Skyrim:Pelagius' Frost Thrall

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Pelagius' Frost Thrall (RefID: )
Location Mind of Pelagius
Species Atronach Soul
Level 15 Type Daedra
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 5404 Magicka 0
Stamina 256
Primary Skills One-handed, Two-handed, Block, Light Armor
Faction(s) dunBluePalaceFaction
Pelagius' Frost Thrall

Pelagius' Frost Thrall is a nigh-invincible frost atronach that can be found in The Mind of Pelagius during the Mind of Madness quest, specifically during "Pelagius' Paranoia" section. During this quest, two atronachs will be fighting arena style in a sunken box. Using the Wabbajack on the one assigned to you will cause it to change elements, possibly becoming this thrall.

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