Oblivion:Wormwood Leaves

A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995
Value 2 Weight 0.1
Alchemy Effects
1st Fortify Fatigue Fortify Fatigue
2nd Invisibility Invisibility
3rd Damage Health Damage Health
4th Damage Magicka Damage Magicka
# Samples 3
Plant Wormwood  % 80
# Plants 242

The ingredient Wormwood Leaves comes from the plant "Wormwood", which grows sporadically in the Jerall Mountains.

Without the Shivering Isles expansion pack, Wormwood Leaves are one of only two ingredients which can be used to create a Fortify Fatigue potion: at journeyman level or higher it can be combined with Flour. There are no negative side effects. Shivering Isles adds two more ingredients with Fortify Fatigue: Ashen Remains and Worm's Head Cap.


3 guaranteed samples can be found in the following locations:

It can also be found randomly in the inventories of alchemy vendors and in some loot chests.


The places with the highest concentrations of Wormwood Leaves are:

  • 9 plants are in exterior cell (-8, 32) (map)
  • 8 plants are in exterior cell (-17, 37) (map)
  • 7 plants are in exterior cell (27, 35) (map), near a Sidri-Ashak Rune Stone
  • 7 plants are in exterior cell (-5, 34) (map)
  • 7 plants are in exterior cell (3, 36) (map)

Map marker locations with high concentrations include:

Locations of Wormwood plants