Skyrim:Enmon's House

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Enmon's House
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Console Location Code(s)
The Reach
Enmon's House

Enmon's House is a two-story residence in the southwestern part of Karthwasten, located between Karthwasten Hall and Miner's Barracks.

It is the home of Enmon and his wife Mena. It consists of one zone, Enmon's House.




Plants Mushrooms
2 Blue Mountain Flower
1 Juniper Berries
1 Fly Amanita
3 White Cap

Enmon's House

Ground Floor

The ground floor is used as the kitchen, dining, and storage area of the home. A non-respawning dresser immediately to the right of the door holds three potions of enhanced stamina and two pickaxes. A respawning food barrel sits in the northwest corner, with a well stocked set of shelves to its left which holds a potion of minor healing, a potion of minor magicka, and two bottles each of alto wine and wine on the top shelf, while the middle shelf holds three eidar cheese wheels and three goat cheese wheels, and the bottom shelf holds a head of cabbage and six potatoes. To the left of these shelves is a non-respawning cupboard holding three loaves of bread and three bottles of Nord mead on the top shelf and one bottle each of wine and alto wine below. Sitting before the cupboard and shelves is a dining table set with three loaves of bread, two goat cheese wedges, an eidar cheese wedge, three bottles of alto wine, and two servings of salmon meat.

On the southern wall, some hanging foodstuffs can be found on the right side, including two garlic braids, some dried frost mirriam, three rabbits, and two portions of dried elves ear. The fireplace is situated to the left, with two bottles of Nord mead on the mantel and a cooking pot at its base. Hanging to the left above the fireplace are four freshly caught pheasants. A small round table near the fireplace holds a goat cheese wedge, a bottle of Nord mead, a loaf of bread, and a pine thrush egg. Towards the southeast corner, beneath the stairs, a set of shelves holds three silver ores on the top shelf, an additional pickaxe and five silver ingots on the middle shelf, and a copy of the book Nords Arise! along with three pairs of miner boots on the bottom shelf. A respawning food barrel sits on each side of the base of the stairs.


Going upstairs will lead to the bedroom area of the home. Along the south wall, a set of shelves can be found holding an iron mace and various kitchenware. Directly ahead, on the western wall, is a double bed (belonging to the KarthwastenEnmonsHouseFaction) with a small non-respawning chest resting at its foot. A small table to the right holds five gold coins, and a non-respawning dresser to the left holds three bottles of Nord mead and a steel war axe. A door leads to the balcony of the house on the north wall, and a single square table with a chair is situated just to the right of it.


  • The front door and balcony door both have a novice lock, the key to which is carried by both Enmon and Mena.
  • The balcony, which is accessible through the upstairs area of the home, hosts a bench which holds two bottles of alto wine.