Online:Hag Fen

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Quest Hub:
Hag Fen
(view on map)
Daggerfall Covenant
Level 12
Discovery ON-mapicon-Grove.png 102 XP
ON-mapicon-Wayshrine.png 102 XP
ON-mapicon-Wayshrine.png 102 XP
Completion Objective
2428 XP
Skyshards 1
Cambray HillsGlenumbra
Eastern Glenumbra, southeast of Camlorn
Hag Fen

Hag Fen is a marshland area in eastern Glenumbra, northeast of Aldcroft. The Bloodthorn Cult have set up operations in the south of the marsh around Tangle Rock. They have struck up a deal with the hag coven in the northern fens to launch joint assaults on the Beldama Wyrd.

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Hag Fen Wayshrine
North Hag Fen Wayshrine

Due to the large area covered by Hag Fen, the area includes two wayshrines. Hag Fen Wayshrine is located on the eastern coast of the fens, just west of Mesanthano's Tower. North Hag Fen Wayshrine is located at the northern end of the marshes, west of Spindleclutch and below Dwynnarth Ruins.


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