Online:Gone Missing

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ON-qico-Normal.png Investigate the disappearances in Bergama.
Zone: Alik'r Desert
Faction: Daggerfall Covenant
Objective: Bergama — Help restore order in Bergama.
Quest Giver: Qadim
Location(s): Bergama
Previous Quest: The Scholar of Bergama
Next Quest: Trouble at Tava's Blessing
Reward: Justice Longbow
298 Gold, Silver(?) Gold, Gold(?) Gold
Recommended Level: 34

People are disappearing from the streets of Bergama, and I've decided to help investigate the matter.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Magistrate Sulma.
  2. Speak with Justice Istah.
  3. Investigate the Crown and Forebear fellowship halls, and the Hall of Judgment garden.
  4. Note: In order to investigate the fellowship halls, put on the corresponding disguises; For the garden, find the inconspicuous flower and do not move while listening to rumor.
  5. Investigate the Bailiff's house.
  6. Report to Justice Istah.
  7. Investigate the Magistrate's house.

Detailed Walkthrough

Quest Stages

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Objective: Talk to Magistrate Sulma


Objective: Leave the Hall of Judgment


Objective: Talk to Justice Istah


Hidden Objective: Gain Entry to Crown


Hidden Objective: Listen to Garden Rumor


Objective: Did Not Remain Inconspicuous


Objective: Listen to Crown Rumor


Objective: Remain Inconspicuous


Hidden Objective: Gain Entry to Forebear


Objective: Listen to Forebear Rumor


Objective: Investigate Bailiff Fakimal's House


Hidden Objective: Collect Key


Objective: Search House for Clues


Hidden Objective: Search Fakimal's Body


Hidden Objective: Collect Note


Objective: Watch the Magistrate put Istah in the stocks


Objective: Investigate the Magistrate's House


Objective: Search the Basement


Objective: Return Upstairs with Evidence


Objective: Speak to Istah


Finishes Quest Journal Entry
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