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< Items / Smithing(Redirecionado de Skyrim:Daedric Bow)

Daedric weapons and heavy armor are the best quality standard items available in the game. This page documents standard Daedric armor and weapons; the unique Daedric Artifacts obtained by completing Daedric Quests are documented on the Artifacts page.

Daedric items are made out of ebony, using identical materials to the equivalent ebony items in addition to a Daedra Heart. The heart imbues the items with the essence of the slain Daedra, as described in Heavy Armor Forging.

Daedric Smithing

Daedric Smithing is the fourth perk in the heavy armor branch of the smithing skill's perk tree. Unlocking it requires a smithing skill of 90 and the Ebony Smithing perk. Although Daedric armor is more effective than Dragonplate, the Daedric Smithing perk can be unlocked before the Dragon Smithing perk (which also allows for the creation of Dragonscale light armor).

The Daedric Smithing perk also causes tempering of Daedric weapons and armor to be twice as effective. This perk applies to both unenchanted Daedric gear and enchanted gear (generic armor, generic weapons, or custom gear), as long as the Arcane Blacksmith perk has been unlocked. Tempering of several other items is also improved by Daedric Smithing, namely all Dragon Priest Masks and all Ancient Nord armor.

Obtaining a Daedra Heart is often the most difficult step in crafting Daedric gear; the Daedra Heart article provides full details on how they can be obtained.

Daedric weapons and armor can also be created at the Atronach Forge. Although using the Atronach Forge allows these items to be made without investing in multiple smithing perks, obtaining the necessary materials can be more difficult. In addition to the equivalent ebony item and a Daedra Heart, you need to supply a centurion dynamo core and a black soul gem — as well as having upgraded the forge with a sigil stone, which can only be done once your conjuration skill reaches 90. Also note that the Atronach Forge cannot be used to create Daedric Boots (the boots are bugged). However, the availability of all the ingredients still makes this a viable option for players not wishing to spend valuable skill points on the Daedric Smithing perk. The tempering bonuses, however, means that a player with the perk will see far greater benefits from the equipment.

Daedric Armor

Daedric Armor, even with Dawnguard and Dragonborn included, is the best heavy armor in the game. It appears in leveled lists starting at level 48 (enchanted varieties at level 49). However, even after level 48, Daedric armor is twenty times less likely to appear than other armor types. All items can be tempered using 1 Ebony Ingot.

A female Imperial wearing Daedric Armor
A male Nord wearing Daedric Armor
Name (ID) Weight Value Rating Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-ingredient-Daedra Heart.png D Heart SR-icon-ingot-Ebony Ingot.png Ebony SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips Weight Value Weight Value
SR-icon-armor-DaedricArmor.png Daedric Armor
50 3200 49 1 5 3 44.2 2191 8.62 3.17
SR-icon-armor-DaedricBoots.png Daedric Boots
10 625 18 1 3 2 6.3 -81 2.70 0.89
SR-icon-armor-DaedricGauntlets.png Daedric Gauntlets
6 625 18 1 2 2 3.3 69 2.22 1.12
SR-icon-armor-DaedricHelmet.png Daedric Helmet
15 1600 23 1 3 2 11.3 894 4.05 2.27
SR-icon-armor-DaedricShield.png Daedric Shield
15 1600 36 1 4 1 10.4 747 3.26 1.88
Totals (with shield): 96 7650 144 5 17 10
Totals (without shield): 81 6050 108 4 13 9

Daedric Weapons

Daedric weapons are the best standard weapons available in the original release of the game. The Dawnguard add-on introduces Dragonbone weapons, which exceed Daedric in quality. They appear in leveled lists starting at level 46 (enchanted varieties at level 47). However, even after level 46, Daedric weapons are twenty times less likely to appear than other weapon types. All items except ammunition can be tempered using 1 ebony ingot. Arrows can only be created if the Dawnguard add-on has been installed.

Although most Daedric weapons are superior to their ebony equivalents, the Daedric Mace and Daedric War Axe actually do the same amount of damage as the ebony versions. Given that the Daedric versions weigh more and require a valuable Daedra Heart, some may prefer to use the ebony versions instead.

Name (ID) Weight Value Damage Crit.
Critical Damage
Speed Reach Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-ingredient-Daedra Heart.png D Heart SR-icon-ingot-Ebony Ingot.png Ebony SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips Weight Value Weight Value
SR-icon-weapon-DaedricDagger.png Daedric Dagger
6 500 11 5 1.3 0.7 1 1 1 4.4 97 3.75 1.24
SR-icon-weapon-DaedricSword.png Daedric Sword
16 1250 14 7 1 1 1 2 1 13.4 697 6.15 2.26
SR-icon-weapon-DaedricWarAxe.png Daedric War Axe
18 1500 15 7 0.9 1 1 2 2 15.3 944 6.67 2.70
SR-icon-weapon-DaedricMace.png Daedric Mace
20 1750 16 8 0.8 1 1 3 1 16.4 1047 5.56 2.49
SR-icon-weapon-DaedricGreatsword.png Daedric Greatsword
23 2500 24 12 0.7 1.3 1 5 3 17.2 1491 3.97 2.48
SR-icon-weapon-DaedricBattleaxe.png Daedric Battleaxe
27 2750 25 12 0.7 1.3 1 5 2 21.3 1744 4.74 2.73
SR-icon-weapon-DaedricWarhammer.png Daedric Warhammer
31 4000 27 13 0.6 1.3 1 5 3 25.2 2991 5.34 3.96
SR-icon-weapon-DaedricBow.png Daedric Bow
18 2500 19 9 0.5 1 1 3 0 14.5 1800 5.14 3.57
SR-icon-weapon-DaedricArrows.png Daedric Arrow
0 8 24 N/A 1 Ebony + 1 D Heart + 1 Firewood =
24 Daedric ArrowsDG
-6.5 -213 0.00 0.47

The base gold value used for all generic enchanted versions of the Daedric Bow is 875 instead of 2500. This means that the enchanted weapons are 1625 gold cheaper than they should be, and in several cases are cheaper than the unenchanted bow. This bug is shared by several types of bow in the game.


  • Dremora also wear a variety of Daedric armor (see Dremora equipment) which you can neither loot nor equip.
  • Bound weapons are similar in appearance to Daedric weapons, but generally have lower base damage values than Daedric weapons (unless you have the Mystic Binding perk, in which case bound swords have the same damage as the Daedric equivalent and bound bows have a higher damage. The Bound Battleaxe and Bound DaggerDB still have lower damage than their Daedric equivalents.)
  • At the Skyforge, ancient Nord armor will also be listed in the Daedric section of the forging menu, and tempering of ancient Nord armor is also improved by the Daedric Smithing perk. However, ancient Nord armor is not otherwise considered to be Daedric armor.
    • PC Only This issue has been addressed by version 1.2.7 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch; it is listed in the Steel section of the forging menu instead.
  • Keeper Carcette and other generic Vigilants of Stendarr can sometimes be found carrying Daedric weapons, despite doing so going against everything they say and do in the game regarding Daedric objects.


  • If you temper a Daedric bow to legendary quality and then enchant it, its base damage may revert to a base Daedric bow.