Oblivion:Unique Items

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< Items(Redirecionado de Oblivion:Shrouded Armor)

This page lists the various items with unique enchantments available for purchase or discovery in Oblivion, including some faction specific sets of armor that can only be found in a few specific places. Unique staves are not included here; all unique staves are listed on the Staves article.

In addition to unique items, there are Artifacts (unusually powerful unique items), random Generic Magic Apparel, random Generic Magic Weapons, and level-based reward items. For lists of other available items, see:

Unique Weapons

Unique Blades

Name Weight Health Value Speed Reach Damage Charge / Cost = Uses Effects Location
OB-icon-weapon-AkaviriKatana.png Akavari Sunderblade [sic]
18 350 2780 1.0 1.0 15 3000/200=15 Disintegrate Weapon 100pts
Disintegrate Armor 100pts
Sergius Verus at Three Brothers Trade Goods, Imperial City Market District
OB-icon-weapon-AkaviriKatana.png Baurus's Akaviri Katana
18 240 0 1.0 1.0 15 N/A none Carried by Baurus. Obtainable if he dies or if it breaks during or at any time after the meeting with the Mythic Dawn or the Tutorial.
OB-icon-weapon-HonorbladeOfChorrol.png Broken Sword
28 0 2 1.0 1.0 0 N/A none Not found in game. Its editorid (FGD03BWCBlade) suggests it was intended for The Master's Son quest. Even so, it is one of the weapons that are deliberately not duplicated during the Shivering Isles quest Symbols of Office.
OB-icon-weapon-BrusefAmelion'sSword.png Brusef Amelion's Sword
28 250 327 1.0 1.0 14 500/5=100 Frost Damage 5pts In the Amelion Family Tomb; part of the Amelion's Debt quest.
OB-icon-weapon-SteelLongsword.png Caelia's Steel Longsword
24 192 45 1.0 1.0 12 N/A none Appears on a tombstone at Applewatch after the Next of Kin quest.
OB-icon-weapon-Cutlass.png Captain Kordan's Saber
25 180 3740 1.0 1.0 15 3000/100=30 Absorb Agility 10 pts for 30 sec
Absorb Endurance 10 pts for 30 sec
Absorb Blade 10 pts for 30 sec
Tertia Viducia at The March Rider in Cheydinhal
OB-icon-weapon-SilverDagger.png Dagger of Discipline
5 70 0 1.4 0.6 9 300/17=17 Drain Health 15pts for 6 sec Wrath of Sithis during A Dark Exile
OB-icon-weapon-SteelDagger.png Dalvilu Cermonial Dagger [sic]
4 400 20 1.4 0.0 7 N/A none Found in Nivan Dalvilu's house.
Must be retrieved and placed on Hrol Ulfgar's corpse for Mephala's quest.
OB-icon-weapon-SilverDagger.png Enchanted Dagger
5 350 40 1.4 0.6 9 N/A Bleed (script effect) Handed to the player by Melisande during the Vampire Cure quest.
OB-icon-weapon-AkaviriKatana.png Glenroy's Akaviri Katana
18 240 0 1.0 1.0 18 N/A none Carried by Glenroy during the Tutorial. Obtainable when he dies during the Tutorial, but it must be given up at the end of the quest and cannot subsequently be retrieved. It and Renault's katana can be found later hanging above the fireplace at Cloud Ruler Temple.
OB-icon-weapon-HonorbladeOfChorrol.png Honorblade of Chorrol
0 610 1000 1.0 1.0 23 N/A none On the corpse of the Ogre Chieftain in Redguard Valley Cave. A quest item for Sins of the Father.
OB-icon-weapon-SilverDagger.png Languorwine Blade
5 500 5 1.4 0.6 2 N/A none Used in the Dark Brotherhood quest The Assassinated Man to "assassinate" Francois Motierre.
Mace of Doom*
5 3000 20204 1.0 1.0 10 50000/211=236 Fire Damage 17pts in 10ft for 5sec Oblivion testing area using the Frostcrag Spire Glitch
OB-icon-weapon-Cutlass.png Redwave
25 850 246 1.0 1.0 11 500/17=29 Drain Health 15pts 6sec Reward from The Ghost Ship of Anvil quest
OB-icon-weapon-AkaviriKatana.png Renault's Akaviri Katana
18 240 0 1.0 1.0 15 N/A none Carried by Captain Renault during the Tutorial and obtainable from her corpse, but it must be given up at the end of the quest and cannot subsequently be retrieved. It and Glenroy's katana can be found later hanging above the fireplace at Cloud Ruler Temple.
OB-icon-weapon-Cutlass.png Rohssan's Antique Cutlass
25 40 90 1.0 1.0 10 N/A none Found in A Fighting Chance during the May the Best Thief Win quest.
OB-icon-weapon-SteelLongsword.png Steel Longsword
5 100 45 1.0 1.0 12 N/A none Handed to the player by Burz gro-Khash during The Desolate Mine quest.
OB-icon-weapon-AkaviriKatana.png Akavari Warblade [sic]
24 240 3236 0.9 1.0 16 3000/90=33 Damage Fatigue 30pts
Damage Health 15pts
Damage Magicka 30pts
Jensine at Jensine's "Good as New" Merchandise, Imperial City Market District
OB-icon-weapon-ElvenClaymore.png Sinweaver***
55 500 1150 0.8 1.3 21 360/15=24 Drain Fatigue 10pts
Fire Damage 10pts
Obtained from Azani Blackheart during the Azani Blackheart quest.

* The Mace of Doom is a bladed weapon; using it increases your blade skill. However, it resembles an Ebony Mace. Also, it does not have an icon in your inventory (a green square is all that is displayed either that or a light brown Square with the Enchanted weapon"Orb" symbol).
** Redwave is technically a leveled item, but since all 7 versions of it are exactly alike, it is for all practical purposes a unique item, since at least by appearances it's the same regardless of your level.

*** The Drain Fatigue enchantment on Sinweaver has no duration, and therefore no effect on its target.

Unique Blunts

Name Weight Health Value Speed Reach Damage Charge / Cost = Uses Effects Location
OB-icon-weapon-ElvenMace.png Calliben's Grim Retort
31 396 2879 0.9 1.0 18 6160/88=70 Absorb Strength 5pts 20sec
Absorb Blunt 8pts 20sec
Frost Damage 10pts
Behind the head of Calliben's effigy on his tomb, Trentius Family Mausoleum, IC Greenway. Accessible during the Unfriendly Competition quest, or any time afterwards.
OB-icon-weapon-DaedricMace.png Cursed Mace
43 4200 320 0.9 1.0 10 n/a none Used during the Molag Bal shrine quest.
OB-icon-weapon-Club.png Truncheon of Submission
8 200 3076 0.9 0.9 10 3330/111=30 Damage Fatigue 50pts
Restore Health 20pts
Varel Morvayn at Morvayn's Peacemakers in Anvil
OB-icon-weapon-IronBattleAxe.png Battleaxe of Hatred
40 300 7440 1.0 1.0 10 3000/100=30 Damage Strength 5pts
Damage Willpower 5pts
Damage Endurance 5pts
Rohssan at A Fighting Chance, Imperial City Market District
OB-icon-weapon-SteelBattleAxe.png Destarine's Cleaver
26 350 3630 0.8 1.3 15 3000/75=40 Damage Strength 5pts
Damage Endurance 5pts
Tun-Zeeus at The Dividing Line, Leyawiin
OB-icon-weapon-DwarvenBattleAxe.png Perdition's Wrath [note1]
40 400 3304 0.8 1.2 18 500/260=1 Fire Damage 20pts in 50ft M'raaj-Dar at the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Cheydinhal
OB-icon-weapon-SteelWarhammer.png Steel Warhammer
5 60 50 0.7 1.3 16 N/A none Handed to the player by Burz gro-Khash during The Desolate Mine quest.

Unique Bows

Name Weight Health Value Damage Charge / Cost = Uses Effects Location
OB-icon-weapon-EbonyBow.png Bow of Infliction
20 364 5240 18 3000/100=30 Damage Agility 5pts
Drain Marksman 15pts 60sec
Daenlin at The Archer's Paradox, Bravil
OB-icon-weapon-DwarvenBow.png Bow of Infernal Frost [note1]
14 100 7091 8 200/28=7 Fire Damage 10pts
Frost Damage 10pts
M'raaj-Dar at the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Cheydinhal
OB-icon-weapon-ElvenBow.png Frostwyrm Bow
14 300 709 15 500/23=21 Frost Damage 15pts The Uderfrykte Matron in the Horror of Dive Rock quest
OB-icon-weapon-SteelBow.png Steel Bow
5 100 10 9 N/A none Handed to the player by Burz gro-Khash during The Desolate Mine quest.

Other Weapon Resources

  • Base weapon information can be found on the Weapons page.
  • Arrows are located on the Ammunition page.
  • Leveled Weapons can be found on the Leveled Items page.
  • Artifact weapons can be found on the Artifacts page.
  • Unique Staves can be found on the Staves page.

Unique Armor

Unique Full Sets

Name Object ID Type Weight Health Value Rating Effects Location
OB-icon-armor-BrusefAmelion'sBoots(m).pngOB-icon-armor-BrusefAmelion'sBoots(f).png Brusef Amelion's Boots 0012DD1B Light Boots 21 150 45 3.0 All found scattered in the Amelion Family Tomb.
OB-icon-armor-BrusefAmelion'sCuirass(m).pngOB-icon-armor-BrusefAmelion'sCuirass(f).png Brusef Amelion's Cuirass 000091FA Light Cuirass 21 290 710 8.0 Frost Shield 6%
OB-icon-armor-BrusefAmelion'sGauntlets.png Brusef Amelion's Gauntlets 0012DD1A Light Gauntlets 21 150 40 3.0
OB-icon-armor-BrusefAmelion'sGreaves.png Brusef Amelion's Greaves 0012DD18 Light Greaves 21 225 60 4.0
OB-icon-armor-BrusefAmelion'sHelmet(m).pngOB-icon-armor-BrusefAmelion'sHelmet(f).png Brusef Amelion's Helmet 0012DD19 Light Helmet 21 150 40 3.0
OB-icon-armor-BrusefAmelion'sShield.png Brusef Amelion's Shield 0012DD1C Light Shield 21 225 90 8.0
OB-icon-armor-ImperialDragonBoots.png Imperial Dragon Boots 000ADD4E
Heavy Boots
Light Boots
Resist Frost 20% Reward for completion of the Main Quest.
Neither set contains a shield.
OB-icon-armor-ImperialDragonCuirass.png Imperial Dragon Cuirass 000ADDAA
Heavy Cuirass
Light Cuirass
Resist Magic 11%
OB-icon-armor-ImperialDragonGauntlets.png Imperial Dragon Gauntlets 000ADD51
Heavy Gauntlets
Light Gauntlets
Resist Poison 11%
OB-icon-armor-ImperialDragonGreaves.png Imperial Dragon Greaves 000ADD52
Heavy Greaves
Light Greaves
Resist Fire 20%
OB-icon-armor-ImperialDragonHelmet.png Imperial Dragon Helmet 000ADDA2
Heavy Helmet
Light Helmet
Resist Shock 20%
OB-icon-armor-ShroudedArmor(m).pngOB-icon-armor-ShroudedArmor(f).png Shrouded Armor 000347F7 Shrouded Armor 2.35 440 0 15 Fortify Sneak 8pts
Fortify Illusion 8pts
Fortify Marksman 8pts
Fortify Blade 8pts
Fortify Acrobatics 8pts
Worn by members of the Dark Brotherhood.
Awarded upon joining, at the end of A Knife in the Dark
OB-icon-armor-ShroudedHood(m).pngOB-icon-armor-ShroudedHood(f).png 000347F4 Shrouded Hood 0.5 80 0 2.5 Fortify Sneak 2pts
Fortify Illusion 2pts
Fortify Marksman 2pts
Fortify Blade 2pts
Fortify Acrobatics 2pts

Unique Boots

Name Type Weight Health Value Rating Effects Location
OB-icon-armor-ChainmailBoots.png Boots of the Swift Merchant
Light Boots 3 120 3900 4.0 Fortify Speed 5pts
Fortify Mercantile 10pts
Fortify Speechcraft 10pts
Weakness to Disease 30pts
Weakness to Poison 30pts
Seed-Neeus at Northern Goods and Trade, Chorrol

(note that your Mercantile skill must be at least 50 to be able to purchase this; without the Journeyman-level Mercantile perk, Seed-Neeus does not sell armor)

OB-icon-armor-GlassBoots.png Quicksilver Boots
Light Boots 4 600 4400 5.5 Drain Heavy Armor 5pts
Drain Light Armor 5pts
Fortify Agility 10pts
Fortify Speed 10pts
Palonirya at Divine Elegance, Imperial City Market District

(note that your Mercantile skill must be at least 50 to be able to purchase this; without the Journeyman-level Mercantile perk, Palonirya does not sell armor)

Unique Cuirasses

Name Type Weight Health Value Rating Effects Location
OB-icon-armor-BladesCuirass.png Aegis of the Apocalypse
Heavy Cuirass 35 1000 6500 13.75 Fortify Blade 5pts
Fortify Blunt 5pts
Fortify Heavy Armor 5pts
Drain Luck 5pts
Drain Health 20pts
Varnado at The Best Defense, Imperial City Market District
OB-icon-armor-ElvenCuirass.png Birthright of Astalon
Light Cuirass 13 800 8600 11.0 Fortify Agility 5pts
Fortify Magicka 50pts
Claudette Perrick at The Gilded Carafe, Imperial City Market District

(note that your Mercantile skill must be at least 50 to be able to purchase this; without the Journeyman-level Mercantile perk, Claudette does not sell armor)

OB-icon-armor-DwarvenCuirass.png Dondoran's Juggernaut
Heavy Cuirass 40 700 6500 13.0 Fortify Strength 10pts
Fortify Endurance 10pts
Drain Speed 10pts
Drain Athletics 10pts
Olfand at Nord Winds, Bruma

Unique Gauntlets

Name Type Weight Health Value Rating Effects Location Notes
OB-icon-armor-LeatherBracer.png Bands of Kwang Lao
Light Bracers* 1.5 80 2005 1.0 Fortify Hand to Hand 20pts In Branwen and Saliith's chest in the Arena District.
You can either pickpocket the key that unlocks the chest from Branwen or pick the lock yourself.
OB-icon-armor-LeatherBracer.png Bands of the Chosen
Light Bracers* 2 50 0 1.0 Weakness to Fire 50% You acquire the Bands of the Chosen from Kathutet during the Paradise quest, where you must equip the bracers in order to enter the Forbidden Grotto. Once equipped, the bracers lock around your wrists and cannot be removed, except with Eldamil's assistance.

See the quest page for bugs related to this item.

OB-icon-armor-PitGauntlets(m).pngOB-icon-armor-PitGauntlets(f).png Fists of the Drunkard
Heavy Gauntlets 6 300 4400 5.0 Fortify Strength 5pts
Fortify Endurance 5pts
Drain Intelligence 5pts
Drain Willpower 5pts
Maenlorn at The Flowing Bowl, Anvil These gauntlets look like Pit Gloves (a pair of light gauntlets only found in the CS), but are heavy rather than light. The Fists' armor rating is equivalent to Dwarven Gauntlets, but they have 100 less health and weigh 2 pounds less than Dwarven Gauntlets.
OB-icon-armor-IronGauntlets(m).pngOB-icon-armor-IronGauntlets(f).png Gauntlets of Gluttony
Heavy Gauntlets 9 800 4900 5.0 Fortify Strength 15pts
Drain Health 30pts
Fjotreid at Hammer and Axe, Bruma Due to a probable coding bug, these gauntlets appear as Orcish gauntlets when equipped, but as Iron gauntlets in your inventory and on the ground.
OB-icon-armor-LeatherGauntlets.png Hands of Midnight [note1]
Light Gauntlets 1.5 80 4660 2.5 Chameleon 10pts
Fortify Hand to Hand 10pts
Resist Normal Weapons 10pts
Sun Damage 30pts
M'raaj-Dar at the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary in Cheydinhal
OB-icon-armor-EbonyGauntlets.png Hands of the Atronach
Heavy Gauntlets 10.5 800 7000 7.0 Resist Fire 20pts
Resist Frost 20pts
Resist Shock 20pts
Calindil at Mystic Emporium, Imperial City Market District
OB-icon-armor-SteelGauntlets.png Rasheda's Special
Heavy Gauntlets 7 900 3600 4.5 Fortify Strength 5pts
Fortify Armorer 5pts
Rasheda at Fire And Steel, Chorrol

* The Bands of Kwang Lao and the Bands of the Chosen are actually bracers rather than gauntlets, but since they are worn in place of gauntlets, the distinction is academic.

Unique Greaves

Name Type Weight Health Value Rating Effects Location
OB-icon-armor-FurGreaves(m).pngOB-icon-armor-FurGreaves(f).png Monkeypants*
Light Greaves 7 600 3600 6.0 Drain Willpower 5pts
Fortify Acrobatics 10pts
Fortify Athletics 10 pts
Suurootan at Novaroma, Bruma

(note that your Mercantile skill must be at least 50 to be able to purchase this; without the Journeyman-level Mercantile perk, Suurootan does not sell armor)

*When you drop the Monkeypants, they appear as Gauntlets, not Greaves.

Unique Helmets

Name Type Weight Health Value Rating Effects Location
OB-icon-armor-GlassHelmet.png Fin Gleam
Light Helm 4 400 2401 4.0 Detect Life 20 ft
Night Eye
Water Breathing
Underwater among a pile of bones on the west coast of the island west of Anvil (map).
OB-icon-armor-DwarvenHelmet.png Helm of the Deep Delver
Heavy Helm 8 500 4750 5.0 Drain Speed 5pts
Light 60ft
Resist Disease 30%
Resist Poison 30%
Tertullian Verus at Three Brothers Trade Goods, Imperial City Market District
OB-icon-armor-OrcishHelmet.png Helm of Ferocity
Heavy Helm 9 800 5500 7.0 Drain Intelligence 5pts
Drain Willpower 5pts
Drain Personality 5pts
Fortify Blade 5pts
Fortify Blunt 5pts
Fortify Hand To Hand 5pts
Agnete the Pickled at Hammer and Tongs, Skingrad

Unique Shields

Name Type Weight Health Value Rating Effects Location
OB-icon-armor-BladesShield.png Tower of the Nine
Heavy Shield 14 1000 4800 15.0 Drain Light Armor 10pts
Fortify Block 5pts
Fortify Heavy Armor 5pts
Shield 5pts
Viator Accius in Stonewall Shields,
Imperial City Market District

Other Armor Resources

  • Base armor information can be found on the Armor page.
  • Leveled Armor can be found on the Leveled Items page.
  • Artifact Armor can be found on the Artifacts page.

Unique Clothing

Unique Amulets

Name Weight Value Effects Location
OB-icon-jewelry-JadeAmulet.png Eye of Sithis [note1]
0.4 600 Detect Life 30ft M'raaj-Dar at the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary in Cheydinhal
OB-icon-jewelry-JadeAmulet.png Jade Amulet
0.0 35 (none) Retrieved from the Goblin Netherboss in Exhausted Mine during the Revenge Served Cold quest.
OB-icon-jewelry-CopperAmulet.png Jewel of the Rumare
1.0 2550 Water Breathing
Fortify Athletics 4pts
This amulet version of the Jewel of the Rumare is not actually available in game; see here for the ring version that is the reward for Go Fish.

Unique Boots

Name Weight Value Effects Location
OB-icon-clothing-RussetFeltShoes(m).pngOB-icon-clothing-RussetFeltShoes(f).png Boots of Springheel Jak
1.5 5400 Fortify Acrobatics 50pts Found on a Thieves Guild quest. See Boots of Springheel Jak for details
OB-icon-clothing-DoeskinShoes(m).pngOB-icon-clothing-DoeskinShoes(f).png Nistor's Boots
3.0 4600 Fortify Athletics 5pts
Fortify Speed 5pts
Water Breathing
Elsynia at Best Goods and Guarantees, Leyawiin

Unique Hoods

Name Weight Value Effects Location
OB-icon-clothing-BlackHood.png Black Hand Hood
1.0 0 Fortify Blade 4pts
Fortify Illusion 4pts
Fortify Marksman 4pts
Fortify Sneak 4pts
Fortify Speechcraft 4pts
Given to you when you are promoted to Speaker of the Black Hand, along with the robes. One can be stolen from the homes of both J'Ghasta and Alval Uvani. It can also be obtained from Lucien Lachance, should you opt to kill him after your first meeting with him, or looted from the dead members of the Black Hand at the end of the Dark Brotherhood quest line.
OB-icon-clothing-RedSilkHood.png Councilor's Hood
1.5 2475 Fortify Speechcraft 10pts
Resist Poison 25pts
Not readily available.

Skjorta at Nord Winds, Bruma
The Councilor's Hood's container is incorrectly attributed to S'Krivva in the Oblivion construction set, and therefore is not actually available for sale.

OB-icon-clothing-AquaSilkHood.png Cowl of the Druid
1 3800 Drain Blade 10pts
Detect Life 40ft
Fortify Marksman 5pts
Fortify Alchemy 5pts
Borba gra-Uzgash at Borba's Goods and Stores, Cheydinhal

The Fortify Alchemy enchantment has absolutely no effect, due to it not being implemented as an ability.

If you drop the Cowl of Druid, it appears as a robe, even though you wear it as a hood.
OB-icon-clothing-RedSilkHood.png Mantle of the Woodsman
1 2500 Drain Strength 5pts
Drain Endurance 5pts
Fortify Speed 5pts
Fortify Alchemy 5pts
Ogier Georick at The Main Ingredient, Imperial City Market District

(note that your Mercantile base skill must be at least 50 to be able to purchase this; without the Journeyman-level Mercantile perk, Ogier does not sell clothing)

OB-icon-clothing-RedSilkHood.png Veil of the Seer
1.5 3800 Detect Life 60 feet
Fortify Willpower 5pts
Not readily available.

Edgar Vautrine at Edgar's Discount Spells, Imperial City Market District
No Barter option is available for Edgar Vautrine, therefore the item cannot be bought from him.

Unique Pants

Name Weight Value Effects Location
OB-icon-clothing-RedVelvetGarment(m).pngOB-icon-clothing-RedVelvetGarment(f).png Imperial Breeches
2.0 4000 Fortify Speechcraft 5pts
Fortify Personality 5pts
Fortify Mercantile 5pts
Thoronir at The Copious Coinpurse, Imperial City Market District

Unique Rings

Name Weight Value Effects Location
OB-icon-jewelry-NoviceRing.png Blackwood Ring of Silence
1.0 30 Fire Damage 150 pts Ajum-Kajin during the Information Gathering quest.
(This ring has few practical uses, since its only effect is to do large amounts of damage to the wearer. Since it is not zero-weight it can not even be used as a "reverse pickpocket" assassination tool. It may be useful for higher level characters during the Molag Bal quest or in triggering Sheogorath's Protection.)
OB-icon-jewelry-Ring.png Circlet of Omnipotence
1.0 3000 Fortify Agility 3pts
Fortify Endurance 3pts
Fortify Speed 3pts
Fortify Strength 3pts
Fortify Willpower 3pts
Forgotten Chest, Pale Pass ( Exterior )
Requires non-journal quest to get Forgotten Key
OB-icon-jewelry-Ring.png Ring of the Gray
0.75 4250 Detect Life 50ft
Fortify Acrobatics 5pts
Fortify Marksman 5pts
Fortify Security 5pts
Fortify Sneak 5pts
Resist Poison 50pts
Reward for the quest The Rosethorn Cache
OB-icon-jewelry-Ring.png Ring of Transmutation
0.2 7000 Drain Strength 10pts
Drain Endurance 10pts
Fortify Magicka 50pts
Ungarion at A Warlock's Luck, Bravil
OB-icon-jewelry-Ring.png Ring of Wortcraft
0.2 3600 Drain Intelligence 10pts
Fortify Luck 5pts
Fortify Endurance 5pts
Fortify Alchemy 5pts
Falanu Hlaalu at All Things Alchemical, Skingrad
(Your Mercantile skill must be at least 50 to purchase this ring; without the Journeyman perk, she does not sell rings. Also note that the Fortify Alchemy enchantment has no real benefit, as your base Alchemy skill is the only thing that's checked when making potions.)
OB-icon-jewelry-NoviceRing.png Spectre Ring
1.0 8125 Chameleon 25pts
Drain Strength 10pts
Drain Endurance 5pts
Fortify Sneak 5pts
Fortify Security 5pts
Feather 100pts *
Not readily available.

Hamlof Red-Tooth at Red Diamond Jewelry, Imperial City Market District
The Spectre Ring's container is incorrectly attributed to Ris Fralmoton in the Oblivion construction set, and therefore is not actually available for sale.

* Since the Spectre Ring includes both a Feather effect and a Drain Strength effect, the net effect is to increase your maximum encumbrance by 50 points.

Unique Robes

Name Weight Value Effects Location
OB-icon-clothing-BlackRobe.png Black Hand Robe
4.0 0 Fortify Blade 11pts
Fortify Illusion 11pts
Fortify Marksman 11pts
Fortify Sneak 11pts
Fortify Speechcraft 11pts
Given to you when you are promoted to Speaker of the Black Hand, along with the hood. It can be stolen from the home of either J'Ghasta or Alval Uvani. It can also be obtained from Lucien Lachance, should you opt to kill him after your first meeting with him; or looted from the dead members of the Black Hand at the end of the Dark Brotherhood quest line.
Its appearance is similar, but not identical, to a Black Robe. It covers your hands and feet (i.e., you cannot wear gauntlets, boots, or shoes with it).

Unique Shirts

Name Weight Value Effects Location
OB-icon-clothing-Blacksmith'sApron(m).pngOB-icon-clothing-Blacksmith'sApron(f).png Apron of the Master Artisan
2.0 4000 Fortify Alchemy 7pts
Fortify Armorer 7pts
Fortify Security 7pts
Norbert Lelles at Lelles' Quality Merchandise, Anvil

(Note that the Fortify Alchemy enchantment has no real benefit, as your base Alchemy skill is the only thing that's checked when making potions.)

OB-icon-clothing-RedSilkRobes.png Robe of Creativity
4.0 5700 Drain Willpower 5pts
Fortify Intelligence 5pts
Fortify Personality 5pts
Nilawen at The Fair Deal, Bravil.
Although identified as a robe, this item only covers your upper body, and therefore can be worn with pants or greaves.
OB-icon-clothing-Highwayman'sShirt.png Vest of the Bard
2.0 2500 Drain Willpower 5pts
Fortify Personality 5pts
Fortify Speechcraft 5pts
Gunder at Colovian Traders, Skingrad

Other Clothing Resources

  • Base clothing information can be found on the Clothing page.
  • Leveled Clothing can be found on the Leveled Items page.
  • Artifact Clothing can be found on the Artifacts page.

Other Items

Name Weight Value Effects Location
OB-icon-misc-Scales.png Scales of Pitiless Justice
4.0 100 Increase Strength 2pts
Increase Agility 2pts
Increase Intelligence 2pts
Decrease Personality 2pts
Reward for the Dark Brotherhood quest, Scheduled for Execution
  • The Scales' attribute changes are effective any time the Scales are in your inventory.
  • They are not implemented as Fortify Attribute effects, for example, but rather are done by directly changing your character's attributes (via the command player.ModActorValue). For this reason, it will not give you access to the spell effects for spell making and enchanting purposes.
  • It is recommended always having them in your inventory since the +2 strength leaves you with a net +6 featherweight bonus (even though the scales' weight is 4) along with the other goodies it provides. The personality penalty can easily be overcome by dropping the scales before entering conversation, and picking them back up when you leave. Alternatively, a simple Charm spell can overcome the minor decrease.
  • These Scales are identical in appearance to standard Scales.


1.  Several copies of these items can be obtained, but only by exploiting a bug with M'raaj-Dar's vendor chest.