Skyrim:Troll Fat

A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995
Value 15 Weight 1
Alchemy Effects
1st Resist Poison Resist Poison
2nd Fortify Two-handed Fortify Two-handed
3rd Frenzy Frenzy
4th Damage Health Damage Health
# Samples 83
Creature Trolls
Merchant Avail. Uncommon
A bowl of troll fat

Troll Fat is dropped by trolls.

It is one of only three ingredients with a Fortify Two-handed effect.


83 guaranteed samples can be found in 53 different locations. Locations with the greatest numbers are:

It is categorized as an uncommon ingredient, meaning that all apothecary merchants have a 15% chance of carrying 1-5 samples. In addition, it may be randomly found in uncommon- and rare-type apothecary's satchels.


Troll fat is dropped by all varieties of troll, including frost trolls, the Guardian Troll Spirit, and the Udefrykte.

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