Online:Nine-Prow Landing

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Striking Locale:
Nine-Prow Landing
(view on map)
Aldmeri Dominion
Level (?)
Discovery Discovery(?) XP
Completion None
North of Firsthold
Nine-Prow Landing

Nine-Prow Landing is a cliff on the northern tip of Auridon, located north of Firsthold.

The remnants of a small camp can be found here, with a couple of skeletons, a bedroll, some empty bottles, and even a clothesline. There is evidence of religious activity, reinforced by a pedestal with a well-kept plant, some candles, and an open book, as well as the skeletal remains of someone that seems to have died in a meditative position. A troll can be found gnawing on the bones of one skeleton at the front of the camp.

A backpack and copy of Auridon Explored, Chapter XII can be found near the bedroll. Two sacks are located at the foot of the pedestal.

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