
A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995
(RefID: )
Added by Dawnguard
Location Dayspring Canyon, outside of Fort Dawnguard
Race Nord Gender Male
Level PC×1 (range=5-25) Class Bandit
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 50+(PC-1)×11 Magicka 50
Stamina 50+(PC-1)×4
Primary Skills One-handed, Two-handed, Block, Light Armor
Moral. Any Crime Aggress. Aggressive
Protected Yes
Faction(s) CrimeFactionRift; DLC1HunterFaction; dialogue faction for exterior Dawnguard NPCs

Ollrod is a Nord bandit and a member of the Dawnguard outside of Fort Dawnguard. He patrols around the gate that leads into the main area of Dayspring Canyon.

He is clad in a complete set of Dawnguard light equipment. This includes the cuirass, matching pairs of gauntlets and boots, as well as a shield for blocking. He is equipped with a Dawnguard war axe and a crossbow supplemented with 12 steel bolts. He carries a torch and a 25% chance of carrying 1-9 gold.

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