Oblivion:Ralsa Norvalo

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Ralsa Norvalo
(RefID: )
Home City Imperial City, Temple District
House Gilen Norvalo's House
Race Dunmer Gender Female
Level 4 Class Commoner
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 49 Magicka 110
Respons. 90 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) Gilen Norvalo's House Faction; IC Citizens
Ralsa Norvalo in her house in the Temple District

Ralsa Norvalo is a Dunmer commoner who lives in the Imperial City Temple District with her husband, Gilen. Once your fame reaches five, Ralsa is likely to come running up to you if you pass through the Temple District, and ask you to start The Order of the Virtuous Blood quest. If you are in a rush to start the quest, you can also track her down in her house (although you still need to meet the fame requirement).

In contrast to her husband's middle-class clothing, Ralsa wears a lower-class outfit that includes a belted vest, a pair of coarse linens and a pair of oiled linen shoes. In addition, she holds her house key and a small amount of gold.

Related Quests