Raise Zombie |
School |
Conjuration |
Difficulty |
Novice |
Type |
Other |
Casting |
Fire and Forget |
Delivery |
Aimed |
Equip |
Either Hand |
Spell ID |
0007e8e1 |
Editor ID |
RaiseZombie |
Base Cost |
103 |
Charge Time |
0.5 |
Duration |
60 sec |
Range |
188 ft |
Speed |
50 ft/s |
Max Life |
~3.76 sec |
Magnitude |
6 |
Area |
0 |
Tome ID |
0009e2aa |
Tome Value |
49 |
Found |
Appears in random loot at level |
1+ |
- Raise Zombie: Reanimate a weak dead body to fight for you for 60 seconds.
- Reanimate Corpse: Reanimate a more powerful dead body to fight for you for 60 seconds.
- Revenant: Reanimate a powerful dead body to fight for you for 60 seconds.
- Dread Zombie: Reanimate a very powerful dead body to fight for you for 60 seconds.
- Dead Thrall: Reanimate a dead body permanently to fight for you. Only works on people.
The Reanimate spells are Conjuration spells that raise dead bodies up to level <mag> to fight for you for their duration.
- Raise Zombie
- Reanimate Corpse
- Revenant
- Dread Zombie
- Dead Thrall
Reanimate Corpse |
School |
Conjuration |
Difficulty |
Apprentice |
Type |
Other |
Casting |
Fire and Forget |
Delivery |
Aimed |
Equip |
Either Hand |
Spell ID |
00065bd7 |
Editor ID |
ReanimateCorpse |
Base Cost |
144 |
Charge Time |
0.5 |
Duration |
60 sec |
Range |
188 ft |
Speed |
50 ft/s |
Max Life |
~3.76 sec |
Magnitude |
13 |
Area |
0 |
Tome ID |
000a26eb |
Tome Value |
99 |
Appears in random loot at level |
10+ |
Revenant |
School |
Conjuration |
Difficulty |
Adept |
Type |
Other |
Casting |
Fire and Forget |
Delivery |
Aimed |
Equip |
Either Hand |
Spell ID |
00096d94 |
Editor ID |
Revenant |
Base Cost |
183 |
Charge Time |
0.5 |
Duration |
60 sec |
Range |
188 ft |
Speed |
50 ft/s |
Max Life |
~3.76 sec |
Magnitude |
21 |
Area |
0 |
Tome ID |
000a26f2 |
Tome Value |
340 |
Appears in random loot at level |
23+ |
Dread Zombie |
School |
Conjuration |
Difficulty |
Expert |
Type |
Other |
Casting |
Fire and Forget |
Delivery |
Aimed |
Equip |
Either Hand |
Spell ID |
00096d95 |
Editor ID |
DreadZombie |
Base Cost |
302 |
Charge Time |
0.5 |
Duration |
60 sec |
Range |
188 ft |
Speed |
50 ft/s |
Max Life |
~3.76 sec |
Magnitude |
30 |
Area |
0 |
Tome ID |
000a26f7 |
Tome Value |
630 |
Appears in random loot at level |
35+ |
Purchase from (Conjuration lvl 65+) |
Dead Thrall |
School |
Conjuration |
Difficulty |
Master |
Type |
Other |
Casting |
Fire and Forget |
Delivery |
Aimed |
Equip |
Both Hands |
Spell ID |
0007e8df |
Editor ID |
DeadThrall |
Base Cost |
1000 |
Charge Time |
3.0 |
Duration |
999 days |
Range |
188 ft |
Speed |
50 ft/s |
Max Life |
~3.76 sec |
Magnitude |
40 |
Area |
0 |
Tome ID |
000a26f9 |
Tome Value |
1270 |
Purchase from (after Conjuration Ritual Spell) |
- Necromancy - increases the duration to 90 seconds (not applicable to Dead Thrall).
- Necromage - this Restoration perk increases the level cap by 25%. This means that the effective levels for the spells are as follows:
Spell |
default |
Necromage |
Raise Zombie |
6 |
7 |
Reanimate Corpse |
13 |
16 |
Revenant |
21 |
26 |
Dread Zombie |
30 |
37 |
Dead Thrall |
40 |
50 |
- For more information on Dead Thrall, see Dead Thrall.
- With the exception of Dead Thrall, all corpses revived through Reanimate spells will disintegrate into ash piles when they are killed, the spell expires, or you cast another summon or reanimate spell (or two with the Twin Souls perk). This means that you cannot reanimate the same corpse twice with anything but Dead Thrall.
- It is not possible to reanimate a character that has been decapitated, regardless of level. Also, enemies who have been disintegrated through the use of lightning spells cannot be reanimated. Enemies killed by frost spells using the Deep Freeze perk may be reanimated, but might be unable to move.
- It is possible to take control over reanimated zombies, as long as you are able to hit it with a more powerful Reanimate spell than the other spellcaster used - before the zombie has gotten to its feet and is considered "alive"(when hovering invulnerable in the air).
- You can also still loot corpses while they are being reanimated, for instance, to steal their weapons and force them to fight bare-handed.