Oblivion:Ulfgar Fog-Eye's House

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Ulfgar Fog-Eye's House
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Console Location Code(s)
AnvilUlfgarFogEyesHouse, AnvilLighthouse, AnvilLighthouseUpperRoom
Gold Coast
Ulfgar Fog-Eye's House

Ulfgar Fog-Eye's House is a house situated within the Harborside district of Anvil. The house itself is connected to the Anvil Lighthouse.

It is the sole residence of the lighthouse keeper, Ulfgar Fog-Eye and consists of only one zone, Ulfgar Fog-Eye's House.


Ulfgar Fog-Eye

Related Quests

Ulfgar Fog-Eye's House

The interior of the house

His house adjacent to the lighthouse contains a copy of The Third Door and a bottle of Ale on his bedside table upstairs, as well as a Nirnroot on the shelf above his bed. Also a bottle of Surilie Brothers Wine and a bottle of Tamika's West Weald Wine sit on the table in the small area down the wide set of stairs.