to play Sheogorath, Emperor Titus Mede II, the Spectral Assassin, the Wretched Abyss (Hermaeus Mora), and once again voices the Dremora. He also plays Hermaeus Mora in the Dragonborn add-on.

Peter Jessop

Jessop (IMDb) plays Miraak, the First Dragonborn, and the main antagonist of the Dragonborn add-on.


Actor IMDb page Role(s)
Julianne Buescher IMDB FemaleElfHaughty voicetype (includes Ardwen, Endarie, Gabriella, Niranye, Nirya, Reldith, Taarie, and The Caller)
Neil Dickson IMDb MaleElfHaughty voicetype (includes Aringoth, Edorfin, Estormo, Linwe, Melaran, Nelacar, Nerien, Ondolemar, Quaranir, Rulindil, Sanyon, and Tandil)


Actor IMDb page Role(s)
Renée Victor IMDb FemaleArgonian voicetype (includes Deeja, From-Deepest-Fathoms, Keerava, Shahvee, Takes-In-Light, and Wujeeta)
Tim Blaney IMDb MaleArgonian voicetype (includes Beem-Ja, Deekus, Deep-In-His-Cups, Derkeethus, Gulum-Ei, Ilas-Tei, Jaree-Ra, Madesi, Neetrenaza, Scouts-Many-Marshes, Stands-In-Shallows, Talen-Jei, Teeba-Ei, Veezara, and Watches-The-Roots)


Actor IMDb page Role(s)
Keith Szarabajka IMDb MaleDarkElf voicetype (includes Ambarys Rendar, Athis, Brand-Shei, Champion of Boethiah, Maluril, Dravin Llanith, Arvel the Swift, Erandur, Faldrus, Faryl Atheron, Indaryn, Malur Seloth, Malyn Varen, Ravam Verethi, Ravyn Imyan, Romlyn Dreth, Sondas Drenim, Vals Veran, Vanryth Gatharian, and Veren Duleri)
Lani Minella IMDb FemaleDarkElf voicetype (includes Aranea Ienith, Dravynea the Stoneweaver and Jenassa)


Actor IMDb page Role(s)
André Sogliuzzo IMDb MaleKhajiit voicetype (includes Dro'marash, J'darr, J'datharr, J'Kier, J'zargo, J'zhar, Kesh the Clean, Kharjo, M'aiq the Liar, Ma'dran, Ma'jhad, Ma'randru-jo, Ma'zaka, Ra'jirr, Ra'kheran, Ri'saad, and Vasha)
Pam Cholet IMDB FemaleKhajiit voicetype (includes Ahjisi, Ahkari, Atahbah, Khayla, Ra'zhinda, Shavari, Tsavani, Tsrasuna, and Zaynabi)


Actor IMDb page Role(s)
Christian Svensson IMDb MaleEvenTonedAccented voicetype (includes Farengar Secret-Fire and Thonar Silver-Blood)
Johanna Torell IMDb Female Nords
Lynda Carter IMDb Gormlaith Golden-Hilt
Martina Lotun IMDb FemaleNord voicetype (includes Mjoll the Lioness and female Hold Guards)
Michael Gough IMDb MaleNord voicetype (includes Acolyte Jenssen, Alvor, Arnskar Ember-Master, Balgruuf the Greater, Barknar, Beirand, Belrand, Bersi Honey-Hand, Bolund, Brunwulf Free-Winter, Calder, Falk Firebeard, Filnjar, Fultheim the Fearless, Golldir, Gorm, Hadring, Hafnar Ice-Fist, Heimskr, Hjorunn, Hod, Hunroor, Jon Battle-Born, Jorn, Kjar, Kjeld, Korir, Kraldar, Kust, Kyr, Lodvar, Lortheim, Lucky Lorenz, Odar, Oengul War-Anvil, Ogmund, Pactur, Phantom, Ralof, Rissing, Roggi Knot-Beard, Roggvir, Skaggi Scar-Face, Skulvar Sable-Hilt, Sond, Svaknir, Talsgar the Wanderer, Thalmor Prisoner, Thjollod, Thongvor Silver-Blood, Thonnir, Thorek, Thorgar, Torkild the Fearsome, Ulfgar the Unending, Vekel the Man, Viding, Vilkas, Vilod, Vipir the Fleet, Vulwulf Snow-Shod, and Wilhelm)
Olev Aleksander IMDb MaleGuard voicetype (includes many Hold Guards)
Paul Ganus IMDb MaleNordCommander voicetype (includes Eorlund Gray-Mane)
Thor Edgell IMDb MaleCommonerAccented voice type (includes Rolff Stone-Fist and Torsten Cruel-Sea)


Actor IMDb page Role(s)
Diane Louise Salinger IMDB FemaleOrc voicetype (includes Arob, Atub, Bagrak, Bolar, Bor, Borgakh the Steel Heart, Dulug, Garash, Ghorza gra-Bagol, Gul, Lash gra-Dushnikh, Mogdurz, Murbul, Sharamph, Shel, Shuftharz, Uglarz, Ugor, Urog, and Urzoga gra-Shugurz)
Noah Nelson IMDb MaleOrc voicetype (includes Balagog gro-Nolob, Borkul the Beast, Chief Burguk, Chief Larak, Chief Mauhulakh, Chief Yamarz, Dushnamub, Gadba gro-Largash, Gat gro-Shargakh, Ghamorz, Ghorbash the Iron Hand, Grogmar gro-Burzag, Grushnag, Gularzob, Kharag gro-Shurkul, Lob, Lurbuk, Mahk, Makhel Abbas, Moth gro-Bagol, Mulush gro-Shugurz, Nagrub, Oglub, Ogol, Old Orc, Umurn, and Urag gro-Shub)

Daedric Princes

Actor IMDb page Role(s)
Christopher Smith IMDb Molag Bal
Colleen Delaney IMDb Mephala
Craig Sechler IMDb Hircine and Peryite
Jean Gilpin IMDb Boethiah and Meridia
Lani Minella IMDb Nocturnal
Lynda Carter IMDb Azura
Michael Donovan IMDb Malacath
Mozhan Marnò IMDb Namira
Stephen Russell IMDb Barbas and Clavicus Vile
Victor Raider-Wexler IMDb Mehrunes Dagon
Carla Delaney IMDb Vaermina

Other Characters

Actor IMDb page Role(s)
Alexander Brandon IMDb Amaund Motierre, Ancano
Alice Hirson IMDb FemaleOldKindly voicetype (includes Alexia Vici and Fralia Gray-Mane)
Andrew Morris IMDb Cicero
April Stewart IMDb FemaleCondescending voicetype (includes Njada Stonearm, Saffir, and Tonilia)
Charles Dennis IMDb Odahviing
Charles Martinet IMDb Paarthurnax
Christopher Smith IMDb MaleCommoner voicetype (includes Louis Letrush and Omluag)
Cindy Robinson IMDb Astrid
Claudia Christian IMDb FemaleCommander voicetype (includes Adrianne Avenicci, Aela the Huntress, Laila Law-Giver, and Legate Rikke)
Colleen Delany IMDb FemaleEvenToned voicetype (includes Lisette and Lydia)
Corri English IMDb FemaleYoungEager voicetype (includes Brelyna Maryon, Camilla Valerius, Elisif the Fair, Ingun Black-Briar, Jordis the Sword-Maiden, Fastred, Karita, Olfina Gray-Mane, Sylgja, and Ysolda)
Craig Sechler IMDb MaleGhost voicetype (includes Gallus Desidenius)
Daniel Riordan IMDb Alduin
Diane Michelle IMDb FemaleOldGrumpy voice type (includes Bergritte Battle-Born, Grelod the Kind, and Idgrod Ravencrone)
Elisa Gabrielli IMDb Maven Black-Briar
Ellen Dubin IMDb FemaleCommoner voicetype (includes Adisla, Brelas, Evette San, Faida, and Valga Vinicia)
Enn Reitel IMDb Delvin Mallory
Erik Todd Dellums IMDb Nazir
George Coe IMDb MaleOldKindly voicetype (includes Calcelmo and Tolfdir)
Gideon Emery IMDb MaleSoldier voicetype (includes Gaius Maro)
Harley Graham IMDb FemaleChild voicetype (includes Babette, Braith, and Lucia)
Jason Marsden IMDb MaleYoungEager voicetype (includes Aerin, Couriers, Erik, Onmund, and Sven)
Jean Gilpin IMDb Elenwen
Jim Cummings IMDb MaleOldGrumpy voicetype (includes Festus Krex, Skald the Elder, and Vignar Gray-Mane)
Jon Curry IMDb MaleEvenToned voicetype (includes Drevis Neloren and Malborn)
Jonas Fisch IMDb Hadvar
Kari Wahlgren IMDb Vex
Keith Silverstein IMDb MaleCondescending voicetype (includes Elrindir and Savos Aren)
Lani Minella IMDb The Night Mother and Sabine Nytte
Michael Donovan IMDb Kodlak Whitemane
Moira Quirk IMDb Karliah
Mozhan Marnò IMDb Mirabelle Ervine
Paul Eiding IMDb Felldir the Old, Galmar Stone-Fist, and Septimus Signus
Popeye Vogelsang IMDb MaleBrute voicetype (includes Arnbjorn, Farkas, Maul)
Reese C. Hartwig IMDb MaleChild voicetype (includes Aventus Aretino and Lars Battle-Born)
Richard Epcar IMDb MaleCoward voicetype (includes Grisvar the Unlucky, Lokir, and Proventus Avenicci)
Robin Atkin Downes IMDb Brynjolf
Stephen Russell IMDb Mercer Frey, MaleSlyCynical voicetype (includes Belethor, Erikur, Lucan Valerius, Viarmo)
Susan Eisenberg IMDb FemaleSultry voicetype (includes Alva, Faralda, and Sybille Stentor)
Thor Edgell IMDb Tsun
Appears only with Fall of the Space Core, Vol 1

Fall of the Space Core, Vol 1

Actor IMDb page Role(s)
Nolan North IMDb Space Core
Appears only with Dawnguard


Actor IMDb page Role(s)
Colleen Delany IMDb Sorine Jurard
James Lewis IMDb Isran
Jeff Baker IMDb Jiub
Julianne Buescher IMDb Galathil
Lani Minella IMDb DLC1FemaleVampire voicetype (includes Modhna)
Laura Bailey IMDb Serana
Michael Gough IMDb Rargal Thrallmaster, Vigilant Tolan
Neil Dickson IMDb Vingalmo
Noah Nelson IMDb Durak, Mogrul
Paul Ganus IMDb Orthjolf
Stephen Russell IMDb Arch-Curate Vyrthur
David Shaughnessy IMDb Knight-Paladin Gelebor
Appears only with Dragonborn


Actor IMDb page Role(s)
Dan Donohue IMDb DLC2MaleDarkElfCynical voicetype (includes Teldryn Sero, Ralis Sedarys and Dremora Merchant)
Michael Gough IMDb Gjalund Salt-Sage
Neil Dickson IMDb Ancarion

Additional Voice Actors

The following voice actors are known to have played a part in Skyrim, but the roles they voiced are currently unknown:

See Also
