Online:Silverhoof Vale

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Quest Hub:
Silverhoof Vale
(view on map)
Daggerfall Covenant
Level 24
Discovery 197 XP
Completion Objective
1314 XP
Eyebright FeldRivenspire
South-southwest of Shornhelm
Silverhoof Vale

Silverhoof Vale is a valley in southern Rivenspire, south-southwest of Shornhelm. It is inhabited by Horsemen, Redguard nomads known for breeding horses.

Related Quests

  • Silverhoof Vale Objective: Defend the Vale from a harpy flock.
  • Fadeel's Freedom: Help fulfill the last wishes of a dead man.


<gallery> File:ON-place-Silverhoof Vale 02.jpg|Silverhoof Vale horse paddock

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