Online:Mirnor of Auri-El

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Mirnor of Auri-El
Home City Skywatch
Race Altmer Gender Male
Level 11 Health 2946
Mirnor of Auri-El

Mirnor of Auri-El is an Altmer priest who can be found outside the city of Skywatch, preaching to several Skywatch Celebrants:

"Hear now, the lesson of the divine body."
"The Hand of Auri-El is always on our shoulder. Guiding us through life and protecting us from harm."
"The Eye of Magnus is always upon us, in the spells and enchantments that devout Mages conjure."
"The Arm of Trinimac bears arms against our enemies, shielding us in our darkest hour."
"The Bones of Y'ffre surround us, giving us food, shelter, warmth, and companionship."
"The Mouth of Xarxes whispers in our ear, encouraging us to always learn, always seek, and always discover."
"The Heart of Mara beats beneath the breast of every mer, connecting us by blood and spirit."
"The body of the divine wills us into being. Venerate the gods as one. For we are one with the gods."