Skyrim:Specialty Gear

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This page summarizes all of the Specialty Gear in Skyrim. These are items that can be found in many locations in the game, yet do not qualify as generic weapons or generic armor. For example, it includes weapons and armor that are only used by specific races or factions (e.g., Falmer, Forsworn, the Blades). It also includes some items, such as pickaxes and woodcutter's axes, that are only used in certain situations.

Amulets of the Divines

Divine amulets are available as random drops or bought at Radiant Raiment in Solitude. They can also be used to craft working shrines in the Cellar addition of homesteads in the Hearthfire add-on. None of these amulets can be disenchanted.

Name (ID) Weight Value Notes Location(s)
SR-icon-jewelry-AmuletOfAkatosh.png Amulet of Akatosh
1 89 Magicka regenerates 25% faster:
SR-icon-jewelry-AmuletOfArkay.png Amulet of Arkay
1 114 Increases your health by 10 points:
SR-icon-jewelry-AmuletOfDibella.png Amulet of Dibella
1 118 +15 Speechcraft:
  • Haelga at Haelga's Bunkhouse in Riften has one to pickpocket if you have the Perfect Touch perk.
SR-icon-jewelry-AmuletOfJulianos.png Amulet of Julianos
1 108 Increases your Magicka by 10 points:
  • There is a guaranteed amulet in Fort Amol (Eastmarch) except during the Civil War. It is erroneously embedded within the shrine, however, and impossible to access normally. Explosive magic can dislodge it, though finding it afterwards may be difficult.
SR-icon-jewelry-AmuletOfKynareth.png Amulet of Kynareth
1 96 Increases your Stamina by 10 points:
SR-icon-jewelry-AmuletOfMara.png Amulet of Mara
1 316 Restoration spells cost 10% less to cast:
SR-icon-jewelry-AmuletOfStendarr.png Amulet of Stendarr
1 196 Block 10% more damage with your shield:
SR-icon-jewelry-AmuletOfTalos.png Amulet of Talos
1 25 Time between shouts is reduced 20%:
  • As part of Velehk's treasure, there is an amulet at a Shrine of Talos 490 ft SE of Pilgrim's Trench (Winterhold) (map)
  • Roggvir, the man beheaded when you first enter Solitude, is wearing one. It can be taken off of his corpse after the execution, or taken from his crypt through a quest given to you by his sister. Taking this particular instance of the amulet prior to starting its associated quest is known to cause a bug where all amulets of Talos become quest items and the quest itself never starts.
  • There is an amulet on the top of the northern tower at Fort DawnguardDG on a barrel.
SR-icon-jewelry-AmuletOfZenithar.png Amulet of Zenithar
1 511 Prices are 10% better:
  An Amulet of Julianos will look like the Jeweled Amulet on female characters, due to the wrong model being attributed.

Blades Equipment

Blades Weapons

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Damage Notes
SR-icon-weapon-BladesSword.png Blades Sword
One Handed Sword Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
10 300 11

Blades Armor

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Rating Notes
SR-icon-armor-BladesArmor.png Blades Armor
Heavy Armor Steel Ingot;
perk: none
45 400 44
  • The Blades armor can be obtained from a chest in Sky Haven Temple after completing Alduin's Wall. The shield may become invisible for unknown reasons, especially with vampires. [verification needed]
SR-icon-armor-BladesBoots.png Blades Boots
Heavy Boots Steel Ingot;
perk: none
10 85 13
SR-icon-armor-BladesGauntlets.png Blades Gauntlets
Heavy Gauntlets Steel Ingot;
perk: none
8 85 13
SR-icon-armor-BladesHelmet.png Blades Helmet
Heavy Helmet Steel Ingot;
perk: none
12 200 18
SR-icon-armor-BladesShield.png Blades Shield
Heavy Shield Steel Ingot;
perk: none
12 225 26


Companions Equipment

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Rating Notes
SR-icon-armor-WolfArmor.png Wolf Armor
Heavy Armor Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
20 55 31
  • Functionally the set gives the same protection as Steel Armor, but lighter. All pieces can be purchased from Eorlund Gray-Mane after officially joining the Companions.
  • Wearing the Wolf Gauntlets may make any necklace or amulet worn by the player invisible.
SR-icon-armor-WolfBoots.png Wolf Boots
Heavy Boots Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
4 11 12
SR-icon-armor-WolfGauntlets.png Wolf Gauntlets
Heavy Gauntlets Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
4 11 12
SR-icon-armor-WolfHelmet.png Wolf Helmet
Heavy Helmet Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
4 125 17


Dark Brotherhood Equipment

Except for the second version of the Worn Shrouded Armor (00105966), one example of each piece of equipment can be found in the Dawnstar Sanctuary. Additional Dark Brotherhood equipment can be found here.

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Rating Notes
SR-icon-armor-WornShroudedArmor.png Worn Shrouded Armor
Light Armor Not possible 6 80 20
Worn Shrouded Armor
Light Armor Not possible 6 80 20
  • Cannot be equipped by the player.
SR-icon-armor-WornShroudedBoots.png Worn Shrouded Boots
Light Boots Not possible 2 45 3
Worn Shrouded Boots
Light Boots Not possible 2 45 3
  • Cannot be equipped by the player.
SR-icon-armor-WornShroudedCowl.png Worn Shrouded Cowl
Light Helmet Not possible 2 50 8
Worn Shrouded Cowl
Light Helmet Not possible 2 50 8
  • Cannot be equipped by the player.
SR-icon-armor-WornShroudedGloves.png Worn Shrouded Gloves
Light Gauntlets Not possible 2 50 4
  • Backstab does double damage
  • Disenchant: No
Worn Shrouded Gloves
Light Gauntlets Not possible 2 50 4
  • Cannot be equipped by the player.
  • Backstab does double damage
  • Disenchant: No
  • When picking up the versions that cannot be equipped by the player, they turn invisible in the inventory and can't be dropped. They still add to the carry weight though. It's the armor found in the master bedroom next to the bed. On the PC they can be dropped with the console command player.drop ID 1, where ID is the respective item ID found in the table.
  • Although the Worn Shrouded Gloves display an enchantment in game, no such enchantment is applied. If the player wishes, a custom enchantment can be applied to the gloves at an arcane enchanter. Even with a custom enchantment, the description will still read "Backstab does double damage".
  The ability to disenchant the Worn Shrouded Gloves was added by the Unofficial Skyrim Patch. However, the effect learned cannot be used to enchant an item.


Dawnguard EquipmentDG

Dawnguard Weapons

Dawnguard weapons gain an additional 5 points of damage against vampires. This includes the Dawnguard Rune Axe but not the Dawnguard Rune Hammer, due to a bug.

Name (ID) Tempering Weight Value Damage Notes
SR-icon-weapon-Dawnguard War Axe.png Dawnguard War Axe
Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
13 55 11
  • Does additional damage to vampires.
  • This effect seems not to be considered an enchantment, so these weapons can be enchanted like any normal unenchanted weapon, though they will always display the text "Especially effective against vampires."
  • Three can be found on the top of the northern tower at Fort Dawnguard on two weapon plaques.
SR-icon-weapon-Dawnguard Warhammer.png Dawnguard Warhammer
Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
26 110 22
  • Does additional damage to vampires.
  • One can be found on the top of the northern tower at Fort Dawnguard on a weapon plaque.

Dawnguard Armor

Dawnguard armors and shields reduce incoming damage from vampires by 25% and the magnitude of hostile spells cast by vampires is reduced by 25%. Light armor benefits from the Matching Set perk, but heavy armor does not due to a bug.

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Rating Notes
SR-icon-armor-Dawnguard Armor xx00f3fb.png
SR-icon-armor-Dawnguard Armor xx00f402.png
SR-icon-armor-Dawnguard Armor xx00f404.png
Dawnguard Armor
Light Armor Steel Ingot;
perk: Advanced
6 220 29 Three colors are available in three styles.
SR-icon-armor-Dawnguard Boots.png Dawnguard Boots
Light Armor Steel Ingot;
perk: Advanced
1.5 25 8
SR-icon-armor-Dawnguard Full Helmet.png Dawnguard Full Helmet§
Heavy Armor Steel Ingot;
perk: Advanced
10 220 18 25% less damage from Vampire attacks and Drain Life spells while wearing a complete set of Dawnguard armor.
SR-icon-armor-Dawnguard Gauntlets.png Dawnguard Gauntlets
Light Armor Steel Ingot;
perk: Advanced
1.5 40 8
SR-icon-armor-Dawnguard Heavy Armor xx00f3fa.png
SR-icon-armor-Dawnguard Heavy Armor xx00f3f7.png
Dawnguard Heavy Armor§
Heavy Armor Steel Ingot;
perk: Advanced
42 425 34 Two styles are available.
SR-icon-armor-Dawnguard Helmet.png Dawnguard Helmet
Light Armor Steel Ingot;
perk: Advanced
1.5 100 16 25% less damage from Vampire attacks and Drain Life spells while wearing a complete set of Dawnguard armor.
SR-icon-armor-Dawnguard Boots.png Dawnguard Heavy Boots§
Heavy Armor Steel Ingot;
perk: Advanced
9 85 13
SR-icon-armor-Dawnguard Gauntlets.png Dawnguard Heavy Gauntlets§
Heavy Armor Steel Ingot;
perk: Advanced
7 85 13

Do not benefit from the Fists of Steel perk.

SR-icon-armor-Dawnguard Shield.png Dawnguard Shield
Heavy Armor Steel Ingot;
perk: Advanced
10 240 26 +5 Bash damage against vampires.
  Equipping the Dawnguard Shield prevents the Well Fitted, Custom Fit and both Matching Set perks from functioning.
§  The Matching Set perk does not work for Dawnguard heavy armor.

Note: The Dawnguard Full Armor Bonus is applied when a Helm, Armor, Gauntlets and Boots are worn together and does not require equipping a shield. Mixing the light and heavy sets will not confer the bonus however. Additionally the bonus is "hidden" as it does not appear in the active effects menu.



Draugr Equipment

Ancient Nord Weapons

Name (ID) Tempering Weight Value Damage Notes
SR-icon-weapon-AncientNordArrows.png Ancient Nord Arrow
0 1 10
SR-icon-weapon-AncientNordBattleAxe.png Ancient Nord Battle Axe
Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
22 28 18
SR-icon-weapon-AncientNordBow.png Ancient Nord Bow
Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
12 45 8
  • Draw speed 0.875
SR-icon-weapon-AncientNordGreatsword.png Ancient Nord Greatsword
Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
18 35 17
SR-icon-weapon-AncientNordSword.png Ancient Nord Sword
Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
12 13 8
SR-icon-weapon-AncientNordWarAxe.png Ancient Nord War Axe
Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
14 15 9
SR-icon-weapon-AncientNordBattleAxe.png Honed Ancient Nord Battle Axe
Steel Ingot;
perk: Dwarven
25 50 21
SR-icon-weapon-AncientNordGreatsword.png Honed Ancient Nord Greatsword
Steel Ingot;
perk: Dwarven
21 63 20
SR-icon-weapon-AncientNordSword.png Honed Ancient Nord Sword
Steel Ingot;
perk: Dwarven
15 23 11
SR-icon-weapon-AncientNordWarAxe.png Honed Draugr War Axe
Steel Ingot;
perk: Dwarven
16 27 12
SR-icon-weapon-AncientNordBow.png Supple Ancient Nord Bow
Not possible 18 235 14
  • Draw speed 0.875
  The supple ancient Nord bow cannot be tempered at a grindstone.

Draugr Armor

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Rating Notes
SR-icon-jewelry-TheGauldurAmulet.png Ancient Nord Amulet
Amulet N/A 1 100 0
SR-icon-armor-AncientNordArmor.png Ancient Nord Armor
Heavy Armor Iron Ingot;
perk: Daedric
28 125 25
SR-icon-armor-AncientNordBoots.png Ancient Nord Boots
Heavy Boots Iron Ingot;
perk: Daedric
5 25 10
SR-icon-armor-AncientNordGauntlets.png Ancient Nord Gauntlets
Heavy Gauntlets Iron Ingot;
perk: Daedric
4 25 10
SR-icon-armor-AncientNordHelmet(m).pngSR-icon-armor-AncientNordHelmet(f).png Ancient Nord Helmet
Heavy Helmet Iron Ingot;
perk: Daedric
4 60 15
Ancient Nord Helmet
Heavy Helmet Not possible 9 320 23
  • Only equippable through the console.
Ancient Nord Helmet
Heavy Helmet Not possible 1 1 1
Ancient Nord Helmet
Light Helmet Not possible 1 1 1


Dremora Equipment

All of these Dremora-specific items can only be equipped using the console.

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Rating Notes
SR-icon-clothing-BlackRobes.png Black Robes
Clothing N/A 1 5 0
SR-icon-clothing-Boots9.png Boots
Shoes N/A 1 4 0
SR-icon-armor-DaedricArmor.png Daedric Armor
Heavy Armor Not possible 38 640 49
SR-icon-armor-DaedricBoots.png Daedric Boots
Heavy Boots Not possible 9 125 18
SR-icon-armor-DaedricGauntlets.png Daedric Gauntlets
Heavy Gauntlets Not possible 9 125 18
SR-icon-armor-DaedricHelmet.png Daedric Helmet
Heavy Helmet Not possible 15 1600 23


Falmer Equipment

Falmer Weapons

Name (ID) Tempering Weight Value Damage Notes
SR-icon-weapon-FalmerArrows.png Falmer Arrow
0 1 7
SR-icon-weapon-FalmerBow.png Falmer Bow
Chaurus Chitin;
perk: none
15 135 12
  • Draw speed 0.75
SR-icon-weapon-FalmerBow.png Falmer Supple Bow
Not possible 20 410 15
  • Cannot be obtained
  • Draw speed 0.75
SR-icon-weapon-FalmerSword.png Falmer Sword
Chaurus Chitin;
perk: none
18 67 10
SR-icon-weapon-FalmerWarAxe.png Falmer War Axe
Chaurus Chitin;
perk: none
21 82 11
SR-icon-weapon-FalmerSword.png Honed Falmer Sword
Not possible 18 205 12
SR-icon-weapon-FalmerWarAxe.png Honed Falmer War Axe
Not possible 21 245 13
  Honed weapons cannot be tempered at a grindstone.

Falmer Armor

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Rating Notes
SR-icon-armor-FalmerArmor.png Falmer Armor
Heavy Armor Chaurus Chitin;
perk: none or
20 275 31
  • Dawnguard allows the Advanced Armors perk to improve tempering of these three items. Without Dawnguard there is no such perk, but it was Steel Smithing before patch 1.9 .
  • The Falmer Boots do not actually cover your feet and look more like greaves. However, when walking or running on hard surfaces, it still sounds as though you are wearing boots.
  • A full set (including a helmet) can be found at Mzinchaleft.
  • Protection for all items except the helmet is similar to Steel armor, with a good deal less weight. The helmet provides significantly less protection than a steel helmet.
SR-icon-armor-FalmerBoots.png Falmer Boots
Heavy Boots Chaurus Chitin;
perk: none or
4 55 12
SR-icon-armor-FalmerGauntlets.png Falmer Gauntlets
Heavy Gauntlets Chaurus Chitin;
perk: none or
4 55 12
SR-icon-armor-FalmerHelmet.png Falmer Helmet
See Notes Chaurus Chitin;
perk: none or
5 25 10
SR-icon-armor-FalmerShield.png Falmer Shield
Heavy Shield Chaurus Chitin;
perk: none
15 10 28
SR-icon-armor-Ancient Falmer Boots.png Ancient Falmer Boots DG
Light Armor Refined Moonstone;
perk: Elven
2 190 11
SR-icon-armor-Ancient Falmer Crown.png Ancient Falmer Crown DG
Circlet Refined Moonstone;
perk: None
2 350 0
  • Only available with the Dawnguard add-on
  • Normally unobtainable without console commands.
  • Newer versions of the Unofficial Dawnguard Patch make the this item available from Arch-Curate Vyrthur along with the other Ancient Falmer gear. Smithing and Light Armor perks are also made to work properly with the crown.
SR-icon-armor-Ancient Falmer Cuirass.png Ancient Falmer Cuirass DG
Light Armor Refined Moonstone;
perk: Elven
7 900 38
SR-icon-armor-Ancient Falmer Gauntlets.png Ancient Falmer Gauntlets DG
Light Armor Refined Moonstone;
perk: Elven
2 190 11
SR-icon-armor-Falmer Heavy Armor.png Falmer Hardened Armor DG
Heavy Armor Chaurus Chitin;
perk: Advanced
40 250 34
Falmer Heavy Armor DG
Heavy Armor Chaurus Chitin;
perk: Advanced
35 1200 43
SR-icon-armor-Falmer Heavy Boots.png Falmer Hardened Boots DG
Heavy Armor Chaurus Chitin;
perk: Advanced
8 50 13
Falmer Heavy Boots DG
Heavy Armor Chaurus Chitin;
perk: Advanced
6 225 16
SR-icon-armor-Falmer Heavy Gauntlets.png Falmer Hardened Gauntlets DG
Heavy Armor Chaurus Chitin;
perk: Advanced
7 60 13
Falmer Heavy Gauntlets DG
Heavy Armor Chaurus Chitin;
perk: Advanced
6 225 16
SR-icon-armor-Falmer Heavy Helm.png Falmer Hardened Helm DG
Heavy Armor Chaurus Chitin;
perk: Advanced
10 150 18
Falmer Heavy Helm DG
Heavy Armor Chaurus Chitin;
perk: Advanced
8 600 21



Forsworn Equipment

Forsworn Weapons

Name (ID) Tempering Weight Value Damage Notes
SR-icon-weapon-ForswornArrows.png Forsworn Arrow
0 1 7
SR-icon-weapon-ForswornAxe.png Forsworn Axe
Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
15 90 11
SR-icon-weapon-ForswornBow.png Forsworn Bow
Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
11 145 12
  • Draw speed 0.875
SR-icon-weapon-Hagraven'sStaff.png Forsworn Staff
N/A 8 205 0 A gout of fire that does 8 points per second. Targets on fire take extra damage:
  • Flames, 8 pts for 1 sec
  • Charge/Cost=Uses: 500/14=35 seconds
  • Disenchant: No
SR-icon-weapon-ForswornSword.png Forsworn Sword
Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
13 70 10

Forsworn Armor

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Rating Notes
SR-icon-armor-ForswornArmor.png Forsworn Armor
Light Armor Leather;
perk: none
6 100 26
Forsworn Armor
Clothing N/A 1 2 5
  • (0005d009) is worn by Briarhearts. It is only equippable through the console has the body of a male Briarheart even when worn by a female.
  • (0007eaf1) is the burnt body of Astrid. It is only equippable through the console. When worn by a male only your head is visible.
SR-icon-armor-ForswornBoots.png Forsworn Boots
Light Boots Leather;
perk: none
2 20 7
SR-icon-armor-ForswornGauntlets.png Forsworn Gauntlets
Light Gauntlets Leather;
perk: none
2 20 7
SR-icon-armor-ForswornHeaddress.png Forsworn Headdress
Light Helmet Leather;
perk: none
2 50 12


Guard Equipment

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Rating Notes
SR-icon-armor-StormcloakHelmet.png Eastmarch Guard Helmet
Light Helmet Not possible 2 12 12
  • Cannot be obtained.
SR-icon-armor-FalkreathGuard'sArmor.png Falkreath Guard's Armor
Light Armor Leather;
perk: none
6 75 23
SR-icon-armor-FalkreathGuard'sHelmet.png Falkreath Guard's Helmet
Light Helmet Iron Ingot;
perk: none
2 35 11
SR-icon-armor-FalkreathGuard'sShield.png Falkreath Guard's Shield
Heavy Shield Iron Ingot;
perk: none
3 40 17
SR-icon-armor-HjaalmarchGuard'sArmor.png Hjaalmarch Guard's Armor
Light Armor Leather;
perk: none
6 75 23
SR-icon-armor-HjaalmarchGuard'sHelmet.png Hjaalmarch Guard's Helmet
Light Helmet Iron Ingot;
perk: none
2 35 11
SR-icon-armor-HjaalmarchGuard'sShield.png Hjaalmarch Guard's Shield
Heavy Shield Iron Ingot;
perk: none
3 40 17
SR-icon-armor-MarkarthGuard'sArmor.png Markarth Guard's Armor
Light Armor Leather;
perk: none
6 75 23
SR-icon-armor-MarkarthGuard'sHelmet.png Markarth Guard's Helmet
Light Helmet Iron Ingot;
perk: none
2 35 11
SR-icon-armor-MarkarthGuard'sShield.png Markarth Guard's Shield
Heavy Shield Iron Ingot;
perk: none
3 40 17
SR-icon-armor-PaleGuard'sArmor.png Pale Guard's Armor
Light Armor Leather;
perk: none
6 75 23
SR-icon-armor-PaleGuard'sHelmet.png Pale Guard's Helmet
Light Helmet Iron Ingot;
perk: none
2 35 11
SR-icon-armor-PaleGuard'sShield.png Pale Guard's Shield
Heavy Shield Iron Ingot;
perk: none
3 40 17
SR-icon-armor-RiftenGuard'sArmor.png Riften Guard's Armor
Light Armor Leather;
perk: none
6 75 23
SR-icon-armor-RiftenGuard'sHelmet.png Riften Guard's Helmet
Light Helmet Iron Ingot;
perk: none
2 35 11
SR-icon-armor-RiftenGuard'sShield.png Riften Guard's Shield
Heavy Shield Iron Ingot;
perk: none
3 40 17
SR-icon-armor-SolitudeGuard'sArmor.png Solitude Guard's Armor
Light Armor Leather;
perk: none
6 75 23
SR-icon-armor-SolitudeGuard'sHelmet.png Solitude Guard's Helmet
Light Helmet Iron Ingot;
perk: none
2 35 11
SR-icon-armor-SolitudeGuard'sShield.png Solitude Guard's Shield
Heavy Shield Iron Ingot;
perk: none
3 40 17
SR-icon-armor-WhiterunGuard'sArmor.png Whiterun Guard's Armor
Light Armor Leather;
perk: none
6 75 23
SR-icon-armor-WhiterunGuard'sHelmet.png Whiterun Guard's Helmet
Light Helmet Iron Ingot;
perk: none
2 35 11
SR-icon-armor-WhiterunGuard'sShield.png Whiterun Guard's Shield
Heavy Shield Iron Ingot;
perk: none
3 40 17
SR-icon-armor-WindhelmGuard'sShield.png Windhelm Guard's Shield
Heavy Shield Iron Ingot;
perk: none
3 40 17
  • This is the only armor piece specific to Windhelm guards.
    They use Stormcloak Equipment for the rest of their gear.
SR-icon-armor-WinterholdGuard'sArmor.png Winterhold Guard's Armor
Light Armor Leather;
perk: none
6 75 23
SR-icon-armor-WinterholdGuard'sHelmet.png Winterhold Guard's Helmet
Light Helmet Iron Ingot;
perk: none
2 35 11
SR-icon-armor-WinterholdGuard'sShield.png Winterhold Guard's Shield
Heavy Shield Iron Ingot;
perk: none
3 40 17
  • There is only one copy of this shield in the game, found on the guard that patrols Whistling Mine southeast of Winterhold. It can be pickpocketed. If the Imperials have gained control of Winterhold as part of the Civil War (or the negotiations during Season Unending) then this guard will be replaced by an Imperial Soldier who does not carry the shield. None of the other Hold guards carry a shield.

Imperial Soldier Equipment

Imperial Soldier Weapons

Name (ID) Tempering Weight Value Damage Notes
SR-icon-weapon-ImperialBow.png Imperial Bow
Steel Ingot;
perk: none
8 90 9
  • Draw speed 0.75
SR-icon-weapon-ImperialSword.png Imperial Sword
Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
10 23 8

Imperial Soldier Armor

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Rating Notes
SR-icon-armor-ImperialArmor.png Imperial Armor
Heavy Armor Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
35 100 25
SR-icon-armor-ImperialBoots.png Imperial Boots
Heavy Boots Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
8 20 10
SR-icon-armor-ImperialBracers.png Imperial Bracers
Heavy Gauntlets Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
4 15 10
SR-icon-armor-ImperialLightArmor.png Imperial Light Armor
Light Armor Leather;
perk: none
6 75 23
SR-icon-armor-StuddedImperialArmor.png Studded Imperial Armor
Light Armor Not possible 6 125 23
  • Although described in-game as Imperial "medium" armor, it is actually light armor.
SR-icon-armor-ImperialLightBoots.png Imperial Light Boots
Light Boots Leather;
perk: none
2 15 6
SR-icon-armor-ImperialLightBracers.png Imperial Light Bracers
Light Gauntlets Leather;
perk: none
1 15 6
SR-icon-armor-ImperialLightHelmet.png Imperial Light Helmet
Light Helmet Leather;
perk: none
2 35 11
SR-icon-armor-ImperialLightShield.png Imperial Light Shield
Light Shield Leather;
perk: none
4 40 19
SR-icon-armor-ImperialOfficer'sHelmet.png Imperial Officer's Helmet
Heavy Helmet Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
4 30 17
SR-icon-armor-ImperialHelmet(open).png Imperial Helmet
Heavy Helmet Steel Ingot;
perk: none
5 50 15
SR-icon-armor-ImperialHelmet(full).png Imperial Helmet
Heavy Helmet Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
5 30 18
  • This is a full-face version of the Imperial Helmet. One can be found during Scoundrel's Folly. There is also one just inside the entrance of Meridia's Temple next to a desecrated corpse. A much more obscured one can also be found at a Shrine of Talos on a mountaintop, following the path south of Froki's Shack.
SR-icon-armor-ImperialShield.png Imperial Shield
Heavy Shield Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
12 50 20
SR-icon-armor-PenitusOculatusArmor.png Penitus Oculatus Armor
Light Armor Steel Ingot;
perk: none
6 75 23
SR-icon-armor-PenitusOculatusBoots.png Penitus Oculatus Boots
Light Boots Leather;
perk: none
1 15 6
SR-icon-armor-PenitusOculatusBracers.png Penitus Oculatus Bracers
Light Gauntlets Leather;
perk: none
1 15 6
SR-icon-armor-PenitusOculatusHelmet.png Penitus Oculatus Helmet
Light Helmet Leather;
perk: none
1 35 11
  The studded Imperial armor cannot be tempered at a workbench.



Silver Hand Equipment

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Damage Notes
SR-icon-weapon-SilverSword.png Silver Sword
One-Handed Sword Not possible 7 100 8

Especially effective against undead.

  • Silver weapons do an extra 20 damage per hit to werewolves, werebearsDB, and undead, including ghosts and vampires
  • This effect is not considered an enchantment, so silver weapons can be enchanted like any normal unenchanted weapon, though they will always display the text "Especially effective against undead."
    • PC Only This issue has been addressed by version 1.0 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch; Enchantment text is made visible but for this to work the notice about undead had to be removed, and information is now provided via a loading screen text entry.
  • Sometimes silver weapons do not show any description text.
  • Silver weapons can not be improved at a grindstone.
SR-icon-weapon-SilverGreatsword.png Silver Greatsword
Two-Handed Sword Not possible 12 160 17

Stormcloak Equipment

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Rating Notes
SR-icon-armor-FurBoots.png Fur Boots
Light Boots Leather;
perk: none
2 5 5
SR-icon-armor-FurGauntlets.png Fur Gauntlets
Light Gauntlets Leather;
perk: none
2 5 5
SR-icon-armor-StormcloakCuirass.png Stormcloak Cuirass
Light Armor Leather;
perk: none
8 25 21
  • Also worn by guards in Windhelm, and are similar in style to those worn by guards in other cities. (They differ only in color.)
Stormcloak Cuirass
Light Armor Leather;
perk: none
8 25 21
  • This version has sleeves and cannot be found in the game.
SR-icon-armor-StormcloakHelmet.png Stormcloak Helmet
Light Helmet Leather;
perk: none
2 12 10
  • Also worn by guards in Windhelm, and are similar in style to those worn by guards in other cities. (They differ only in color.)
SR-icon-armor-StormcloakOfficerArmor.png Stormcloak Officer Armor
Light Armor Leather;
perk: none
8 35 27
SR-icon-armor-StormcloakOfficerBoots.png Stormcloak Officer Boots
Light Boots Leather;
perk: none
2 7 7
  • Classified as Light Armor in-game, but instead is affected by Heavy Armor skill and perks, meaning there's no set bonus.
SR-icon-armor-StormcloakOfficerBracers.png Stormcloak Officer Bracers
Light Gauntlets Leather;
perk: none
2 7 7
SR-icon-armor-StormcloakOfficerHelmet.png Stormcloak Officer Helmet
Light Helmet Leather;
perk: none
2 15 12


Thalmor Equipment

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Rating Notes
SR-icon-armor-ElvenLightArmor(m).pngSR-icon-armor-ElvenArmor.png Elven Light Armor
Light Armor Refined Moonstone;
perk: Elven
4 125 26
SR-icon-armor-ElvenBoots.png Elven Light Boots
Light Boots Refined Moonstone;
perk: Elven
1 25 7
SR-icon-armor-ElvenGauntlets.png Elven Light Gauntlets
Light Gauntlets Refined Moonstone;
perk: Elven
1 25 7
SR-icon-armor-ElvenHelmet.png Elven Light Helmet
Light Helmet Refined Moonstone;
perk: Elven
1 60 12
SR-icon-clothing-Thalmor Robes.png Hooded Thalmor Robes
Clothing N/A 5 410 0 Destruction spells cost 12% less to cast:
SR-icon-clothing-ThalmorBoots.png Thalmor Boots
Clothing N/A 1 10 0
SR-icon-clothing-ThalmorGloves.png Thalmor Gloves
Clothing N/A 1 10 0
SR-icon-clothing-Thalmor Robes.png Thalmor Robes
Clothing N/A 4 410 0 Destruction spells cost 12% less to cast:



Thieves Guild Equipment

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Rating Notes
SR-icon-armor-Guild Master's Armor.png Guild Master's Armor
Light Armor Not possible 10 300 38
  • All of this Thieves Guild Equipment is only equippable through the console. The player-specific versions of all Guild Master's armor and all Thieves Guild armor are listed at Unique Items.
SR-icon-armor-Guild Master's Boots.png Guild Master's Boots
Light Boots Not possible 2 100 15
SR-icon-armor-Guild Master's Gloves.png Guild Master's Gloves
Light Gauntlets Not possible 2 100 15
SR-icon-armor-Thieves Guild Armor.png Thieves Guild Armor
Light Armor Not possible 0 0 29
SR-icon-armor-Thieves Guild Boots.png Thieves Guild Boots
Light Boots Not possible 0 25 8
SR-icon-armor-Thieves Guild Gloves.png Thieves Guild Gloves
Light Gauntlets Not possible 1.5 0 8
SR-icon-armor-Thieves Guild Hood.png Thieves Guild Hood
Light Helmet Not possible 1 0 13
SR-icon-armor-Thieves Guild Hood Alt.png Thieves Guild Hood Alt
Light Helmet Not possible 0 0 13
SR-icon-armor-Thieves Guild Variant Armor.png Thieves Guild Variant Armor
Light Armor Not possible 0 0 29
SR-icon-armor-Thieves Guild Variant Boots.png Thieves Guild Variant Boots
Light Boots Not possible 0 0 8
SR-icon-armor-Thieves Guild Variant Gloves.png Thieves Guild Variant Gloves
Light Gauntlets Not possible 1 0 5
SR-icon-armor-Thieves Guild Variant Hood.png Thieves Guild Variant Hood
Light Helmet Not possible 0 0 13



Vampire EquipmentDG

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Rating Notes
SR-icon-armor-Vampire Armor xx0191f3 (m).pngSR-icon-armor-Vampire Armor xx0191f3 (f).png
SR-icon-armor-Vampire Armor xx0142c7 (m).pngSR-icon-armor-Vampire Armor xx0142c7 (f).png
SR-icon-armor-Vampire Armor xx0191f2 (m).pngSR-icon-armor-Vampire Armor xx0191f2 (f).png
Vampire Armor
Light Armor Leather;
perk: Advanced
5 175 25 Three colors are available; they are otherwise the same.
SR-icon-armor-Vampire Boots.png Vampire Boots
Light Armor Leather;
perk: Advanced
2 25 7
SR-icon-armor-Vampire Gauntlets.png Vampire Gauntlets
Light Armor Leather;
perk: Advanced
1.5 25 8
SR-icon-clothing-Vampire Boots.png Vampire Boots
Clothing Not possible 1 2 0
SR-icon-clothing-Vampire Gloves.png Vampire Gloves
Clothing Not possible 0.5 1 0
SR-icon-clothing-Vampire Hood.png Vampire Hood
Clothing Not possible 0.5 1 0
SR-icon-armor-Vampire Royal Armor (m).pngSR-icon-armor-Vampire Royal Armor xx00b5db (f).png Vampire Lord Armor
Clothing Not possible 1 250 0
  • Only equippable through the console.
SR-icon-clothing-Vampire Robes (m).pngSR-icon-clothing-Vampire Robes (f).png Vampire Robes
Clothing Not possible 1 5 0
SR-icon-armor-Vampire Royal Armor (m).pngSR-icon-armor-Vampire Royal Armor xx00b5db (f).png
SR-icon-armor-Vampire Royal Armor (m).pngSR-icon-armor-Vampire Royal Armor xx0194c5 (f).png
Vampire Royal Armor
Light Armor Leather;
perk: Advanced
9 655 30 Magicka regenerates 125% faster.
  • Only the first version (xx00b5db) can be tempered
  • The third version (xx011a85) cannot be worn by the player



Other Weapons

Name (ID) Tempering Weight Value Damage Notes
SR-icon-weapon-Akaviri Sword.png Akaviri Sword DG
Not possible 10 300 11
  • Only carried by Dexion Evicus. Can be obtained by pickpocketing him if you have the Misdirection perk, or by placing a weapon with a higher base damage in his inventory through pickpocketing, then reloading the area by leaving and entering it again. This will cause him to unequip the Akaviri sword in favor of the placed weapon, allowing you to then pickpocket the Akaviri sword without the Misdirection perk.
SR-icon-weapon-Fork.png Fork
Not possible 0.5 5 1
  • Cutlery found on tables, but can also be used as a weapon.
  • Can be found at Throat of the World.
  • Can be found outside Riften, at the balcony of Honeyside after the player has purchased the porch upgrade.
  • HF Can be found on a table in the player-built Small House.
  • HF Can be found in a bin atop the "Desk" furnishing option of the back room on the first level of the player-built Main Hall.
  • HF Two can be found in the player-built Kitchen, one in a bin beside the square table and chairs with steamed crab legs and the other on the square table and chairs across from the butter churn.
SR-icon-weapon-Giant Club.png Frost Giant Club DG
Not possible 18 598 80
  • Club used by Frost Giants.
  • Can only be equipped by player using the console.
  • Target takes 20 points of frost damage to Health and Stamina:
Giant Club
Not possible 18 1 5
  • Clubs used by Giants.
  • (000461da) has a power that varies based on character level at the time of cell entry. At least one club exists that, when highlighted, shows the stats of the club like any other generic item. It can be picked up and equipped by followers only, but can only be removed by use of the console!
  • (000c334f) is enchanted:
Absorb 15 points of stamina:
  • Absorb Stamina, 15 pts for 1 sec
  • Charge/Cost=Uses: 2000/34=58
  • Disenchant: No
Giant Club
Not possible 18 1 var.
Giant Club
Not possible 18 800 40
SR-icon-weapon-Headsman'sAxe.png Headsman's Axe
Not possible§ 11 15 17
SR-icon-weapon-Knife.png Knife
Not possible 0.5 1 2
SR-icon-weapon-Pickaxe.png Pickaxe
Not possible§ 10 5 5
  • Necessary for mining veins and obtaining ore. Giving a follower a pickaxe can force them to dual wield.
SR-icon-weapon-Scimitar.png Scimitar
Steel Ingot;
perk: Steel
10 5 11
SR-icon-weapon-Woodcutter'sAxe.png Woodcutter's Axe¥
Not possible§ 10 5 5
SR-icon-weapon-Wooden Sword.png Wooden SwordHF
perk: none
3 25 2
  Because of the way this weapon is classified in game data, its damage in combat is not affected by either One-handed or Two-handed skill fortify effects or their respective perks.
  Despite being a two-handed weapon, the Headsman's Axe was classified as a War Axe in older patches, meaning that it was affected by war axe-related perks such as Hack and Slash.
¥  Ficheiro:Xbox360.pngIf you place a Woodcutter's Axe on a sword mount it will appear floating in your house instead of on the rack.
§  These items should have been temperable, but aren't.

Other Apparel

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Rating Notes
SR-icon-armor-Dovahcore Helmet.png Dovahcore Helmet
Heavy Helmet Refined Moonstone
(req. Arcane);
perk: none
5 512 15
SR-icon-armor-FineArmguards.png Fine Armguards
Light Gauntlets Not possible 0.5 25 7
  • Identified internally as Jarl's gloves.
  • Although these are technically Light Armor, they're treated as clothing in most respects. You can wear them without disabling the Mage Armor perk and they won't match any armor type for Matching Set.


  • Additional specialized armor and weapons are listed at Unique Items for items occuring a limited number of times (usually once), and at Unobtainable Items for items that cannot normally be obtained and/or used by the player.