Online:Those Who Stood at Chalman Keep
A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995
- Gather 'round, proud warriors all,
- Silent now and standing tall.
- Bow your heads to those who sleep,
- Beneath the ground of Chalman Keep.
- The flames of war seared the land,
- Crushing all with brutal hand.
- Dominion soldiers sought the throne,
- Chalman, undaunted, stood alone.
- Hooves thundered o'er the sward,
- Death neared for all, swift and hard.
- Defenders stood upon Chalman's wall,
- Warriors brave, Covenant heroes all.
- Forward came the Dominion hordes,
- With arcane spells and gleaming swords.
- Walls shook to siege engines' roars,
- Rams thundered upon keep doors.
- The outer doors fell to the invaders' barrage,
- Into the courtyard Elves and Khajiit charged.
- The inner door too gave when assaulted,
- O'er bodies and rubble the attackers vaulted.
- The defenders made their might felt,
- Spells flared forth, death was dealt.
- Fury rained upon invaders' heads,
- 'til Khajiit and Elves all were dead.
- No time to rest, no time to heal,
- Doors and breaches they must seal.
- All was repaired, the damage undone,
- As another deadly assault was begun.
- Once again, fierce battle was fought,
- Death was granted where it was sought.
- Entropy rose inside the keep,
- Swept over all, piled the bodies deep.
- Again the bloody tide receded,
- Dominion foes once more defeated.
- Orc and Redguard and Breton remained,
- Proud survivors of Chalman Keep again.
- Dominion warriors attacked once more,
- In numbers far greater than ever before.
- They battered aside weary defenders,
- Stopped only in the innermost chambers.
- Into the apse the heroes were hounded,
- Dominion victory cries loudly sounded.
- Then chaos erupted as the Pact swept in,
- Seeing their enemies' forces worn thin.
- Caught between fierce anvil and hammer,
- Elf and Khajiit died in brave manner.
- Only Pact and Covenant soon remained,
- Then the defenders cleared the field again.
- A breath, a pause, a brief respite,
- The Covenant cause now truly desperate.
- A final assault the Dominion did mount,
- A massive wave, too many to count.
- Determined to conquer, refusing to desist,
- The Dominion force impossible to resist.
- The defenders resolved to fight to the last,
- No blow was wasted, no spell shoddily cast.
- One by one the gallant warriors fell,
- Breton, Redguard, and Orc died well.
- Their lives given up for Chalman Keep,
- They rest forever in honored sleep.
- The Dominion banner rose over the hall,
- A Dominion Emperor then ruled over all.
- Peace came to Chalman, damage repaired,
- Attackers dispersed, to other sites they fared.
- That emperor is gone, his reign long past.
- What remains of this day, what of it lasts?
- Just the display of courage, in that final stand,
- Of those who stood, and died, at Chalman.