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< Items / Mining / Smithing(Redirecionado de Skyrim:Dwarven Helmet)
Dwarven Metal Ingot

Dwarven weapons and heavy armor are medium-quality items of Dwemer design that are made from Dwarven Metal Ingots. The secret of creating Dwarven Metal was lost with the Dwemer, and therefore it is one of the two metals that can't be mined, the other being Steel. However, the Dwemer left large amounts of scrap metal behind in their Dwarven Ruins, and this scrap metal can be smelted into ingots.


Six different types of scrap dwemer metal can be smelted to yield Dwarven Metal Ingots. The following lists all of these scraps, along with the number of ingots that each produces when smelted and the total number of guaranteed samples that can be found.

Other metallic items that are found in Dwarven Ruins cannot be smelted, including various other types of dwemer scrap metal and dwemer dishes. A rule of thumb is that if it starts with the word "Dwemer" it cannot be converted, not even Dwemer Scrap Metal; Bent Dwemer Scrap Metal can be smelted. The Small Dwemer Lever is the only exception; its name doesn't start with Dwemer, but it still cannot be smelted.

Name ID Weight Value Yield Guaranteed Samples Ingots/Weight
SR-icon-ingot-Dwarven Metal Ingot.png Dwarven Metal Ingot 000db8a2 1 30 N/A 50 1.00
SR-icon-misc-BentDwemerScrapMetal.png Bent Dwemer Scrap Metal 000c886c 2 15 3 ingots 95 1.50
SR-icon-misc-LargeDecorativeDwemerStrut.png Large Decorative Dwemer Strut 000c8878 15 10 2 ingots 68 0.13
SR-icon-misc-LargeDwemerPlateMetal.png Large Dwemer Plate Metal 000c8864 2 15 3 ingots 84 1.50
SR-icon-misc-LargeDwemerStrut.png Large Dwemer Strut 000c8872 20 15 3 ingots 82 0.15
SR-icon-misc-SmallDwemerPlateMetal.png Small Dwemer Plate Metal 000c8866 2 15 3 ingots 61 1.50
SR-icon-misc-SolidDwemerMetal.png Solid Dwemer Metal 000c8874 25 25 5 ingots 113 0.20
  • The value of all of these items is proportional to the number of ingots they create (5 gold/1 ingot). However, the weights of the raw items vary widely.
  • Dwarven Smithing requires 30 Smithing skill.
  • Dwarven armor is level 12 Heavy Armor, made from Dwarven Metal Ingots, Steel Ingots, Iron Ingots, and Leather Strips.
  • Dwarven weapons are level 12 weapons, made from Dwarven Metal Ingots, Steel Ingots, Iron Ingots, and Leather Strips.

Mineral Sources

In addition to the following guaranteed sources, the best random locations are:

  • Dwarven Metal Ingots may be sold by blacksmiths starting at level 6 and general goods merchants starting at level 4.
  • All varieties of Dwarven Spiders have a 20% chance of dropping Bent Dwemer Scrap Metal.
  • All varieties of Dwarven Spheres have an 8% chance of dropping Bent Dwemer Scrap Metal.
  • The other five types of dwemer metal each have a 10% chance of 1-3 samples being dropped by all varieties of Dwarven Spheres and Dwarven Centurions.
  • All types of dwemer metal can be randomly found in chests and other loot containers in Dwarven Ruins.
  • If the Merchant perk is unlocked, Calcelmo will have random dwemer metal for sale.

The total column provides the total number of ingots that could be obtained if all of the metal in each location was retrieved and smelted. Only locations containing multiple items are included in the following list.

Region Location Ingot Bent Dwemer
Scrap Metal
Large Decorative
Dwemer Strut
Large Dwemer
Plate Metal
Large Dwemer
Small Dwemer
Plate Metal
Solid Dwemer
Eastmarch Mzulft 25 18 19 28 24 18 29 472
Markarth Nchuand-Zel 23 16 23 17 10 28 391
Markarth Dwemer Museum 2 11 5 10 10 10 16 215
Winterhold Alftand 4 11 10 8 6 4 12 171
Markarth Calcelmo's Laboratory 12 2 7 11 8 10 168
The Pale Raldbthar 3 5 4 3 4 3 3 71
Hjaalmarch Mzinchaleft 1 3 3 2 1 1 3 43
The Rift Avanchnzel 10 1 2 2 4 43
The Reach Reachwind Eyrie 2 3 2 1 1 26
Winterhold Blackreach 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 42
Markarth Understone Keep 3 1 1 1 1 2 24
The Pale Irkngthand 1 3 2 1 1 24

Dwarven Smithing

Dwarven Smithing is the first perk in the Heavy Armor branch of the Smithing skill's perk tree. Unlocking it requires a Smithing skill of 30, and the Steel Smithing perk must have already been unlocked. Dwarven Smithing allows both Dwarven armor and Dwarven weapons to be crafted.

The Dwarven Smithing perk also causes tempering of Dwarven weapons and armor to be twice as effective. This perk applies to both unenchanted Dwarven gear and enchanted gear (generic armor, generic weapons, or custom), as long as the Arcane Blacksmith perk has been unlocked.

Dwarven Armor

Dwarven armor is a variety of heavy armor that is only better than Iron and Steel armors. It appears in leveled lists starting at level 12 (enchanted varieties at level 13). All items can be tempered using 1 Dwarven Metal Ingot, and having the Dwarven Smithing perk doubles the quality improvement.

A female Imperial wearing Dwarven Armor
A male Nord wearing Dwarven Armor
Name (ID) Weight Value Rating Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-ingot-Dwarven Metal Ingot.png Dwarven SR-icon-ingot-Steel Ingot.png Steel SR-icon-ingot-Iron Ingot.png Iron SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips Weight Value Weight Value
SR-icon-armor-DwarvenArmor.png Dwarven Armor
45 400 34 3 1 1 3 39.7 274 8.49 3.17
SR-icon-armor-DwarvenBoots.png Dwarven Boots
10 85 13 2 1 1 2 5.8 -8 2.38 0.91
SR-icon-armor-DwarvenGauntlets.png Dwarven Gauntlets
8 85 13 1 1 1 2 4.8 22 2.50 1.35
SR-icon-armor-DwarvenHelmet.png Dwarven Helmet
12 200 18 2 1 1 2 7.8 107 2.86 2.15
SR-icon-armor-DwarvenShield.png Dwarven Shield
12 225 26 2 1 1 1 7.9 135 2.93 2.50
Totals (with shield): 87 995 104 10 5 5 10
Totals (without shield): 75 770 78 8 4 4 9

Dwarven Weapons

Dwarven weapons are better than Iron, Steel, and Orcish weapons. They appear in leveled lists starting at level 12 (enchanted varieties at level 13). All items except ammunition can be tempered using 1 Dwarven Metal Ingot, and having the Dwarven Smithing perk doubles the quality improvement. Ammunition can only be smithed if the Dawnguard plug-in has been installed.

Name (ID) Weight Value Damage Crit.
Critical Damage
Speed Reach Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-ingot-Dwarven Metal Ingot.png Dwarven SR-icon-ingot-Steel Ingot.png Steel SR-icon-ingot-Iron Ingot.png Iron SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips Other Weight Value Weight Value
SR-icon-weapon-DwarvenDagger.png Dwarven Dagger
3.5 55 7 3 1.3 0.7 1 1 1 1 0.4 -5 1.13 0.92
SR-icon-weapon-DwarvenSword.png Dwarven Sword
12 135 10 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 8.9 75 3.87 2.25
SR-icon-weapon-DwarvenWarAxe.png Dwarven War Axe
14 165 11 6 0.9 1 1 1 1 2 10.8 102 4.38 2.62
SR-icon-weapon-DwarvenMace.png Dwarven Mace
16 190 12 6 0.8 1 2 1 1 1 - 11.9 100 3.90 2.11
SR-icon-weapon-DwarvenGreatsword.png Dwarven Greatsword
19 270 19 9 0.7 1.3 2 2 2 3 12.7 147 3.02 2.20
SR-icon-weapon-DwarvenBattleaxe.png Dwarven Battleaxe
23 300 20 10 0.7 1.3 2 2 1 2 17.8 187 4.42 2.65
SR-icon-weapon-DwarvenWarhammer.png Dwarven Warhammer
27 325 22 11 0.6 1.3 2 2 1 3 21.7 209 5.09 2.80
SR-icon-weapon-DwarvenBow.png Dwarven Bow
10 270 12 6 0.75 1 2 1 7 203 3.33 4.03
SR-icon-weapon-DwarvenArrows.png Dwarven Arrow
0 4 14 N/A 1 1 Firewood
Makes 24 arrowsDG
-6 61 0.00 2.74
SR-icon-weapon-Dwarven Crossbow.png Dwarven CrossbowDG ±
20 350 22 11 1 1 5 15 200 4.00 2.33
SR-icon-weapon-Dwarven Crossbow.png Enhanced Dwarven CrossbowDG ¥ ±
21 550 22 11 1 1 1 Dwarven Crossbow +
2 Quicksilver
-1 80 0.95 1.17
SR-icon-weapon-Dwarven Bolt.png Dwarven BoltDG ±
0 3 14 N/A 1 1 Firewood
Makes 10 bolts
-6 -5 0.00 0.86
  The base gold value used for all generic enchanted versions of the Dwarven Bow is 95 instead of 270. This means that the enchanted weapons are 175 gold cheaper than they should be, and in several cases are cheaper than the unenchanted bow. This bug is shared by several types of bow in the game.
  This item can only be acquired or crafted by siding with the Dawnguard. See Ancient Technology for details.
¥  The Enhanced Dwarven Crossbow has an additional property: Attacks with this crossbow ignore 50% of armor.
±  Crafting crossbows and exploding bolts is only possible at Gunmar's forge in Fort Dawnguard, which does not appear until after A New Order (must side with the Dawnguard). Normal bolts can be crafted at any forge.

