Skyrim:Chief Yamarz

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Chief Yamarz
(RefID: )
Stronghold Largashbur
House Largashbur Longhouse
Race Orc Gender Male
Level PC×1 (range=6-20) Class Orc Warrior
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 1050+(PC-1)×11.7
Magicka 50+(PC-1)×3.3
Stamina 50
Primary Skills Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Sneak
Class Details GuardOrc1H
Moral. No Crime Aggress. Aggressive
Essential Yes, until stage 90 of The Cursed Tribe
Faction(s) Blood-Kin of the Orcs; FavorExcludedFaction; GuardFaction (makes an actor a guard); JobOrcChiefFaction; TownLargashburFaction; Tribal Orcs
Chief Yamarz

Yamarz is an Orc warrior and the chief of the accursed Orc stronghold of Largashbur, located in the Rift, east of Avanchnzel. He is generally unpleasant and displays many traits not normally associated with Orcs such as a conniving nature and an aversion to battle. It is never fully explained why Malacath cursed his tribe, but its implied that its Yamarz's weaknesses as leader are a reflection of the curse itself. This would help explain why Malacath charges Yamarz alone with the task of slaying the leader of the giant tribe that has defiled his shrine.

Yamarz is clad in a complete set of Orcish equipment. This includes the cuirass, a pair of gauntlets, a pair of boots, and a helmet. He is equipped with a leveled war axe and a leveled shield, both of which can be up to Orcish quality.

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