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In Xaselm, Relmyna Verenim conducts her gruesome experiments on a set of five unfortunate Victims. They are all naked and possess no spells. Their only purpose is to be the target of whatever experiment Relmyna has in store for them.


(RefID: )
Location Xaselm
Race Altmer Gender Female
Level 2 Class Spellsword
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 100 Magicka 304
Respons. 50 Aggress. 0
Faction(s) SE 09 Battling Creature Faction
The Altmer victim

This victim appears in both Xaselm, Experiment Chambers and Xaselm, Sanctum of Vivisection. In the first instance, she is found in a deep pit into which various creatures can be released; the second is one of Relmyna Verenim's caged test subjects.

(RefID: )
Location Xaselm
Race Breton Gender Male
Level 10 Class Commoner
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 5 Magicka 314
Respons. 50 Aggress. 0
Faction(s) SE 09 Battling Creature Faction
The Breton victim

This victim also appears in both Xaselm, Experiment Chambers and Xaselm, Sanctum of Vivisection. The first version is found in a pool of water about to be ripped apart by baliwogs and a scalon; the second is one of Relmyna Verenim's caged test subjects.

(RefID: )
Location Xaselm
Race Orc Gender Male
Level 2 Class Spellsword
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 5 Magicka 304
Respons. 50 Aggress. 0
Faction(s) SE 09 Battling Creature Faction
The Orc victim

This victim also appears in the Experiment chambers.

(RefID: )
Location Xaselm
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Level 2 Class Spellsword
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 5 Magicka 304
Respons. 50 Aggress. 0
Faction(s) SE 09 Battling Creature Faction
The Khajiit victim

This Khajiit is also in the experiment chambers. He stands along all his life in his cage, never being experimented on. If you push his cage button, spikes will rain down on him and after he dies, the floor beneath him will collapse and will never be heard from again.

(RefID: )
Location Xaselm
Race Bosmer Gender Male
Level 2 Class Spellsword
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 100 Magicka 304
Respons. 50 Aggress. 0
Faction(s) SE 09 Battling Creature Faction
The Bosmer victim

This victim won't be seen for more than a fraction of a second. He is initially far above the torture cells, but pressing the button on his cage causes the floor on which he stands to vanish sending him plummeting to his death. You will only see him as he passes the cell level.


  • There is a sixth victim; a female Argonian with a baseid of 00054B41, but she never appears in the game.
  • If you place a humanoid (Dremora) summoning in front of Relmyna while she is casting pain spells at her victims, the summoned humanoid will behave like the victims and withdraw in pain.