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Innkeeper Innkeepers are vendors who sell repair kits, lockpicks, potions for restoring attributes, and bait.

Zone Settlement Inn/Store Innkeeper
Aldmeri Dominion
Auridon Firsthold Overlook Inn Tuinvitar [a]
Skywatch Barbed Hook Tavern Caledeen
Vulkhel Guard Salted Wings Tavern Oinara
Grahtwood Elden Root Outside Inn Fradion
Haven Phynaster's Stride Minducil [a]
Redfur Trading Post Hearty Hoarvor Nellor [b]
Greenshade Marbruk The Parchment & Horn Ancarive
Woodhearth The Greenbower Dondrothel
Khenarthi's Roost Mistral The Boatman's Tail Pulemu
Malabal Tor Baandari Trading Post Silver Moons Inn Durrali
Velyn Harbor Harbor Tradegoods Ulladhel [a]
Reaper's March Rawl'kha The Waxing Crescent Doldoniel
Daggerfall Covenant
Alik'r Desert Sentinel Sisters of the Sands Inn Rudabeh
Bangkorai Evermore Anchor's Point Inn Margine Gedanis
Betnikh Magula's Longhouse Loose Tooth Lodge Shagrod
Glenumbra Daggerfall The Rosy Lion Gregoire Lafont
Rivenspire Fell's Run The Run Inn Menwirchel
Hoarfrost Downs Dusklight Inn Shalia Emarthe
Northpoint The Sloshing Tankard Laranette Agnan
Shornhelm Dead Wolf Inn Janille Giroux
Stormhaven Alcaire Castle Old Goat Inn Marthe Lemonds
Koeglin Village Sleepy Sailor Inn Molly Farielle
Wayrest Cloudy Dregs Inn Cherese Brigette
Stros M'Kai Port Hunding Screaming Mermaid Irkki
Ebonheart Pact
Deshaan Mournhold The Flaming Nix Kemirik Coldhand
Quarantine Serk Brooding Elf Inn Lluther Serethran
Eastmarch Fort Amol Deldwine's Inn Holvur Antler-Fur
Windhelm Cold Moon Inn Irghild Cold-Moon
The Rift Nimalten Riverside Inn Thalda
Riften Shadehome Inn Bolfrosti Deep-Shade
Shadowfen Alten Corimont The Ship's Hold Inn Mulvi
Stormhold Coin Brothers' Cornerclub Five-Coins
Stonefalls Davon's Watch The Watch House Dylyn the Meek
Ebonheart The Ebony Flask Fedrasa Andrethi
Kragenmoor The Hissing Guar Midari Selobar
Coldharbour The Hollow City The Shining Star Hayya
Craglorn Belkarth Crossroads Tavern Blasius
^a  Appears at this location after related liberation/restoration quest.
^b  This NPC's presence at this location depends on the choices you make during related quest.