Online:A Winner for Onwyn

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ON-qico-Normal.png Help save the lizard racing track.
Zone: Alik'r Desert
Quest Giver: Onwyn
Location(s): Duneripper Downs
Reward: 115 Gold, Silver(?) Gold, Gold(?) Gold
Recommended Level: 32
Enter the lizard races

I've decided to help Onwyn find a lizard who can win in the local lizard races. Breeders specialize in providing varieties of racing reptiles.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Onwyn.
  2. Talk to Rena.
  3. Obtain a racing lizard.
  4. Enter the lizard in the race.
  5. Talk to Onwyn again.

Detailed Walkthrough

After talking to the respective people, you will have to purchase a lizard from one of the three.

If you purchase a lizard from Rena, it will lose the race. If you talk to Rena again, she will offer to feed your lizard a food item that also costs over 200 gold. This lizard isn't fast enough, even with the food.

If you purchase a lizard from Haitha (who is wondering around her camp), it will also lose the race. Will it win if you purchase the food item from Rena?

If you go straight to Neeneban in Sentinel and purchase a lizard from him, you will save a lot of trouble and gold. He will give you a winning lizard, no matter if you feed it or not. Neeneban's lizard lost for me, but I won with Haitha's wizard after giving it food.

After you buy your lizard, go put it in the first barrel at the start of the race and it will run off with the others in a short while, go around a rocky formation and finish the race in the two crates at the end of the track. All you have to do now is talk to Onwyn and receive your reward.


  • The quest doesn't limit you to purchasing only one lizard and each one costs over 200 gold. If your lizard loses the race, you can talk to Rena and he will come back to you, free of charge, and you may purchase food to make him go faster, as many times as you want.

Quest Stages

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Objective: Talk to Rena


Objective: Obtain a Racing Lizard


Objective: Put the Lizard in the Starting Cage


Objective: Win the Race


Objective: Put Lizard in Starting Cage


Finishes Quest Journal Entry
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