Shivering:Knifepoint Hollow
# of Zones | 2 | ||
Occupants | |||
Zealots Dyus (1 boss-level Zealot, 1 boss-level Bones Undead) |
Important Treasure | |||
Gadeneri Ralvel's Skull 1 boss-level Chest 1 Hollowed Amber Limb 3 Madness Ore Deposits |
Console Location Code(s) | |||
XPKnifepointHollow01, XPKnifepointHollow02new | |||
Region | |||
Dementia | |||
Location | |||
Northeast of the Hill of Suicides |
Knifepoint Hollow is a medium-sized cave northwest of New Sheoth containing Zealots (quest-related). It contains two zones: Knifepoint Hollow and Knifepoint Hollow, Chantry.
Related Quests
- Symbols of Office: Procure the two items needed to craft the Staff of Sheogorath.
- Ghosts of the Hill of Suicides: Help free five wandering souls.
- This cave can be entered and all items retrieved without starting the related quest. It is however impossible to access a room in the first zone and to therefore come across Dyus.
- This cave contains 17 Root Stalk plants and 47 Withering Moon plants.
- The exterior is located at coordinates: SEWorld 3, 8
- This location's map marker (M on map) is named Knifepoint Hollow (editor name XPKnifepointHollowMARKER). The entrance door is NE of the marker, 110 feet away.
- 1 Aquatic Monster (Dementia) is near the entrance
- The following plants can be found near the entrance: 5 Black Tar plants, 3 Putrid Gigantea plants, 2 Fungus Stalk plants, 34 Grummite Egg Mound plants, 2 Mushroom Tree Sapling plants, and 2 Water Root Pod plants
Zone 1: Knifepoint Hollow
This zone is quite small but presents a few points of interest. As soon as you leave the initial root cave-like part of this level you will encounter a boss-level undead (A). At the end of the main corridor is a locked door, which can only be opened during the related quest; Dyus can be found behind it. Your only way to enter the next zone, Knifepoint Hollow, Chantry, is through door C, since D is blocked by the secret wall at E, which can only be opened from the other side. Before you jump down to reach the door, however, make sure you've looted the chest hidden behind the hunger statue just above.
- 1 Madness Ore Deposit (1-4 Madness Ore; non-respawning) at location M on map
- 1 Chest
- 1 Hollowed Stump
- The following plants will always be found: 9 Root Stalk plants and 22 Withering Moon plants
Doors and Gates:
- There are three doors in/out of this zone
- 1 door (at Out) leads outside
- 2 doors (at C and D) lead to the zone Knifepoint Hollow, Chantry
- 1 Secret Wall at E
Zone 2: Knifepoint Hollow, Chantry
Similarly to the first zone, this one is quite linear. After avoiding the spore pod at F, make sure to loot the hollowed Amber stump at H. At the nearby intersect, both ways eventually rejoin but heading right means you will avoid two root worm traps in favor of a Madness Ore deposit (M), a locked minor loot chest and, unfortunately, a knocked-over Scalon Statue trap at G and a Cave In trap at I. After the paths rejoin, enter the large eastern room and claim more Madness Ore from the deposit at M.
Once you reach door D, activate the press block (cyan dot on map) nearby to open the metal gate at J, which gives you access to a minor loot chest, a bedroll (b), a small collection of common books and bottles of cheap wine, all guarded by a boss-level Zealot (A). The secret wall at K is opened by using the push-block on the northern side of the room. Inside is Gadeneri Ralvel's skull, placed atop the boss chest at B, along with a restoration Urn. Finally, return to Knifepoint Hollow through door D.
- 1 boss-level Zealot at location A on map
- 10 Zealot Enemies (at level 9 or higher, 25% chance Flesh Atronach, otherwise Zealot)
- Gadeneri Ralvel's Skull at location B on map
- 1 boss-level Chest (Zealot variety) at B
- 1 Hollowed Amber Limb (1-4 Amber; non-respawning) at H
- 2 Madness Ore Deposits (1-4 Madness Ore; non-respawning) at M
- 3 Chests (1 locked)
- 1 Hollowed Stump
- 3 Urns (Healing)
- The other following items will always be found: 1 The Predecessors and 1 Silver Dagger
- The following plants will always be found: 8 Root Stalk plants and 25 Withering Moon plants
- 2 Root Worm traps at location E on map
- 1 Spore Pod trap at F
- 1 Scalon Statue trap at G
- 1 Cave In trap at I
Doors and Gates:
- There are two doors (at D and C) in/out of this zone, both leading to the zone Knifepoint Hollow
- 1 Metal Gate (Initially closed bar gate) at J
- 1 Secret Wall at K
- 1 bedroll at location b on map