Shivering:Dark Seducer

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< NPCs(Redirecionado de Shivering:Dark Seducer Mage)
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Needs NPC Infoboxes (health, magicka, etc.) for unnamed guards, plus info for the special Dark Seducers in the Cold Flame of Agnon, the Ritual of Dementia/Mania, Retaking the Fringe, The Helpless Army, The End of Order, the Dark Seducer Turnkey, the Dark Seducer Escort, and the summonable Dark Seducer to bring it in line with the information on the Golden Saints page.
Para mais informações, veja os arquivos de ajuda, o guia de estilo, e a página de discussão deste artigo.
A Female Dark Seducer

Dark Seducers are Sheogorath's Daedric guards in Dementia, and can be found guarding the Crucible section of New Sheoth. They are rivals with the Golden Saints and the two are sometimes found battling each other, as seen at Cylarne during The Cold Flame of Agnon. The Dark Seducers greatly despise the Golden Saints: "Our rivals. The so-called Golden Saints. One day, Sheogorath will finally recognize their bull-headed stupidity and expel them from the Realm." The Saints, in turn, have a very low opinion of the Dark Seducers: "The treacherous ones: the Dark Seducers of ill-repute, whose every action drags Sheogorath's holy name through the mud." On the topic of Sheogorath, the Dark Seducers will make their utmost loyalty clear: "Sheogorath is our Lord, ruler of the Shivering Isles. It is by his whim that the Mazken walk, and we serve our Master to the death."

Their base is at Pinnacle Rock, where Sheogorath placed a wellspring from which they are able to enter and live in his realm. Upon the subject of the Shivering Isles, they will explain their duty: "The Shivering Isles are a reflection of our Lord Sheogorath. Divided, yet perfect."

Dark Seducers exhibit little beyond their appearance to match their names, and can seldom be considered seductive. While they too assert their superiority over all others in the realm, they appear to have a more patient, introspective nature than their Golden Saint rivals. They often appear humble in their dealings with mortals, and are known to be patient with the "lesser races". Like the Golden Saints, they are a matriarchal society, with the males playing secondary roles. They call themselves Mazken. Many Dark Seducers serve as guards in Crucible of New Sheoth: "The Mazken guard Crucible in New Sheoth. We ensure the Demented remain orderly and respectful of our Lord Sheogorath". The named Dark Seducers are Adeo, Dylora, Autkendo Jansa, Nelrene, Stela, Grakendo Udico, Grakedrig Ulfri and Vika.

No Dark Seducers, whether named or not, have the persuasion option available in their dialogue menu.

Most of the Dark Seducers are related to Shivering Isle's Main Quest. They generally have no unique name. The generic varieties of Dark Seducer that you may encounter are:

  • Dark Seducer
  • Dark Seducer Guard
  • Dark Seducer Archer
  • Dark Seducer Soldier
  • Dark Seducer Warrior
  • Dark Seducer Mage
  • Dark Seducer Kiskedrig
  • Dark Seducer Grakedrig

For more information about Dark Seducers read the book Saints and Seducers.


All Dark Seducers have ranks. In theory, there are seven ranks. Only four ranks are used in-game, however. The ranks are as follows:

  1. Kiskengo
  2. Kiskella
  3. Kiskedrig
  4. Grakendo
  5. Grakella
  6. Grakedrig
  7. Autkendo

Most Dark Seducers are ranked at Kiskengo. From this we can assume this is equivalent to a soldier. Only three other ranks are used: Grakendo (Grakendo Udico), Grakedrig (Grakedrig Ulfri), and Autkendo (Autkendo Jansa).


A male Dark Seducer

In the Shivering Isles, the Dark Seducers are not creatures but NPCs.

Overall spells, abilities and powers (all immune to silence):






They wear light armor and carry a mace, axe, shortsword, longsword, and/or a bow. Specific details on the weapons carried by Dark Seducers is provided in the Weapons article.


All Dark Seducers will be able to cast two randomly selected spells: a powerful Alteration spell and a powerful Restoration spell. In each case the effect is randomly determined from the following list while the strength of the spell is randomly based on the seducer's skill level. The possible effects for each school are:

† This effect is listed three times in the leveled list and is therefore more likely to be chosen
‡ Similarly to the effect above, this one appears four times in the leveled list and is also more likely to be chosen

Certain Dark Seducers, in particular mages, will be able to cast a different set of leveled spells: a major Alteration spell, 1 major and 1 minor Destruction spell and a major Restoration spell. The possible effects for each school are:

† These effects are listed twice in the leveled list and are therefore more likely to be chosen
‡ Similarly to the effects above, this effect is listed three times in the leveled list
†† Similarly to the effects above, this one appears four times in the leveled list and is also more likely to be chosen

Dark Seducer Containers

The seducers have their own special set of containers, all found in Pinnacle Rock.

Type # Arrows Gems Gold Plain Armor Magic Armor Plain Weapon Plain Jewelry Potion Scroll Other
Dark Seducer Containers
Chest 12 10% 10% 100% 25%(L) 10%(L) 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Repair Hammer 25%
Urn 11 10% 10% 100% 25%(L) 10%(L) 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Repair Hammer 25%
Dark Seducer Healing Containers
Healing Chest 4 1×100%(R)
Healing Urn 22 1×100%(R)


General Dialogue

Most Dark Seducers share the same dialogue lines; although unlike most NPC dialogue, they depend on location or quest progress. No Dark Seducers whether named or not, have the persuasion option available in their dialogue menu.

Upon seeing you, they may express their kindly:

  • "Blessings, citizen."
  • "How may I serve?"

As well as greeting you:

  • "Madgod's blessings."

Provided you haven't finished the Main Quest, their "goodbye" will always be the same kindly line:

  • "Walk with our lord."

You may see citizens of Crucible attempting to converse with a guard, to no avail:

  • "Blessings of the Madgod, citizen. Walk without fear."
  • "Duty calls, citizen. Madgod's blessings upon you."
  • "This Mazken must return to duty."
  • "Apologies, citizen, but I must return to my post."
  • "Your pardon, citizen. I must return to my post."

If you catch them talking to each other, the conversation won't last very long:

  • "Blessings, dark sister." (female to female)
  • "Quickly, worm." (female to male)
  • "Blessings, brother." (male to male)
  • "All glory, mistress." (male to female)

When attacking, they may shout one of the following:

  • "For Sheogorath!"
  • "For the Madgod!"
  • "Mazken!"
  • "E'Tah Mazken!"

When you've become the Duke/Duchess of Mania/Dementia, they will be very respectful. They may say one of the following upon seeing you:

  • "Your Seducers are at the ready, Your Grace." (Duke/Duchess of Dementia)

Guard Dialogue

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seems to be missing dialogue heard as Madgod
Para mais informações, veja os arquivos de ajuda, o guia de estilo, e a página de discussão deste artigo.

When you have committed a crime, a guard may run up to you and say one the following lines:

  • "Halt, lawbreaker! Lord Sheogorath's justice demands reparations or it's the dungeon for you. Any stolen goods will be confiscated."
  • "Drop your weapon! Hand over your stolen goods and face the Lord's justice. Pay your due reparations, or it's the dungeon for you."
  • "You thought you could escape Lord Sheogorath's justice? Your stolen goods are now forfeit, and you can either pay reparations or face the dungeons."

If you haven't got enough gold to pay off your bounty, they may say one of the following lines upon catching you:

  • "Halt, scofflaw! You can't afford to pay reparations for your crimes, so it's off to the dungeon for you. Your stolen goods are now forfeit."
  • "Come with me, scum. Those who can't afford to pay reparations must face Lord Sheogorath's dungeons. I'm confiscating your stolen goods as well."
  • "Hand over your stolen property, lawbreaker! If only you could afford to pay reparations... too bad, it's the dungeon for you."

You can either:

  • Pay gold
    • "Come with me. You'll be searched for stolen property, then released." (if their disposition is higher than 50)
    • "A coward as well as a criminal. Very well, perhaps I'll have a chance to test your mettle another day. You'll come with me, and you'll be searched for stolen property and pay reparations. Then, you're free to go."
  • Resist arrest
    • "You're a fool as well as a criminal, it seems."
    • "Then your blood stands forfeit for your crimes"
    • "Then your punishment is death."
  • Or go to jail
    • "Use your time well, to consider my Lord Sheogorath's merciful justice. " (if their disposition is 50 or higher)
    • "A prison cell is better than you deserve, mortal scum."



  • Dark Seducers cannot be persuaded through the Speechcraft minigame.


  • Dark Seducers refer to male characters as "The Duchess of Mania." The bug is due to the Dark Seducer dialogue checking her own gender instead of the player's gender.