Predefinição:Ingredient Summary

A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995

{| class="wikitable" style="margin-right: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-left: 1em; width: 100%;" |- !colspan=4|{{#if:{{{icon|}}}|[[File:{{{icon}}}|left|48px|{{{titlename}}}]]}}{{{titlename}}}{{#if:{{{id|}}}|
}}}}}} |- ! Added by | colspan=3 | {{{mod|}}} |- ![[File:OBValueIcon_small.png|Value]] |{{{value}}} ![[File:OBWeightIcon_small.png|Weight]] |{{{weight}}} |- !colspan=4|[[{{NS_PARENT}}:Alchemy Effects|Alchemy Effects]] |- ! 1st | colspan=3 class="{{{color1}}}" | {{Effect Link|{{{eff1|}}}|{{{eff1title}}}}}{{#if:{{{extra1|}}}| ({{{extra1}}})}} |- ! 2nd | colspan=3 class="{{{color2}}}" | {{Effect Link|{{{eff2|}}}|{{{eff2title}}}}}{{#if:{{{extra2|}}}| ({{{extra2}}})}} |- ! 3rd | colspan=3 class="{{{color3}}}" | {{Effect Link|{{{eff3|}}}|{{{eff3title}}}}}{{#if:{{{extra3|}}}| ({{{extra3}}})}} |- ! 4th | colspan=3 class="{{{color4}}}" | {{Effect Link|{{{eff4|}}}|{{{eff4title}}}}}{{#if:{{{extra4|}}}| ({{{extra4}}})}} |- !colspan=4|Sources |- !style="white-space:nowrap"| # Samples |colspan=3|{{{nsamples|}}} |- {{#if:{{{plant|}}}| ! Plant {{#if:{{{harvest|}}}| {{!}} {{{plant|}}} ! % {{!}} {{{harvest|}}}| {{!}} colspan=3 {{!}} {{{plant|}}}}} {{!-}} }} ! # Plants | colspan=3 | {{{nplants|}}} |- {{#if:{{{ore|}}}| ! Ore {{#if:{{{harvest|}}}| {{!}} {{{ore|}}} ! % {{!}} {{{harvest|}}}| {{!}} colspan=3 {{!}} {{{ore|}}}}} {{!-}}}} |- {{#if:{{{garden|}}}| ! Garden {{HF}} {{!}} colspan=3 {{!}} {{{garden|}}}}} {{!-}}}} ! # Rocks | colspan=3 | {{{nrocks|}}} |- {{#if:{{{creature|}}}| ! Creature {{#if:{{{harvest|}}}| {{!}} {{{creature|}}} !% {{!}} {{{harvest}}}| {{!}} colspan=3 {{!}} {{{creature|}}}}} {{!-}} {{#if:{{{crloc|}}}| ! Found {{!}} colspan=3 {{!}} {{{crloc|}}} {{!-}} }}}} ! Merchant Avail. |colspan=3| {{{merchant|}}} |} {{#if:{{{image|}}}|[[File:{{{image}}}|thumb|right|clear=none|{{{imgdesc}}}]]}} {{#if:{{{image2|}}}|[[File:{{{image2}}}|thumb|right|clear=none|{{{imgdesc2}}}]]}} {{#if:{{{image3|}}}|[[File:{{{image3}}}|thumb|right|clear=none|{{{imgdesc3}}}]]}} {{#if:{{{image4|}}}|[[File:{{{image4}}}|thumb|right|clear=none|{{{imgdesc4}}}]]}} {{#if:{{{image5|}}}|[[File:{{{image5}}}|thumb|right|clear=none|{{{imgdesc5}}}]]}}


This template is used to summarize the various bits of info surrounding alchemical ingredients, including weight, value, effects, and availability.


Ingredient Summary
Parâmetero Escopo Descrição
id required ID
id2 optional Second ID, if needed.
titlename optional Title of the infobox. Defaults to "Ingredient Summary"
mod optional Name of mod that adds PC (if not in baseline version of game).
value required The ingredient's value
weight required The ingredient's weight
optional The ingredient's four effects. If an effect is left blank, it will not be displayed. Use the page name of the underlying effect unless a redirect already exists (e.g., "Drain Attribute" instead of "Drain Intelligence").
optional The display text for the four ingredients. Normally not required—use as necessary for formatting, or as mentioned above, to display text other than the page name.
  • Set to "neg" to show that an effect is bad.
  • Set to "mix" to show than an effect is mixed.
  • Set to "other" to show than an effect is "other".
  • Defaults to "good"
nsamples required Number of samples that can be found.
plant optional Plant that ingredient is harvested from.
nplants optional Number of plants that can be found.
ore optional Ore that ingredient is mined from.
nrocks optional Number of ore rocks that can be mined to obtain the ingredient.
creature optional Creature that the ingredient is harvested from.
crloc optional Location(s) where creature can be found
harvest optional Percent chance of successful harvesting. Use if ingredient is picked, mined, or looted.
icon optional Icon to display in the top-left corner of the infobox.
image optional Image to display,
imgdesc optional Caption to image.


Sacred Lotus
Sacred Lotus
Value 1 Weight 0.1
Alchemy Effects
1st Resist Frost
2nd Damage Health
3rd Feather
4th Dispel
# Samples 5
Plant Sacred Lotus  % 80
# Plants 582 Total (576 in Tamriel, 6 in buildings)

{{Ingredient Summary|id=000A7936
|titlename=Sacred Lotus
|eff1=Resist Frost
|eff2=Damage Health
|plant=Sacred Lotus
|nplants=582 Total (576 in Tamriel, 6 in buildings)
|image=OB Flora Sacred Lotus.jpg
|imgdesc=Sacred Lotus}}