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Brewer Brewers are vendors who sell drinks.

For the list of vendors who sell both food and drinks, see Chefs & Brewers page.

Zone Settlement Store/Location Brewer
Aldmeri Dominion
Auridon Firsthold Overlook Inn Iduthal [a]
Skywatch Barbed Hook Tavern Falindil
Market-Side Meadery Valtir
The Sleepy Eaglet Celwen
Grahtwood Cormount The Green Leaf Essaneth
Elden Root Outside Inn Enthilin
Haven Phynaster's Stride Nocare [a]
The Wharf Rat Rakkhiza
The Gray Mire Ah-Mudeska
Karthdar Nithelin
Redfur Trading Post The Never Empty Pitcher Lagrethor
Greenshade Longhaven Endring
Marbruk The Parchment & Horn Eldumoril
Woodhearth Five Claws Pulaya
Khenarthi's Roost Mistral The Boatman's Tail Huthak
Malabal Tor Baandari Trading Post Silver Moons Inn Milaggul
Velyn Harbor Trader's Rest Benieth [a]
Vulkwasten Spirits of Silvenar Walks-With-Spirits
Reaper's March Arenthia The Empty Tankard Razila
Dune Hidden Moon Brewing Masrabal-dro
Rawl'kha Fighters Guild Ashalki
Daggerfall Covenant
Alik'r Desert Bergama Stone Oasis Inn Dihoq
Kozanset Baan Dar's Brew Wet-Whiskers
Sentinel Sisters of the Sands Inn Shabaga gra-Uzguk
Bangkorai Evermore Anchor's Point Inn Mortine Langey
Hallin's Stand The Drowsy Owl Inaya
Betnikh Stonetooth Fortress Dockside Trading Stalls Undusha
Glenumbra Aldcroft Dockside Green Wine-For-All
Crosswych Crosswych Inn Hisolda
Daggerfall The Rosy Lion Grobert Dantaine
Phelain Bertault
Rivenspire Hoarfrost Downs Dusklight Inn Lugzod
Northpoint The Sloshing Tankard Nilas Urbyn
Shornhelm Dead Wolf Inn Gerrald Chriane
Stormhaven Alcaire Castle Old Goat Inn Gordyn Bachand
Wayrest Cloudy Dregs Inn Annabelle Lemaitre
Wind Keep Wayside Inn Joncis Malarelie
Stros M'Kai Port Hunding Brews by Candariel Candariel
Ebonheart Pact
Bal Foyen Dhalmora An-Jeen
Finds-Fine-Drinks Finds-Plants
Bleakrock Isle Bleakrock Village Banner-Torn Brews Sjarla Banner-Torn [b]
Outside Snow-Bourne House Aera Earth-Turner [b]
Deshaan Mournhold Comestibulary Dururo Hlan
Narsis Fine Brews by Nibar Nibar
Quarantine Serk Brooding Elf Inn Brus Bigtoe
Tal'Deic Fortress Better Than No Drinks Daleez
Eastmarch Jorunn's Stand The Practical Traveler Rinareth the Wanderer
Windhelm Oaken-Hull's Emporium Fintholor the Brewmaster
The Sober Nord Tavern Buram Fire-Hearth
The Rift Nimalten Riverside Inn Aklief
Riften The Withered Tree Leaks-When-Struck
Shor's Stone The Tapped Vein Garri
Shadowfen Alten Corimont The Ship's Hold Inn Nerari
Sundry Swills Maalamenwe
Hissmir Riverbrew Anozz-Crath
Sanguine's Demesne Galmon
Stormhold Coin Brothers' Cornerclub Six-Coins
Stonefalls Davon's Watch The Fish Stink Hectur the Fish
The Watch House Nela Sethri
Ebonheart The Ebony Flask Darvynil Savel
Kragenmoor The Sugar-Rot Slop House Feduzdal
Cyrodiil Cheydinhal Fluvius Macer
Chorrol Oak and Crosier Strong-Voice
Coldharbour Haj Uxith (?) Brewmaster Rareel
The Hollow City The Shining Star Thorvar Voljar
Eyevea The Script & Stein Romehdi [a]
^a  Appears at this location after related liberation/restoration quest.
^b  Abandons this location once it becomes overrun by enemy forces.