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Este artigo é sobre the NPC. Para the book, veja Minorne (book).

(RefID: )
Added by Dawnguard
Location Ruunvald Temple
Race Altmer Gender Female
Level Radiant (7-40) Class Conjurer
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 175-500
Magicka 190-460
Stamina 25
Primary Skills Conjuration, Restoration, Alteration, Destruction
Moral. Any Crime Aggress. Very Aggressive
Faction(s) DLC1RuunvaldFaction

Minorne is an Altmer conjurer found in Ruunvald Temple. She charmed the temple's leader Moric Sidrey and the Vigilants within into worshipping her as a god. She wields the Staff of Ruunvald.

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