Skyrim:Feral Vampire

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Feral Vampire
(RefID: )
Added by Dawnguard
Location Castle Volkihar
Race Altmer Gender Female
Level Radiant (1-60) Class Vampire
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 35-1031
Magicka 75-486
Stamina 50-318
Primary Skills Sneak, Conjuration, Light Armor, One-handed
Race Details Vampire, Undead
Moral. Any Crime Aggress. Very Aggressive
Faction(s) Radiant
Feral Vampire

The Feral Vampire is an Altmer vampire encountered when exploring Castle Volkihar with Serana during the quest Chasing Echoes. After entering the secret entrance to the castle, you'll find her with some death hounds before you make it to the courtyard. She is instantly hostile to you whether you have sided with the Dawnguard or the vampires. She wears ragged trousers, footwraps, and a Ring of Minor Destruction, and wields an Elven Dagger of Fear. She also carries a journal fragment which gives a little insight as to why she's down there.

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