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This page provides a list of all the skill trainers in the game of Oblivion. Each of these NPCs can be paid to train a character in the specified skill. This is one of several ways that skills can be increased.


Trainer (Basic) - Basic (0-40), Trainer (Advanced) - Advanced (0-70), Trainer (Master) - Master (71-100)

Lvl Trainer RefID FormID Location Other
Acrobatics Acrobatics Training
Trainer (Basic) Ida Vlinorman 0001C4C5 0001605D Northeastern quadrant of the Imperial City Elven Gardens District
Trainer (Basic) Quill-Weave 0000BC69 0000A2A0 Main Drag in Anvil
Trainer (Advanced) Ganredhel 00003636 000034DB Ganredhel's house in southeast Cheydinhal
Trainer (Advanced) Tsrava 0003599A 00034E78 J'Bari's house in south-central Leyawiin
Trainer (Master) Torbern 000613B9 000613B8 Aerin's Camp northeast of Cheydinhal
Alchemy Alchemy Training
Trainer (Basic) Felen Relas 0002D06C 0002D019 Anvil Mages Guild Alchemist
Trainer (Basic) S'drassa 000314E4 0002D026 Leyawiin Mages Guild
Trainer (Advanced) Ardaline 0002F080 0002D01B Bravil Mages Guild
Trainer (Advanced) Brotch Calus 0003628C 0002991E A house east of Bruma's Great Chapel of Talos
Trainer (Master) Sinderion 0003E92C 0003E92B Skingrad's West Weald Inn wine-cellar Alchemist (West Weald Inn)
Alteration Alteration Training
Trainer (Basic) Deetsan 0002E5E4 0002D021 Cheydinhal Mages Guild
Trainer (Basic) Dovyn Aren 0001C4C6 0001605C Near Ida Vlinorman in the Imperial City Elven Gardens District
Trainer (Advanced) Abhuki 000389B9 000389B8 Faregyl Inn south of Imperial City Food Innkeeper
Trainer (Advanced) Athragar 00023506 000234BA Chorrol Mages Guild Conjuration Spells
Trainer (Master) Tooth-in-the-Sea 0003C166 0003C165 Swimming off the Niben Bay coast north of Bravil
Armorer Armorer Training
Trainer (Basic) Eitar 000359C2 00034E82 The Dividing Line in Leyawiin Repairs
Trainer (Basic) Tadrose Helas 0000A118 0000A096 Bravil Fighters Guild Blacksmith Repairs
Trainer (Advanced) Rasheda 000234FC 000234AF Fire and Steel in Chorrol Blacksmith (Fire and Steel) Repairs
Trainer (Advanced) Rohssan 0001D15A 0001C14C A Fighting Chance in the Imperial City Market District Blacksmith (A Fighting Chance) Repairs
Trainer (Master) Gin-Wulm 0003E92E 0003E92D The Best Defense in the Imperial City Market District
 (also wanders the Market and Elven Gardens Districts)
Athletics Athletics Training
Trainer (Basic) Mahei 00132AFA 00034E7F Leyawiin
Trainer (Basic) Uuras the Shepherd 00028E83 00028E84 Southwest corner of Skingrad
Trainer (Advanced) Hauls-Ropes-Faster* 000976C8 0000A297 The Fo'c'sle in Anvil, wanders the waterfront at night
Trainer (Advanced) Honditar 000C8B80 000234B9 Lives just southwest of Chorrol, but spends his days walking around the great oak in Chorrol.
Trainer (Master) Rusia Bradus 0000BC70 0000A29F Lives in Anvil next to the Abandoned House
Note: Hauls-Ropes-Faster does not offer training in the unpatched version, but may be fixed in the construction set.
Blade Blade Training
Trainer (Basic) Naspia Cosma 000055F2 000034CB Castle Cheydinhal
Trainer (Basic) Right-Wind 00036273 00035EC1 Bruma Fighters Guild
Trainer (Advanced) Rhano 0000BC89 0000A290 Anvil Fighters Guild
Trainer (Advanced) Sherina 0003598E 00034E73 Leyawiin Fighters Guild
Trainer (Master) Alix Lencolia 0018D2B5 0018D2B4 Faregyl Inn south of Imperial City
Block Block Training
Trainer (Basic) Fadus Calidius 0002F759 000293DB Skingrad Fighters Guild
Trainer (Basic) Huurwen 0000BC8D 0000A294 Anvil Fighters Guild
Trainer (Advanced) Ambroise Canne 00028E76 00028E75 Southwest corner of Skingrad
Trainer (Advanced) Lum gro-Baroth 0002350E 000234BF Chorrol Fighters Guild
Trainer (Master) Andragil 0000A131 0000A10B Above Dro'shanji in the north part of Bravil
Blunt Blunt Training
Trainer (Basic) Bugak gro-Bol 0003E214 00037C33 Southern Books in Leyawiin Books (Southern Books)
Trainer (Basic) Vigdis 0000BC88 0000A28F Anvil Fighters Guild
Trainer (Advanced) Azzan 00035743 00024166 Anvil Fighters Guild
Trainer (Advanced) Christophe Marane 0002DC05 0002DC04 Brina Cross Inn northeast of Anvil Food Innkeeper
Trainer (Master) Irene Metrick 0001C4BE 00016058 Northwest quadrant of the Imperial City Elven Gardens District
Conjuration Conjuration Training
Trainer (Basic) Fathis Aren 0000A11F 0000A090 Castle Bravil
Trainer (Basic) Sulinus Vassinus 000293E8 000293ED Skingrad Mages Guild Destruction Spells
Trainer (Advanced) Alberic Litte 000234DC 000222B8 Chorrol Mages Guild Conjuration Spells
Trainer (Advanced) Arentus Falvius 0003626A 00035EB9 Bruma's Great Chapel of Talos
Trainer (Master) Olyn Seran 0005D52F 00026B4D Molag Bal's shrine located in the Great Forest
Destruction Destruction Training
Trainer (Basic) Chanel 0002BA87 000222BA Castle Chorrol
Trainer (Basic) J'skar 0001CEF1 0002D01E Bruma Mages Guild
Trainer (Advanced) Delphine Jend 0002CB2E 0002CB2D Bravil Mages Guild Illusion Spells
Trainer (Advanced) Marc Gulitte 0002D06D 0002D01A Anvil Mages Guild Restoration Spells Recharge
Trainer (Master) Bralsa Andaren 0018B121 0003E92F Near the Wayshrine of Kynareth, southwest of Weatherleah and the Wayshrine of Julianos
Hand to Hand Hand to Hand Training
Trainer (Basic) Nahsi 0000A119 0000A095 Bravil Fighters Guild
Trainer (Basic) Rufrius Vinicius 0000BC8A 0000A291 Anvil Fighters Guild
Trainer (Advanced) Davela Hlaren 0003AB4F 0003AB4E Imperial Bridge Inn Food Innkeeper
Trainer (Advanced) Ra'qanar 000A9781 000034CE Castle Cheydinhal
Trainer (Master) Helvius Cecia 0003628B 00035ED0 Southeast corner of Bruma
Heavy Armor Heavy Armor Training
Trainer (Basic) Brodras 0003598F 00034E72 Leyawiin Fighters Guild
Trainer (Basic) Bumph gra-Gash 0006740A 00035EC2 Bruma Fighters Guild
Trainer (Advanced) Varnado 0001D210 00015EAD The Best Defense store in the Imperial City Market District Blacksmith (The Best Defense) Repairs
Trainer (Master) Pranal 000389BE 000389BD Roxey Inn on the Red Ring Road, north of Lake Rumare
Note: Valus Odiil does not offer training, but he will provide the recommendation for Heavy Armor master training once your skill reaches 70.
Illusion Illusion Training
Trainer (Basic) Esbern xx001CEF xx000F5E Cheydinhal's Great Chapel of Arkay (with Knights of the Nine only)
Trainer (Basic) Hil the Tall 0000364C 000034C6 Cheydinhal's Great Chapel of Arkay
Trainer (Basic) Jantus Brolus 00036284 00035EC9 Istrius Brolus' house in Bruma
Trainer (Advanced) Carahil 0002D06A 0002CD1E Anvil Mages Guild
Trainer (Master) Martina Floria 00034EB9 00034EB5 Arcane University's Chironasium Recharge
Note: Kud-Ei does not offer training, but she will provide the recommendation for Illusion master training once your skill reaches 70.
Light Armor Light Armor Training
Trainer (Basic) Dul gro-Shug 0001C4B1 00016056 Southwest quadrant of the Imperial City Elven Gardens District
Trainer (Basic) Olfand 00036266 00035EB5 Nord Winds in Bruma
Trainer (Advanced) Ahdarji 000359BC 00034E87 Leyawiin just west of the Castle
Trainer (Advanced) Luciana Galena 0000A130 0000A10A South Bravil (right above the house for sale) General Fence
Trainer (Master) J'bari 00035999 00034E77 South-central Leyawiin
Marksman Marksman Training
Trainer (Basic) Edla Dark-Heart 0003628A 00035ECF Regner's house in south Bruma
Trainer (Basic) Shameer 000294BB 000294B7 West of Skingrad's Great Chapel of Julianos
Trainer (Advanced) Melliwin xx00EE14 xx002F9F Dunbarrow Cove (with Thieves Den official plug-in only). Trains to 75 rather than 70. Mysticism Spells Restoration Spells Fence
Trainer (Advanced) Pinarus Inventius 0000BC72 0000A29D Anvil
Trainer (Advanced) Reman Broder 000294A1 000294A2 Southwest corner of Skingrad
Trainer (Master) Alawen 0003C160 0003C15F Troll Candle Camp east of Anvil
Mercantile Mercantile Training
Trainer (Basic) Foroch 0003AB52 0003AB51 Gottshaw Inn west of Kvatch Food Innkeeper
Trainer (Basic) Mach-Na 00003641 00023FEA Mach-Na Books store in Cheydinhal Books (Mach-Na's Books)
Trainer (Advanced) Khafiz xx00EDE4 xx00348F Dunbarrow Cove (with Thieves Den official plug-in only). Trains to 75 rather than 70. Fence
Trainer (Advanced) Margarte 000359C1 00034E81 East of Leyawiin's Great Chapel of Zenithar
Trainer (Advanced) Seed-Neeus 000234FD 000234B8 Northern Goods and Trade store near Chorrol's South Gate General (Northern Goods and Trade) House Upgrades
Trainer (Master) Palonirya 0001D207 00015EA8 Divine Elegance in the Imperial City Market District Clothing (Divine Elegance)
Mysticism Mysticism Training
Trainer (Basic) Angalmo 00023508 000234BB Chorrol Mages Guild
Trainer (Basic) Druja 000293EF 000293EE Skingrad Mages Guild Destruction Spells
Trainer (Advanced) Boderi Farano 00034EBB 00023EB1 Arcane University's Mystic Archives
Trainer (Advanced) Ita Rienus 0001EE38 0002D01C Bravil Mages Guild Illusion Spells Recharge
Trainer (Master) Dagail 000314E3 0002CD22 Leyawiin Mages Guild
Restoration Restoration Training
Trainer (Basic) Cirroc 00036269 00035EB8 Bruma's Great Chapel of Talos
Trainer (Basic) Marie Palielle 00028F9E 00028F9F Skingrad's Great Chapel of Julianos
Trainer (Advanced) Beem-Kiurz xx001BFF xx000F60 Bravil's Great Chapel of Mara (with Knights of the Nine only)
Trainer (Advanced) Kinther xx001CF0 xx000F5F Cheydinhal's Great Chapel of Arkay (with Knights of the Nine only) Restoration Spells
Trainer (Advanced) Marz 0000A125 0000A08B Bravil's Great Chapel of Mara
Trainer (Advanced) Ohtesse 0000364D 000034C7 Cheydinhal's Great Chapel of Arkay Restoration Spells
Trainer (Master) Oleta 00090AB4 00090AB3 Chapel of Akatosh in Kvatch; after Breaking the Siege of Kvatch, she can be found in the refugee camp south of the ruined city
Security Security Training
Trainer (Basic) Malintus Ancrus 000234C9 000222A6 Southwest corner of Chorrol
Trainer (Basic) Samuel Bantien 0001FC59 0001FC52 Imperial City Talos Plaza District
Trainer (Advanced) Dro'shanji 0002CA3B 0002CA36 Dro'shanji's house in north-central Bravil
Trainer (Advanced) Mandil 0001C4C2 00016060 Othrelos' house in the Imperial City Elven Gardens District
Trainer (Advanced) Tahm Blackwell xx00EE09 xx00348B Dunbarrow Cove (with Thieves Den official plug-in only). Trains to 75 rather than 70. Alteration Spells Restoration Spells Fence
Trainer (Master) J'baana 00093470 0009346E In a tent inside the Imperial Prison complex in the Imperial City
Sneak Sneak Training
Trainer (Basic) City-Swimmer 0000A12E 0000A109 Above S'Krivva's just southwest of Bravil City Gate
Trainer (Basic) Glistel 000234C8 000222A3 Southwest corner of Chorrol (Malintus Ancrus' House)
Trainer (Basic) Rowley Eardwulf xx003288 xx003286 Wawnet Inn west of the Imperial City (with Vile Lair only). Trains to 50 rather than 40. General
Trainer (Advanced) Kovan Kren xx00EE0E xx002FA1 Dunbarrow Cove (with Thieves Den official plug-in only). Trains to 75 rather than 70. Illusion Spells Restoration Spells Fence
Trainer (Advanced) Mirabelle Monet 0000BC85 0000A295 Fo'c's'le boarding house (the private room) at Anvil Waterfront
Trainer (Advanced) Othrelos 0001C4C3 0001605F Northeast part of the Imperial City Elven Gardens District
Trainer (Master) Marana Rian 0001DA97 0001D353 Northwest part of the Imperial City Temple District
Speechcraft Speechcraft Training
Trainer (Basic) Alga 0003627F 00035EC4 Honmund's house in Bruma
Trainer (Basic) Eris Senim xx001C00 xx000F61 Bravil's Great Chapel of Mara (with Knights of the Nine only) Restoration Spells Conjuration Spells
Trainer (Basic) Uravasa Othrelas 0000A127 0000A08A Bravil's Great Chapel of Mara Restoration Spells Conjuration Spells
Trainer (Advanced) Gruiand Garrana 0000364F 000034C9 Cheydinhal's Great Chapel of Arkay
Trainer (Advanced) Inius Colus xx001CEE xx000F5D Cheydinhal's Great Chapel of Arkay (with Knights of the Nine only)
Trainer (Advanced) Jak Silver xx00EC8D xx003492 Dunbarrow Cove (with Thieves Den official plug-in only). Trains to 75 rather than 70. Fence
Trainer (Advanced) Varon Vamori 0002F082 0002991C His house in Bravil
Trainer (Master) Tandilwe 00015407 000153B9 Temple of the One in the Imperial City Temple District


  • You are limited to purchasing at most five skill increases per level. This limit applies regardless of if you get 1 skill point from 5 different trainers or 5 skill points from 1 trainer. Once you reach your limit, you cannot purchase any further training until you level up. If you attempt to do so, you will get the message: "You have reached your training limit for your current level."
    • The character statistics/skill menu shows how many times training has been purchased at the character's level (e.g., it will show 0/5 if no training has been purchased).
    • The five per level limitation is counted using your character's actual level (i.e., you can purchase five training lessons between times that you sleep to level up). The effect of the training, however, is applied based upon the level that you would have if you had slept. In other words, if you purchase training after the icon indicating that you are ready to level up appears, the attribute bonuses are applied to the next level (and do not appear the next time you sleep to level up). One implication is that it is actually possible to purchase all ten major skill increases for one level (purchase five after receiving the level up icon, but before sleeping, and the other five after sleeping). However, this is only possible if you forego all training at the first level (i.e. don't train until the level up icon appears) so you receive zero training at one level, and ten at the next.
    • If all your attributes are 100 or more and you don't increase them during level up, "Perfection cannot be improved upon. Your attributes are as high as they can go" pop-up shows instead, you will not have your training limit reset. If you had reached training limit before sleep, training will still be unavailable, until you increase your attributes while leveling.
  • The cost of training is 10 gold per point of your current rank in the skill. Both the cost to train and the limit on whether your skill has surpassed the trainer do take into account any Fortify Skill magical effect currently on your character. Wait for any spells to expire and remove any magical gear that increases your skill before training it.
  • You can apply Drain Skill effects to yourself to lower your skill so trainers will train your skills for lower cost, or so lower level trainers will train you. The ranks learned while training will still be added to your base skill level. For example, a custom made Drain Skill 100 points for 1 second effect would render master trainers unnecessary and give your character free training.
    • This can be used to train your skills over 100, all the way up to 255. Drain Skill effects from two separate sources are required to make this free from 101-200 and effects from three separate sources are required to make this free from 201-255.
  • There are at least: two basic (0-40, green), two advanced (0-70, blue) and one master (71-100, red) trainer for each skill (without mods).
    • Athletics, Heavy Armor, and Illusion are exceptions: each only has one advanced trainer, instead of the usual two.
    • Several official plug-ins add additional trainers, most of whom do not fit into the standard basic/advanced/master categories. For example, some plug-in trainers will train from 0-75, instead of 0-70. If the maximum level for training is different, that value is specified in the table.
  • Once you get to 70 in a skill, you should have a Training topic when you talk to either of the two advanced level trainers. Asking about that topic will direct you to the master trainer who will probably have a short quest for you to complete before they will train you.
  • Many trainers will only offer training during certain time period. It may be necessary to follow them around for a while. Check the individual NPC page for each trainer for any known information on the times when they are available to offer services such as training.
  • A lot of trainers are not essential, so be careful when you are around them and make certain that there are no enemies around your trainers before you leave them.

See Also

  • Master Training: List of all master trainers, and requirements for their services.
  • Increasing Skills: General tips on how to improve your skills semi-naturally.
  • Skill Books: Books that increase skill levels when read.
  • Free Skill Boosts: Bonus increases that are available by completing various quests.