Oblivion:No-Coins Draninus

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No-Coins Draninus
(RefID: )
Home City Imperial City, Talos Plaza District
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 2 Class Commoner
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 26 Magicka 102
Respons. 25 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) IC Citizens; IC Beggars; Beggars
No-Coins Draninus

No-Coins Draninus is an Imperial commoner and beggar living in the Imperial City Talos Plaza District.

Being a beggar in the wealthiest district of the Imperial City makes things a bit easier, and Draninus lives a somewhat less complicated existence than the beggars in other cities. He wakes up at 6am, and heads for the big statue in the center of the district, where he spends all day begging for food and gold. When the clock strikes 6pm, he will actively seek out some food, and will consume it where he stands. At 8pm, he heads back to his bedroll for two hours of wandering before bedtime.

Draninus is infected with the disease collywobbles and you can be infected should you engage him in combat. He wears a set of typical lower-class clothing, a pair of green felt linens and an olive vest. He carries nothing, except for the occasional gold coin. His bedroll is located in the narrow alleyway behind Ulen Athram's house, and signals that Draninus doesn't have to suffer to get by. He owns three bottles of cheap wine, as well as his food bag and a sack that contains minor loot.

He is one of the "poor and suffering" to whom you must speak in order to receive speechcraft training from Tandilwe.

Related Quests


  • When you engage him in the Speechcraft minigame, he has a different voice.