
A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995
(RefID: )
Added by Dawnguard
Location Volkihar Keep
Race Altmer Gender Male
Level PC×1 Class Bandit Wizard
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 50+(PC-1)×9 Magicka 50+(PC-1)×6
Stamina 50
Primary Skills Destruction, Alteration, Restoration, Sneak
Perks Extra Damage 1.5
Race Details Vampire, Undead
Moral. Any Crime Aggress. Aggressive
Essential Yes, if on the Dawnguard side only until Kindred Judgment
Faction(s) DLC1VampireCrimeFaction; DLC1VampireFaction; Gets dialogue pointing player to radiant quests

Vingalmo is an Altmer bandit wizard and vampire in Volkihar Keep. He believes magic is more important than strength and can often be seen arguing with Orthjolf. He aspires to become more powerful in the Volkihar vampire hierarchy, and will send Salonia Caelia to retrieve the newly purified Bloodstone Chalice from you during The Bloodstone Chalice.

Vingalmo wears a set of light gray colored vampire armor with a matching pair of boots. He is equipped with a leveled one-handed weapon which can be up to elven quality. He carries random leveled bandit loot, as well as a 25% chance of carrying 1-9 gold.

Related Quests


  • The name Vingalmo is mentioned in the book Night of Tears, as the author of Vingalmo's Treatise on the Altmer Antecedent. It is unknown if they are the same person.


  • Vingalmo does not headtrack like other NPCs; he always stares straight ahead instead of looking at you and other NPCs when they are close. This is because Altmer vampires are not set to headtrack.
  • Occasionally, Vingalmo will offer no quests, even though other NPCs will direct you to him. This may be due to you curing your vampirism or The Gift being the last quest completed.
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