Skyrim:Vilkas's Wolf Spirit

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Vilkas's Wolf Spirit (RefID: )
Species Wolf Soul Leveled
Level PC×1 (min=8) Type Animals
RefID BaseID
Ice Wolf Pelt
Other Information
Health 350+(PC-1)×10 Magicka 0
Stamina 230+(PC-1)×5
Primary Skills Block, Sneak, Archery, One-handed
Faction(s) Creature Faction; Predator Faction; Spriggan Predator Faction; WolfFaction
Vilkas's Wolf Spirit emerges in Ysgramor's Tomb

Vilkas's Wolf Spirit is encountered at the conclusion of his Purity quest. It is the beast spirit of Vilkas, which can be summoned and slain in Ysgramor's Tomb to cure him of lycanthropy. It manifests as a giant, ghostly wolf. It is leveled and is more challenging to fight than a standard wolf. Once killed, it disappears.

Related Quests

  • Purity: Help a member of the Circle give up their beasthood. (radiant)