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< NPCs(Redirecionado de Skyrim:Bandit Leader)

Para dead NPCs named "Bandit", veja Bandit (dead). Para other uses, veja Bandit (disambiguation).


Bandits are rogue lawbreakers and one of the most common enemy types in Skyrim. You will typically find them in camps, some of which are marked on your map, and some of which are unmarked. Of the marked locations, bandits often inhabit both the interiors and exteriors of fort-type and other structures.

Although most bandits will attack you on sight, some may attack only when you get too close. Still others will demand that you pay them and attack if you refuse. Bandits can be members of any race (except Altmer), and may be spellcasters, archers, one-handed melee fighters, or two-handed melee fighters.

Bandit Types

While the stronger bandit types will not appear until after you've reached the levels shown, you will continue to meet low-level versions even at high levels. Boss-level bandits will always be at the highest possible level, and will normally be identified as "Bandit Chief". Bandits of each type may vary in the combat equipment and style they use.

Normal Bandits are generally fairly easy to kill, while Bandit Chiefs and Marauders are tougher. Unlike other Bandit Marauders, Bandit Marauder mages (bandits with the Bandit Wizard class) begin appearing at level 24.

 Skyrim-Box-TL.gif Skyrim-Box-TR.gif Skyrim-Box-BL.gif Skyrim-Box-BR.gif

One-Handed Melee

These bandits wield one-handed melee weapons and shields in battle. They carry one of the following weapons, depending on your level:

All bandits also carry a random assortment of items, which include beverages, lockpicks, food, jewelry, gems, tools, ingots, and a small amount of gold. Bandit Plunderers and Marauders carry more gold and may carry additional lockpicks.

Light Armor

A Bandit Maurader looking for trouble

In addition to the weapons listed above, these bandits wear a set of leveled light armor:

Name Level IDs Ficheiro:OBHealthIcon small.png Ficheiro:OBMagickaIcon small.png Sta. Perks
Bandit 1
Imperial Female&F 00039cf7
Imperial Male&M 00039cf6
Khajiit Male&M 000c3ca0
Nord Female&F 00039cf5
Nord Male&M 0001bcd8
Orc Male&M 00039cfa
Redguard Female&F 00039cf8
Redguard Male&M 00039cf9[1]
35 25 70 Extra Damage 1.5
Bandit Outlaw 5
Imperial Female&F 00039cfe
Imperial Male&M 00039cff
Khajiit Male&M 000c3ca2
Nord Female&F 00039d00
Nord Male&M 00039d01
Orc Male&M 00039d03
Redguard Female&F 00039d04
Redguard Male&M 00039d05
109 25 86

Champion's Stance
Fighting Stance

Bandit Thug 9
Imperial Female&F 00039d06
Imperial Male&M 00039d07
Khajiit Male&M 000c3ca4
Nord Female&F 00039d08
Nord Male&M 00039d09
Orc Male&M 00039d0b
Redguard Female&F 00039d0c
Redguard Male&M 00039d0d
238 25 107
Bladesman Fighting Stance
Champion's Stance Hack and Slash
Custom Fit Limbsplitter
Deep Wounds Tower of Strength
Extra Damage 1.5
Bandit Highwayman 14 [2]
Imperial Female&F 00039d0e
Imperial Male&M 00039d0f
Khajiit Male&M 000c3ca6
Nord Female&F 00039d10
Nord Male&M 00039d11
Orc Male&M 00039d13
Redguard Female&F 00039d14
Redguard Male&M 00039d15
170 25 100
Bladesman Fighting Stance
Champion's Stance Hack and Slash
Custom Fit Limbsplitter
Deep Wounds Tower of Strength
Extra Damage 2
Bandit Plunderer 19
Imperial Female&F 00039d16
Imperial Male&M 00039d17
Khajiit Male&M 000c3ca8
Nord Female&F 00039d18
Nord Male&M 00039d19
Orc Male&M 00039d1b
Redguard Female&F 00039d1c
Redguard Male&M 00039d1d
398 25 172
Bladesman Extra Damage 2
Champion's Stance Fighting Stance
Custom Fit Hack and Slash
Deadly Bash Limbsplitter
Deep Wounds Tower of Strength
Devastating Blow
Bandit Marauder 25
Imperial Male&M 00039d1e
Imperial Male&M 00039d1f
Khajiit Male&M 000c3caa
Nord Male&M 00039d20
Nord Male&M 00039d21
Orc Male&M 00039d23
Redguard Male&M 00039d24
Redguard Male&M 00039d25
489 25 246
Bladesman 2 Extra Damage 2.5
Champion's Stance Fighting Stance
Custom Fit Hack and Slash 2
Deadly Bash Limbsplitter 2
Deep Wounds 2 Tower of Strength
Devastating Blow
^1  This male Redguard bandit (EncBandit01Melee1HRedguardM) also appears in the list of level 1 archers (SubCharBandit01Missile), but has all the stats and inventory appropriate for a one-handed weapon fighter.
^2  These Bandit Highwaymen are actually set as level 0, which means they have lower health and stamina than other bandits that appear when you are the appropriate level. If Dragonborn is installed, their level and stats will be corrected (hover to see values).

Heavy Armor

A Bandit Thug in full steel armor

These bandits wield one-handed melee weapons and shields in battle. They carry the same weapons and miscellaneous items as their light armor counterparts, and wear a set of leveled heavy armor:

Name Level IDs Ficheiro:OBHealthIcon small.png Ficheiro:OBMagickaIcon small.png Sta. Perks
Bandit 1
Imperial Female&F 0003de87
Imperial Male&M 0003de88
Nord Female&F 0003de89
Nord Male&M 0003de8a
Orc Male&M 0003de8b
Redguard Female&F 0003de8c
Redguard Male&M 0003de8d
35 25 70

Extra Damage 1.5

Bandit Outlaw 5
Imperial Female&F 0003de8e
Imperial Male&M 0003de8f
Nord Female&F 0003de90
Nord Male&M 0003de91
Orc Male&M 0003de92
Redguard Female&F 0003de93
Redguard Male&M 0003de94
109 25 86

Champion's Stance
Fighting Stance

Bandit Thug 9
Imperial Female&F 0003de95
Imperial Male&M 0003de96
Nord Female&F 0003de97
Nord Male&M 0003de98
Orc Male&M 0003de99
Redguard Female&F 0003de9a
Redguard Male&M 0003de9b
238 25 107
Bladesman Fighting Stance
Bone Breaker Hack and Slash
Champion's Stance Limbsplitter
Custom Fit Skullcrusher
Deep Wounds Tower of Strength
Extra Damage 1.5
Bandit Highwayman 14
Imperial Female&F 0003de9d
Imperial Male&M 0003de9e
Nord Female&F 0003de9f
Nord Male&M 0003dea0
Orc Male&M 0003dea1
Redguard Female&F 0003dea2
Redguard Male&M 0003dea3
318 25 152
Bladesman Fighting Stance
Bone Breaker Hack and Slash
Champion's Stance Limbsplitter
Custom Fit Skullcrusher
Deep Wounds Tower of Strength
Extra Damage 2
Bandit Plunderer 19
Imperial Female&F 0003dea9
Imperial Male&M 0003deaa
Nord Female&F 0003deab
Nord Male&M 0003deac
Orc Male&M 0003dead
Redguard Female&F 0003deae
Redguard Male&M 0003deaf
398 25 172
Bladesman Extra Damage 2
Bone Breaker Fighting Stance
Champion's Stance Hack and Slash
Custom Fit Limbsplitter
Deadly Bash Skullcrusher
Deep Wounds Tower of Strength
Devastating Blow
Bandit Marauder 25
Imperial Female&F 0003deb0
Imperial Male&M 0003deb1
Nord Female&F 0003deb2
Nord Male&M 0003deb3
Orc Male&M 0003deb4
Redguard Female&F 0003deb5
Redguard Male&M 0003deb6
489 25 246
Bladesman 2 Extra Damage 2.5
Bone Breaker 2 Fighting Stance
Champion's Stance Hack and Slash 2
Custom Fit Limbsplitter 2
Deadly Bash Skullcrusher 2
Deep Wounds 2 Tower of Strength
Devastating Blow

Two-Handed Melee

A Bandit fighter wielding his fearsome greatsword

These bandits carry large, two-handed melee weapons into the fray. They wear the same leveled armor as their one-handed light armored counterparts (without the shield), and also carry one of the following weapons, depending on your level:

Two-handed melee bandits also carry a small amount of gold and have a chance to carry a few lockpicks. Bandit Plunderers and Marauders carry an orcish dagger and have no lockpicks.

Name Level IDs Ficheiro:OBHealthIcon small.png Ficheiro:OBMagickaIcon small.png Sta. Perks
Bandit 1
Nord Female&F 0003cf5c
Nord Female&F 0003de6e [1][2]
Nord Male&M 0003cf5d
Nord Male&M 0003de6f [1][2]
Orc Male&M 0003cf5e
Orc Male&M 0003de70 [1][2]
Redguard Female&F 0003de53
Redguard Female&F 0003de71 [1][2]
Redguard Male&M 0003de54
Redguard Male&M 0003de72 [1][2]
35 25 70 Extra Damage 1.5
Bandit Outlaw 5
Nord Female&F 0003de55
Nord Male&M 0003de56
Orc Male&M 0003de57
Redguard Female&F 0003de58
Redguard Male&M 0003de59
109 25 86

Champion's Stance
Fighting Stance

Bandit Thug 9
Nord Female&F 0003de5a
Nord Female&F 0003de73 [1]
Nord Male&M 0003de5b
Nord Male&M 0003de74 [1]
Orc Male&M 0003de5c
Orc Male&M 0003de75 [1]
Redguard Female&F 0003de5d
Redguard Female&F 0003de76 [1]
Redguard Male&M 0003de5e
Redguard Male&M 0003de77 [1]
238 25 107
Bladesman Fighting Stance
Bone Breaker Hack and Slash
Champion's Stance Limbsplitter
Custom Fit Skullcrusher
Deep Wounds Tower of Strength
Extra Damage 1.5
Bandit Highwayman 14
Nord Female&F 0003de5f
Nord Female&F 0003de78 [1]
Nord Male&M 0003de60
Nord Male&M 0003de79 [1]
Orc Male&M 0003de61
Orc Male&M 0003de7a [1]
Redguard Female&F 0003de62
Redguard Female&F 0003de7b [1]
Redguard Male&M 0003de63
Redguard Male&M 0003de7c [1]
318 25 152
Bladesman Fighting Stance
Bone Breaker Hack and Slash
Champion's Stance Limbsplitter
Custom Fit Skullcrusher
Deep Wounds Tower of Strength
Extra Damage 2
Bandit Plunderer 19
Nord Female&F 0003de64
Nord Female&F 0003de7d [1]
Nord Male&M 0003de65
Nord Male&M 0003de7e [1]
Orc Male&M 0003de66
Orc Male&M 0003de7f [1]
Redguard Female&F 0003de67
Redguard Female&F 0003de80 [1]
Redguard Male&M 0003de68
Redguard Male&M 0003de81 [1]
398 25 172
Bladesman Extra Damage 2
Bone Breaker Fighting Stance
Champion's Stance Hack and Slash
Custom Fit Limbsplitter
Deadly Bash Skullcrusher
Deep Wounds Tower of Strength
Devastating Blow
Bandit Marauder 25
Nord Female&F 0003de69
Nord Female&F 0003de82 [1]
Nord Male&M 0003de6a
Nord Male&M 0003de83 [1]
Orc Male&M 0003de6b
Orc Male&M 0003de84 [1]
Redguard Female&F 0003de6c
Redguard Female&F 0003de85 [1]
Redguard Male&M 0003de6d
Redguard Male&M 0003de86 [1]
489 25 246
Bladesman 2 Extra Damage 2.5
Bone Breaker 2 Fighting Stance
Champion's Stance Hack and Slash 2
Custom Fit Limbsplitter 2
Deadly Bash Skullcrusher 2
Deep Wounds 2 Tower of Strength
Devastating Blow
^1  These two-handed melee bandits appear in "berserker" leveled lists; they are identical to other two-handed fighters, except that they have a morality of No Crime instead of Any Crime and have the csHumanBerserkerLvl1 fighting style instead of csHumanMeleeLvl1.
^2  SubCharBandit01Melee2HBerserk and SubCharBandit02Melee2HBerserk contain the same list of bandits, which means the berserkers that appear in the level 1 list also appear in the level 5 list (with stats and perks appropriate for level 1 bandits).


A Bandit Marauder drawing a deadly arrow

Archer bandits prefer to keep their distance, using a bow and arrows to attack. These bandits have the Bandit Archer class. They wear the same leveled armor as melee bandits, and also one of each of the following weapon types, depending on your level:

Archers carry the same miscellaneous loot as their one-handed counterparts, and also have a small chance of carrying additional arrows of any type (including glass, ebony, and Daedric). Archer Bandit Plunderers and Marauders carry more gold than those at lower levels.

Name Level IDs Ficheiro:OBHealthIcon small.png Ficheiro:OBMagickaIcon small.png Sta. Perks
Bandit 1
Imperial Female&F 00037bfc
Imperial Male&M 00037bfe
Khajiit Male&M 0009a549
Nord Female&F 00037bff
Nord Male&M 00037c00
Redguard Female&F 00037c06
Redguard Male&M 00037c07
Redguard Male&M 00039cf9 [1]
Wood Elf Female&F 00039d65
Wood Elf Male&M 00039d66
35 25 70 Extra Damage 1.5
Bandit Outlaw 5
Imperial Female&F 00037c01
Imperial Male&M 00037c02
Khajiit Male&M 0009a54a
Nord Female&F 00037c03
Nord Male&M 00037c05
Redguard Female&F 00037c08
Redguard Male&M 00037c0c
Wood Elf Female&F 00039d67
Wood Elf Male&M 00039d68
109 25 86 None
Bandit Thug 9
Imperial Female&F 00037c2f
Imperial Male&M 00037c30
Khajiit Male&M 0009a54d
Nord Female&F 00037c31
Nord Male&M 00037c32
Redguard Female&F 00037c33
Redguard Male&M 00037c34
Wood Elf Female&F 00039d69
Wood Elf Male&M 00039d6a
238 25 107

Critical Shot
Custom Fit
Extra Damage 1.5

Bandit Highwayman 14
Imperial Female&F 00037c36
Imperial Male&M 00037c37
Khajiit Male&M 0009a54e
Nord Female&F 00037c38
Nord Male&M 00037c39
Redguard Female&F 00037c3a
Redguard Male&M 00037c3b
Wood Elf Female&F 00039d6b
Wood Elf Male&M 00039d6c
318 25 122

Critical Shot
Custom Fit
Extra Damage 2

Bandit Plunderer 19
Imperial Female&F 00037c3d
Imperial Male&M 00037c3e
Khajiit Male&M 0009a550
Nord Female&F 00037c3f
Nord Male&M 00037c40
Redguard Female&F 00037c41
Redguard Male&M 00037c42
Wood Elf Female&F 00039d6d
Wood Elf Male&M 00039d6e
398 25 172

Critical Shot
Custom Fit
Extra Damage 2
Fighting Stance
Power Shot

Bandit Marauder 25
Imperial Female&F 00037c44
Imperial Male&M 00037c45
Khajiit Male&M 0009a553
Nord Female&F 00037c46
Nord Male&M 00037c47
Redguard Female&F 00037c48
Redguard Male&M 00037c49
Wood Elf Female&F 00039d6f
Wood Elf Male&M 00039d70
489 25 246
Bladesman Fighting Stance
Bone Breaker Hack and Slash
Critical Shot 2 Power Shot
Custom Fit Ranger
Extra Damage 2.5
^1  This male Redguard bandit (EncBandit01Melee1HRedguardM) has all the stats and inventory appropriate for a one-handed weapon fighter, and also appears in the list of level 1 one-handed melee bandits (SubCharBandit01Melee1H).


A bandit mage dual-wielding shock spells

Bandit mages rely primarily on spellcasting in battle. They wear the following leveled armor:

Bandit and Bandit Outlaw mages carry an iron dagger, while Bandit Thug mages carry a steel dagger. Bandit Highwayman, Bandit Plunderer, and Bandit Marauder mages carry a leveled dagger (iron, steel, orcish, dwarven, or elven).

In addition to their gear, bandit mages carry a random assortment of items, including lockpicks, food, jewelry, soul gems, ingredients, books, spell tomes, a leveled Conjuration or Destruction staff, and a small amount of gold. Bandit Plunderers and Marauders carry more gold and have a chance to carry additional lockpicks than lower-level mages.

Name Level IDs Ficheiro:OBHealthIcon small.png Ficheiro:OBMagickaIcon small.png Sta. Spells Perks
Bandit 1
Argonian Male&M 000c3c9f
Breton Female&F 00039d32
Breton Male&M 00039d33
Dark Elf Female&F 00039d34
Dark Elf Male&M 00039d35
Nord Female&F 00039d36
Nord Male&M 00039d37
35 100 50
Flames, Frostbite, or Sparks
Lesser Ward
• Magicka Recovery 2 [1]
Bandit Outlaw 5
Argonian Male&M 000c3ca1
Breton Female&F 00039d39
Breton Male&M 00039d3a
Dark Elf Female&F 00039d3b
Dark Elf Male&M 00039d3c
Nord Female&F 00039d3d
Nord Male&M 00039d3e
101 124 70

Flames, Frostbite, or Sparks
Lesser Ward
• Magicka Recovery 2 [1]

Bandit Thug 9
Argonian Male&M 000c3ca3
Breton Female&F 00039d44
Breton Male&M 00039d45
Dark Elf Female&F 00039d46
Dark Elf Male&M 00039d47
Nord Female&F 00039d48
Nord Male&M 00039d49
222 173 75

Fast Healing
Firebolt, Ice Spike, or Lightning Bolt
• Magicka Recovery 2 [1]
Steadfast Ward

Augmented Flames
Augmented Frost
Augmented Shock

Bandit Highwayman 14
Argonian Male&M 000c3ca5
Breton Female&F 00039d4b
Breton Male&M 00039d4c
Dark Elf Female&F 00039d4d
Dark Elf Male&M 00039d4e
Nord Female&F 00039d4f
Nord Male&M 00039d50
292 153 70

Fast Healing
Firebolt, Ice Spike, or Lightning Bolt
• Magicka Recovery 2 [1]
Steadfast Ward

Augmented Flames Magic Resistance
Augmented Frost Recovery
Augmented Shock Regeneration
Mage Armor Respite
Bandit Plunderer 19
Argonian Male&M 000c3ca7
Breton Female&F 00039d52
Breton Male&M 00039d53
Dark Elf Female&F 00039d54
Dark Elf Male&M 00039d55
Nord Female&F 00039d56
Nord Male&M 00039d57
362 183 70

Chain Lightning, Fireball, or Ice Storm
Fast Healing
Firebolt, Ice Spike, or Lightning Bolt
• Magicka Recovery 2 [1]
Steadfast Ward

Augmented Flames Magic Resistance
Augmented Frost Recovery
Augmented Shock Regeneration
Custom Fit Respite
Mage Armor
Bandit Marauder 25 [2]
Argonian Male&M 000c3ca9
Breton Female&F 00039d59
Breton Male&M 00039d5a
Dark Elf Female&F 00039d5b
Dark Elf Male&M 00039d5c
Nord Female&F 00039d5d
Nord Male&M 00039d5e
441 294 150

Chain Lightning, Fireball, or Ice Storm
Close Wounds
Fast Healing
Firebolt, Ice Spike, or Lightning Bolt
• Magicka Recovery 2 [1]
Steadfast Ward

Augmented Flames 2
Augmented Frost 2
Augmented Shock 2
Custom Fit
Mage Armor
Magic Resistance

^1  "Magicka Recovery 2" is a 0 magicka cost spell with the effect "Recover Magicka, 2 pts." This spell is available to NPCs only.
^2  Bandit Marauder mages begin appearing when the player is level 24, rather than level 25 like the other bandit types.

One-Handed Melee Bandit Chiefs

A Redguard Bandit Chief ready for battle

Bandit Chiefs use the same fighting style as other melee bandits, but are a higher level, which means they have more health, more stamina, and more perks. All Bandit Chiefs carry a leveled dagger (steel, orcish, or elven) in addition to one of the following weapons:

The enchanted weapons listed above will have either fire damage, frost damage, shock damage, magicka damage, or stamina damage enchantments. The strength of the enchantment will vary depending on the level of the item.

Bandit Chiefs wear the following leveled heavy armor:

In addition to the equipment listed above, all Bandit Chiefs carry a leveled amount of gold.

Name Level IDs Ficheiro:OBHealthIcon small.png Ficheiro:OBMagickaIcon small.png Sta. Perks
Bandit Outlaw 6
Imperial Female&F 0003dede
Imperial Male&M 0003dedf
Nord Female&F 0003dee0
Nord Male&M 0003dee1
Redguard Female&F 0003dee2
Redguard Male&M 0003dee3
155 25 95

Champion's Stance
Fighting Stance

Bandit Thug 10
Imperial Female&F 0003dee7
Imperial Male&M 0003dee8
Nord Female&F 0003dee9
Nord Male&M 0003deea [1]
Redguard Female&F 0003deeb
Redguard Male&M 0003deec
224 25 126
Bladesman Fighting Stance
Bone Breaker Hack and Slash
Champion's Stance Limbsplitter
Custom Fit Skullcrusher
Deep Wounds Tower of Strength
Extra Damage 1.5
Bandit Highwayman 16
Imperial Female&F 0003def2 [2]
Imperial Male&M 0003def3 [2]
Nord Female&F 0003def4
Nord Male&M 0003def5
Redguard Female&F 0003def6
Redguard Male&M 0003def7
315 25 160
Fighting Stance Skullcrusher
Champion's Stance Deep Wounds
Extra Damage 2 Limbsplitter
Bladesman Custom Fit
Hack and Slash Tower of Strength
Bandit Plunderer 21
Imperial Female&F 0003defc
Imperial Male&M 0003defd
Nord Female&F 0003defe
Nord Male&M 0003deff [3]
Redguard Female&F 0003df00
Redguard Male&M 0003df01
395 25 195
Fighting Stance Skullcrusher
Champion's Stance Deep Wounds
Extra Damage 2 Limbsplitter
Bladesman Custom Fit
Hack and Slash Tower of Strength
Devastating Blow Deadly Bash
Bandit Marauder 28
Imperial Female&F 0003df06
Imperial Male&M 0003df07 [4]
Nord Female&F 0003df08
Nord Male&M 0003df09
Redguard Female&F 0003df0a
Redguard Male&M 0003df0b
497 25 258
Fighting Stance Skullcrusher
Champion's Stance Deep Wounds
Extra Damage 2.5 Limbsplitter
Bladesman Custom Fit
Hack and Slash Tower of Strength
Devastating Blow Deadly Bash
^1  This Bandit Chief is missing the Bone Breaker and Skullcrusher perks.
^2  These Bandit Chiefs have LItemBanditWeapon2HBoss instead of LItemBanditBossWeapon1H, so they actually carry two-handed weapons.
^3  This Bandit Chief has only 282 health instead of 395.
^4  Bandit Chiefs at this level should have an elven dagger, but this one has an orcish dagger.

Two-Handed Melee Bandit Chiefs

A Bandit Chief in steel plate armor, wielding his glass greatsword

These Bandit Chiefs wear the same heavy armor as their one-handed allies (without the shield). They carry a leveled dagger (steel, orcish, or elven) in addition to one of the following weapons:

The enchanted weapons listed above will have either fire damage, frost damage, shock damage, magicka damage, or stamina damage enchantments. The strength of the enchantment will vary depending on the level of the item.

Name Level IDs Ficheiro:OBHealthIcon small.png Ficheiro:OBMagickaIcon small.png Sta. Perks
Bandit Outlaw 6
Imperial Male&M 0003def0
Nord Male&M 0003dee4
Orc Male&M 0003dee5
Redguard Male&M 0003dee6
155 25 95

Champion's Stance
Fighting Stance

Bandit Thug 10
Imperial Male&M 0003def1
Nord Male&M 0003deed
Orc Male&M 0003deee
Redguard Male&M 0003deef
224 25 126
Bladesman Fighting Stance
Champion's Stance Hack and Slash
Custom Fit Limbsplitter
Deep Wounds Skullcrusher
Devastating Blow Tower of Strength
Extra Damage 1.5
Bandit Highwayman 16
Imperial Male&M 0003defb
Nord Male&M 0003def8 [1]
Orc Male&M 0003def9
Redguard Male&M 0003defa
315 25 160
Bladesman Fighting Stance
Champion's Stance Hack and Slash
Custom Fit Limbsplitter
Deep Wounds Skullcrusher
Devastating Blow Tower of Strength
Extra Damage 2
Bandit Plunderer 21
Imperial Male&M 0003df05
Nord Male&M 0003df02
Orc Male&M 0003df03
Redguard Male&M 0003df04
395 25 195
Bladesman Extra Damage 2
Bone Breaker Fighting Stance
Champion's Stance Hack and Slash
Custom Fit Limbsplitter
Deadly Bash Skullcrusher
Deep Wounds Tower of Strength
Devastating Blow
Bandit Marauder 25
Imperial Male&M 0003df0f
Nord Male&M 0003df0c
Orc Male&M 0003df0d
Redguard Male&M 0003df0e
497 25 258
Bladesman Extra Damage 2.5
Bone Breaker Fighting Stance
Champion's Stance Hack and Slash
Custom Fit Limbsplitter
Deadly Bash Skullcrusher
Deep Wounds Tower of Strength
Devastating Blow
^1  This Nord bandit chief has a higher magicka value of 40 rather than the standard 25.

Mistwatch Bandits

Mistwatch contains a group of bandits called Mistwatch Bandits; these location-specific bandits can be either one-handed melee fighters, two-handed melee fighters, archers, or mages, and have the same stats and perks as their ordinary bandit counterparts. They are all members of the Mistwatch faction, and will no longer be hostile towards the player should the Mistwatch quest be completed in Fjola's favor.

Related Quests

Some quests that require going into a bandit hideout or dungeon include:

Radiant Quests

  • Note: This location is one of many potential targets for one or more of the radiant quests found on this page.

World Interactions


Bandits gathered around a table

If you speak to a bandit who is leaning against a wall, typically guarding the outside of a hideout, they may give a generic, non-hostile response (such as "You need something?"), although after a few seconds they will draw their weapon and attack. Male bandits will talk to themselves while idle, but they do not talk to each other unless scripted by a certain location [verification needed — verify males only].


  • "...retire some day... get myself an island..."
  • "...never enough gold... just need one good haul..."
  • "...might pay off my bounty this time... walk into the city a free man..."
  • "...told him to just hand over the gold, but did he listen? Oh, no... they always have to fight back..."
  • "...he he he... two threes? What was he thinking? Fool never saw me pull that ace out of my boot..."
  • "...gonna start keepin' a knife in my boot... tired of gettin' disarmed..."
  • "...should have known she was lying... said she'd wait for me... but they never wait..."
  • "...lyin' little harlot... that brat ain't mine... could be anyone's... won't get one rusty septim from me..."
  • "..."go to the college" da said... "use your smarts" he said... like I'm supposed to figure out which college he meant..."
  • "...hmph, wizards... Now that's power... Bet they got that "secret" magic... can turn wood to gold... yeah... Wish I could turn wood to gold..."
  • "...mead, mead, mead... kill him to get some beer every now and then? Stupid bees and their stupid honey..."
  • "...I'll never do another stinking span in that jail... rather die than give myself up..."
  • " [Sighing] ...need me some Skooma... the imported stuff... just one last time..."
  • "...kill 'em, he talks to me again like that... get him when he's sleeping... or poison his meat... see how he likes that."
  • "...picking pockets, now that's the real art... rough stuff, just take it and go... ...hmph, don't sound like much fun, though..."
  • " [Singing] ...once was a woman, as fair as an evenin', of springtime in old Stros M'Kai..."
  • " [Singing] ...with three beers down, the Orc did frown, and bid the Elf goodbye... ...for none could know, 'twas not for show, and someone had to die..."


  • "Lookee here. Looks like we got ourselves a hero."
  • "You picked a bad time to get lost, friend."
  • "Now ain't this a surprise."
  • "Time to die, hero!"
  • "Go ahead, try and fight back!"
  • "Die already so I can take your stuff!"
  • "Whatcha gonna do? Huh? Whatcha gonna do?"
  • "Gonna split your belly like an old woman's purse!"
  • "Gonna rip you... open!"
  • "You'll be so much easier to rob when you're dead..."


A bandit who has just discovered a corpse may say:

  • "What...? Whoever did this, you're dead. You hear me? Dead!"


  • Bandits encountered in Skyrim are generally twice as likely to be male than female. In most cases, the leveled lists that spawn bandits list each male bandit twice (except Khajiits) and each female bandit once.
  • Most bandits have a morality of "Any Crime", which means they're willing to commit any crime. Bandit Chiefs and the "berserker" variety of two-handed fighters, however, have a morality of "No Crime," which means they are unwilling to commit crimes of any sort. Their aggression is the same as any other bandit, though, so they will still attack you on sight.
  • Bandits that spawn within the exterior zone of Treva's Watch are set to spawn at a normal leveled list corresponding to your game level. However, bandits which spawn within the interior zone are set to appear 5 levels earlier, which means that at lower levels you will more likely encounter Bandit Marauders, etc.
  • There is a bandit imprisoned in Ravenscar Hollow who has been locked up by hagravens and will ask you to free him. If he survives the fight with the hagravens, he will demand all of your belongings and you will be forced to kill him. This bandit is one of the few with whom you can exchange more than a couple of lines of conversation.

See Also